gCaptain Caption Contest

[QUOTE=albertpachino;94156]This is a simple exercise guys. I supply the picture you supply the caption. Ready?


I don’t always sink boats…

But when I do I make sure they aren’t mine.

[QUOTE=c.captain;94167]am I disqualified from entering?[/QUOTE]

Do I have a snowball’s chance in hell of stopping you from entering?

Then I want to enter this

My name is Admiral of the Fleet Extraordinaire Paul Watson and I am a philandering drunken massive egomaniac lying piece of shit fat fucking fugitive from international justice with a huge gut and tiny dick who recklessly jeopardizes the lives of the stoopid gullible young people who volunteer to crew my unseaworthy ships which I command even though I have no master’s license of any kind for my own self aggrandizement in order to gain dubious fame, notoriety and massive donations from even more stoopid and gullible idle rich Hollywood types who “think” their money is going to a worthy cause saving endangered animals but instead is going into hidden bank accounts which I control so I can drink and whore to my dick’s delight when I am hiding from Johnny Law on my undisclosed tropical island where I payoff all the Federales to be my local muscle and protect me from the evil Japanese Yakuza who wants my head on a pike…

but nevermind any of that because I am really a sooper nice guy who loves the little baby whales and seals and bears and squids and jelly fish and planktons and slugs and worms and bacterias and I hope you will love me for devoting my life to saving them…

so please send me more money NOW because you know I am AWESOME because I SAY SO!

Mark my words…Watson’s days are numbered. He will be caught or killed in the next twelve months! I’m putting my money on the Yakuza and their samurai ninja turtles…

[QUOTE=albertpachino;94156]This is a simple exercise guys. I supply the picture you supply the caption. Ready?

Winner gets a candlelight dinner with c.captain ;)[/QUOTE]

You can polish a turd, but it’s still a piece of shit.