Engineer Uniform

[ATTACH=CONFIG]724[/ATTACH]Is Givemeprops86 the evil egineroom twin of “Give me a medal Captain John”? You can’t make this stuff up! Thanks for all of the great comments and pictures that have me laughing so hard my ribs hurt.

Ah, I figured it out!

Brick reds, Topsiders, a greek fishermans cap and a pipe. THAT is what you wear to yacht club functions!

Oh yeah, a WHOLE lot of sea story’s to enthrall the uneducated/inexperienced! F:-)

[QUOTE=givemeprops86;30459]Now I am not asking about a company uniform but like a “Social Uniform”. Alot of the captains on the Great Lakes, when they are not sailing and attending maritime aimed events are wearing a suit or uniform with the 4 bands on the cuff. I was curious as a Third Assistant Engineer, how many bands would be on the cuff of my jacket or would I have no bands? ie Chief has 3, 1st has 2, 2nd has one, and a 3rd just has the propellers.[/QUOTE]

You guys need to lighten up a little. This is a valid question about our “social” uniform. I was attending a social event today (transporting 1/3 of my grandchildren to the boat store for ice cream) while wearing one of my old boiler suits. There were several “bands” on my cuff. One was an oily ring from snapping piston carrier rings in the block of a hot EMD. Another was soot from cleaning burners on phase liquid heaters, donkey boilers and IG systems. Another from cleaning the major food groups (held together with bacon grease and egg shells) from the brown water overboard discharge check valve. And my favorite band from fishing in the Red Fox and Microphore tanks.

prop86…I’d be more concerned about upgrading than being a slave to fashion.

Hi everyone. I’m new here. Threads like this one have made me laugh. This is too funny. Kinda like the one writing the Coast Guard to make sure he got his medal. I found a uniform (Not sure what uniform it is) that’s not too fancy but would be comfortable in the engine room. Thanks for the laughs.

Don’t forget the right hat.

He said “Metals” because that captrob guy actually misspelled medals. Subtle sarcasm!

[QUOTE=Jon;30575]Actually, cmakin, it is [B]“medal”[/B] (as in a decoration or award) not [B]“metal”[/B] (like copper or gold) , we had it right. Although it is clear that neither Captain Rob, nor GimmeProps86 have [B]“mettle”[/B]

[I][B]Medal [/B]–noun[/I] [I]1. a flat piece of metal, often a disk but sometimes a cross, star, or other form, usually bearing an inscription or design, issued to commemorate a person, action, or event, or given as a reward for bravery, merit, or the like: a gold medal for the best swimmer. 2. a similar object bearing a religious image, as of a saint: a Saint Christopher’s medal. –verb (used with object) –verb (used without object) 4. to receive a medal, esp. in a sporting event: He medaled in three of four races.[/I]
As opposed to what you suggested, metal:

[I][B]Metal[/B] --noun[/I] [I]1. any of a class of elementary substances, as gold, silver, or copper, all of which are crystalline when solid and many of which are characterized by opacity, ductility, conductivity, and a unique luster when freshly fractured. 2. Chemistry. a. such a substance in its pure state, as distinguished from alloys. b. an element yielding positively charged ions in aqueous solutions of its salts. 3. an alloy or mixture composed wholly or partly of such substances, as brass

[/I][I][B]Mettle [/B]–noun[/I] [I]1. courage and fortitude: a man of mettle. 2. disposition or temperament: a man of fine mettle. [/I]

(definations courtesy of Random House, Inc.)[/U][/I][/B][/QUOTE]

I can see that my sarcasm was lost a bit here. I am well aware of the different homophones (although mettle and metal are true homophones, where as medal, properly pronounced just sounds similar). But what I WAS doing was quoting our good friend Capt. Bob. I do believe that he did, in fact, post that he wanted a metal.

In the ER department why is it “Assistant” Engineer? To me that sounds like he is someone who carries the “real” engineer’s tools.

I remember it being C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E etc. I can not imagine on the bridge it being 2nd Assistant Mate, 3rd Assistant Mate etc. And the C/O or 1st Mate, is he really 1st Assistant Captain?

