Engineer Uniform

Now I have been looking for this answer but I have found a lot of US Navy and Coast Guard information but I was curious what kind of Uniform would a 3rd Assistant Engineer wear. Now I am not asking about a company uniform but like a “Social Uniform”. Alot of the captains on the Great Lakes, when they are not sailing and attending maritime aimed events are wearing a suit or uniform with the 4 bands on the cuff. I was curious as a Third Assistant Engineer, how many bands would be on the cuff of my jacket or would I have no bands? ie Chief has 3, 1st has 2, 2nd has one, and a 3rd just has the propellers.

If you want to wear a uniform join the Navy or Coast Guard. Check out the Merchant Marine Naval Reserve Program MMR program, they only require two weeks a year of service.

Dude, do what you want, but I suggest you don’t let the guys from your ship catch you wearing a Navy Captain’s uniform or a pretty dress and high heels. It’s your choice.

Many of us on here, had to wear uniforms as cadets, but most of us did it to get the license.

Dude? pretty dress and high heels? I am going to take the higher road and just let you look like an idiot. No where in my question did I mention wanting to wear A uniform OR mention wearing a Captains uniform. So you being a mate and probably one that graduated from Cal Maritime, Ill just assume you dont know the answer since you couldnt read the question correctly the first time through. And I was once a Cadet too so dont cry about having to wear a uniform, I had to do the same thing for 4 years DUDE!

Dude c’mon…that’s the high road?
The brand of humor on this site is smooth as gravel…lighten up or move along.

If you stay, get ready to duck.

Chief Engineer = [B]4 stripes[/B].

Lots to be found under yacht uniforms.

Dude, if you check my profile, you will see I am not a CMA grad. You mentioned “Social Uniform” and asked “how many bands would be on the cuff of my jacket?” From that I assumed you were considering re-banding your cadet Navy Dress Blues.

Several years ago I suggested to an underclassman, he not wear his Dress Blues with Four Gold Bars to a Great Lakes yacht Christmas party. He went anyway, reasoning he was entitled; he held a 100 ton Master’s Inland (received at age 18). Needless to say, he didn’t impress anyone.

Worry about the uniform when and if the Coast Guard or someone else wants to give you an award or medal. My old uniforms are in the closet, and every other Halloween I put them on for my kids.

Bravo Zulu


This is what I wear.

My Rear Admiral Unlimited uniform gets me more Respect than my old cadet Dress Blues ever did.


Are you sure you aren’t Capt. Rob returning under a different name?

Allow me to address your screen name: GimmeProps86 Gimme Props. Now, knowing that not everyone speaks with such perfect grammar and pronunciation, I would assume this is referring to a demand or order to “give me props.” Props, as defined by the Urban Dictionary, is “respect or recognition” which I submit is not demanded, but earned. Also, judging by your colloquial style of speech, I would conclude that “86” is short for “1986” and that year is probably the year of your birth, which would make you 23 or 24 years old.

Dude? pretty dress and high heels? I am going to take the higher road and just let you look like an idiot. No where in my question did I mention wanting to wear A uniform OR mention wearing a Captains uniform.
I doubt that you have the ability to make DP Mate look like an idiot, especially since he was a licensed officer back when you were still in elementary school. While we’re talking about looking like an idiot, your original post clearly indicates that it is YOUR uniform YOU are inquiring about.

I was curious as a Third Assistant Engineer, how many bands would be on the cuff of my jacket or would I have no bands? ie Chief has 3, 1st has 2, 2nd has one, and a 3rd just has the propellers.

And I was once a Cadet too so dont cry about having to wear a uniform, I had to do the same thing for 4 years DUDE!
I am sure DP wasn’t crying about wearing a uniform, in fact he said “Many of us on here, had to wear uniforms as cadets, but most of us did it to get the license.” I am sure he was trying to express to you that they wore the uniform because it was part of obtaining the license, not because they wanted to look snazzy at some yacht party on the Lakes.

Since you are looking for recognition… here are my suggestions:

My first suggestion, dude, is that you take your midshipman shoulder boards and all your ribbons from the academy and put them in a shadow box in your living room where everyone you bring over can see them and prepare for the shock-and-awe effect. If that doesn’t work for you, dress up in your Academy uniform, assuming you can still fit in it, go down to Walmart or Sears Portrait Studio and have your picture taken, in all your glory, and have it placed on business cards you can hand out to the ladies.