[QUOTE=cmakin;30534]“metal”, not “medal”. Geez, folks, it is really difficult keeping y’all in line.[/QUOTE]

Cmakin, your sarcasm wasn’t lost on all,I do think that had the “thank you” feature, still been in operation it would have made it a little easier to spot your pun…I went to reach for it when I read your post and was left wanting…:slight_smile:

.Capt Rob wrote metal several times and everytime he did I chuckled…I bet the CG had a laugh too when they read his request…

Since you are looking for recognition… here are my suggestions:

My first suggestion, dude, is that you take your midshipman shoulder boards and all your ribbons from the academy and put them in a shadow box in your living room where everyone you bring over can see them and prepare for the shock-and-awe effect. If that doesn’t work for you, dress up in your Academy uniform, assuming you can still fit in it, go down to Walmart or Sears Portrait Studio and have your picture taken, in all your glory, and have it placed on business cards you can hand out to the ladies.

If none of the above suggestions appeal to you, I suggest you go down to your recruiter and enlist in the military… where you will earn the right to wear a uniform, and you can get all the “props” you want. If that seems a little extreme for you, Securitas Security Services is always hiring, and once you get promoted you get these really flashy red and black shoulder boards to wear on your grey uniform. I tell you, nothing says “props” like an self-centered individual in a Securitas uniform.

If all else fails you can always write the USCG Commandant and ask for a medal. Search the site and you’ll find the address.

[B]Jon, I dare say that poor kid is probably rubbing his ass wondering how it got so sore. Great job with the “smart ass answer”. Your wit is well written and even…poetic. It takes my breath away…[/B]

[QUOTE=cmakin;30642]I can see that my sarcasm was lost a bit here. I am well aware of the different homophones (although mettle and metal are true homophones, where as medal, properly pronounced just sounds similar). But what I WAS doing was quoting our good friend Capt. Bob. I do believe that he did, in fact, post that he wanted a metal.[/QUOTE]

I missed your sarcasm by a mile… damn. It was such good sarcasm too! :slight_smile: I looked back and it seems you were right, Capt. Rob was asking for metal not a medal… I guess copper prices must be up where ever Capt. Rob is. Shit, if I had known all he wanted was some metal I wouldn’t have been so hard on him… I mean, I know times are tough and scrapping can easily net you $150 for stealing the natural gas pipes off of a newly constructed house… wow. I feel so bad now.


Around here the crackheads go down the shoreline in a skiff and cut all the electrical wiring off the fishing piers in front of houses… just a thought in case you are standing by in Port O’ Connor for a while and need some drinking money.

[QUOTE=TxKingfisher;30675]Around here the crackheads go down the shoreline in a skiff and cut all the electrical wiring off the fishing piers in front of houses… just a thought in case you are standing by in Port O’ Connor for a while and need some drinking money.[/QUOTE]

Oh, great. Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag. There goes THAT resource. Look out, I may have to stop drinking and enter back into the work force.

[QUOTE=cmakin;30678]Oh, great. Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag. There goes THAT resource. Look out, I may have to stop drinking and enter back into the work force.[/QUOTE]
[ATTACH=CONFIG]732[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]733[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]734[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]735[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]736[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]737[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]738[/ATTACH][B]Don’t forget to shut off the power first…click on the pic for zoom…

That is pretty graphic, what is the story behind the incident there?

Yeah, we had a dumb ass around here go one on one with a transmission line. His buddy thought that (a) since they were wearing rubber booties they’d be okay, and (b) if they only touched the line once they’d not “ground” themselves and they’d be okay. Quote of the day: “Sure we knew they was power lines, we didn’t know that they was high voltage.”

Heaven forbid a timid first time poster asks a stupid question…(Internet bullying is a trend that can rip one to shreds), if you do not have the mettle to suck it up.

I have, and still do, ask them [stupid questions] myself, but I am much more cautious before doing so online, because with my sensitive disposition, I know how devastated I would be with some of the responses.

Numpty posters be warned!

[QUOTE=rjbpilot;30694]That is pretty graphic, what is the story behind the incident there?[/QUOTE]
[B]Kind of speaks for itself rj, see the bolt cutters in the first pic? I guess the boys thought they had struck a bonanza of copper wire but it struck back.[/B]

From my perspective (skewed that is certainly is); This appears to be not bordering on the inane, but more on the unrealized expectation of ‘Look at Me’. ‘Ain’t I important’, and ‘What do you think of Me now?’ attitude.
I am NOT the Captain when I am home (She is) and I don’t harbor any delusions that I need some ‘respect’ or other grandiose type of acknowledgment by my ‘social’ network at home to somehow support me in my job, career, or professional life.