If none of the above suggestions appeal to you, I suggest you go down to your recruiter and enlist in the military… where you will earn the right to wear a uniform, and you can get all the “props” you want. If that seems a little extreme for you, Securitas Security Services is always hiring, and once you get promoted you get these really flashy red and black shoulder boards to wear on your grey uniform. I tell you, nothing says “props” like an self-centered individual in a Securitas uniform.

If all else fails you can always write the USCG Commandant and ask for a medal. Search the site and you’ll find the address.

Soviet Admiral Uniform for Sale… only $1984.21!
Guaranteed to get you noticed just about everywhere
you go, comrade!

[QUOTE=givemeprops86;30459]Now I have been looking for this answer but I have found a lot of US Navy and Coast Guard information but I was curious what kind of Uniform would a 3rd Assistant Engineer wear. Now I am not asking about a company uniform but like a “Social Uniform”. Alot of the captains on the Great Lakes, when they are not sailing and attending maritime aimed events are wearing a suit or uniform with the 4 bands on the cuff. I was curious as a Third Assistant Engineer, how many bands would be on the cuff of my jacket or would I have no bands? ie Chief has 3, 1st has 2, 2nd has one, and a 3rd just has the propellers.[/QUOTE]


…3A/E… 2A/E…1A/E…C/E…

Just go to to purchase. They’ve got all the uniform parts and pieces you could ever imagine and then some.

Of course, I must poise the question. Why not just use the same “rank” insiginia that is on your company uniform… or is it because your company doesn’t have a “rank” insignia… huh.

Gay, is all I have to say.

Oh fuck, here we go again… 17 pages on why someone deserves a medal from the Commandant

[QUOTE=TxKingfisher;30501]Oh fuck, here we go again… 17 pages on why someone deserves a medal from the Commandant[/QUOTE]

I swear man, this kid has got to be Capt. Rob all over again. Maybe him and Capt. Rob can go find a small boat and take it to Cuba and defect. I am doing good, I’ve limited myself to one smart ass post, and one that not only answers his question but, IMHO, makes him seem, well, gay.

[QUOTE=Jon;30503]I swear man, this kid has got to be Capt. Rob all over again. Maybe him and Capt. Rob can go find a small boat and take it to Cuba and defect. I am doing good, I’ve limited myself to one smart ass post, and one that not only answers his question but, IMHO, makes him seem, well, gay.[/QUOTE]

I was personally disappointed by your recent example of self control, I will however, add to your reputation as I enjoy a smart assed comment as much as the next guy…:slight_smile:

“metal”, not “medal”. Geez, folks, it is really difficult keeping y’all in line.


If you stay, get ready to duck.


Boy you called it Seadog! …

[QUOTE=cmakin;30534]“metal”, not “medal”. Geez, folks, it is really difficult keeping y’all in line.[/QUOTE]

Actually, cmakin, it is [B]“medal”[/B] (as in a decoration or award) not [B]“metal”[/B] (like copper or gold) , we had it right. Although it is clear that neither Captain Rob, nor GimmeProps86 have [B]“mettle”[/B]

[I][B]Medal [/B]–noun[/I] [I]1. a flat piece of metal, often a disk but sometimes a cross, star, or other form, usually bearing an inscription or design, issued to commemorate a person, action, or event, or given as a reward for bravery, merit, or the like: a gold medal for the best swimmer. 2. a similar object bearing a religious image, as of a saint: a Saint Christopher’s medal. –verb (used with object) –verb (used without object) 4. to receive a medal, esp. in a sporting event: He medaled in three of four races.[/I]
As opposed to what you suggested, metal:

[I][B]Metal[/B] --noun[/I] [I]1. any of a class of elementary substances, as gold, silver, or copper, all of which are crystalline when solid and many of which are characterized by opacity, ductility, conductivity, and a unique luster when freshly fractured. 2. Chemistry. a. such a substance in its pure state, as distinguished from alloys. b. an element yielding positively charged ions in aqueous solutions of its salts. 3. an alloy or mixture composed wholly or partly of such substances, as brass

[/I][I][B]Mettle [/B]–noun[/I] [I]1. courage and fortitude: a man of mettle. 2. disposition or temperament: a man of fine mettle. [/I]

(definations courtesy of Random House, Inc.)[/U][/I][/B]

I just wasted 15 minutes of my life that I will never get back reading this thread.

[QUOTE=anchorman;30576]I just wasted 15 minutes of my life that I will never get back reading this thread.[/QUOTE]

But did you learn something? Did you take anything from it? Does it warm your heart?

Homonym: Waits. As in waiting for a good question.
Waist. As in why tho old uniform will probably not fit.

Synonym: Waist. Where the engineer peers while pumping bilges.
Waste. Reading this thread!