For those still interested in centerfire semi-auto rifles,I found a loophole in both the NY gun laws AND the proposed Federal laws. Seems the ban is overly focused on scarey black guns, ignoring the fact that cosmetics have nothing to do with lethality.
So if you want an unbanned semi, sell your AR-15 for 2-3 times what you paid for it and use that money to purchase a M1 Carbine (30 cal) AND an M1 Garand (30-06 cal). These were the work horses of WWII and there are a zillion of them in circulation. Because they are over 50 years old they are exempt in NY. With regard to the Federal ban, they are specifically listed as “Exempt”. NY still has the 7 round max mag capacity so if you live there you’ll need to modify your large cap mags or buy a few.5 rounders.
I have fired the AR-15 and the M1 Carbine, both with iron sights side by side, To be honest, I actually prefer the M1 - a bit more accurate to 100 yards and feels better.
In the last 10 years alot more stocks, rails and optics have become avaliable for both the M1 carbine, and M1-M1A. Kept clean and nice they are great tools, can you imagine being a 18-20 old GI jumping into german / japanese trench with only a bare M1 carbine and a few 20rd mags, balls of steel.
[QUOTE=BargeMonkey;96501] can you imagine being a 18-20 old GI jumping into german / japanese trench with only a bare M1 carbine and a few 20rd mags, balls of steel.[/QUOTE]
No, I can’t. Ya do whatcha gotta do sometimes but damn…mega balls of steel.
You bring up a good point though - the historical perpective alone should keep these pieces of American heritage out of the scrap shredder, but no - I fear some well meaning (short sighted) liberal do-gooder may someday prevail and all semi-autos will eventiually be banned. It’s for our own safety you know…
I only watched the first part but this doesn’t seem like a very good illustration of anything except what a bad idea is is to hold and hide a hand gun while you have law enforcement in your house.
It does have a weird circular logic to it though. I am afraid to answer the door without a gun in my hand and I am afraid that the government is going to take my gun away so when government officials come to the door I will let them in but while hiding the gun I have in my hand.
Like most houses in Maine there is a gun or two around here but I certainly don’ t answer the door with one in my hand. Bad manners and bad judgement.
There were more case studies than just the old lady and her pistol. It was an organized disarming of the law abiding citizens. LEO were even venturing far out of the disaster area to affluent neighborhoods to grab guns.
Good point about the M1 Carbine. I have one I pimped out and added a ramline pistol grip fixed stock. I enjoy shooting it more than my AR. I bet I can still get .30 carbine ammo and the price is less - Now.
Ok I wasn’t going to reply to this thread because is way off topic and should be deleted. That said, and this is in no way the official policy of gCaptain (just my personal thoughts on the subject). I feel the need to share your frustration… I’ve been holding off too long and I’m now kicking myself for not getting an ar-15.
$1500, wtf!?
many in the oil patch busted my chops for living in California but I have one cherished right they don’t… Every 6 years I get to vote against Dianne Feinstein! )
What are my personal politics? Mostly I support and listen to only candidates which A)Are highly competent B)Work hard for others C)Leave me and my freedoms well alone. And this personal policy pretty much leaves me out of politics… that said I am is a former boy scout and, I like to be prepared!
So I’m not going to delete or moderate this post (please continue your discussion) but I would like to discuss something more on topic. I am posting a seperate thread titled “doomsday prep”. I’d like all of your advice on the future of gCaptain in the unlikely event of disaster. Here’s the link:
many in the oil patch busted my chops for living in California but I have one cherished right they don’t… Every 6 years I get to vote against Dianne Feinstein! )
You have just won my utmost respect , thank you sir from the bottom of my heart!!!
[QUOTE=coldduck;96429]I recommend everyone check out The Survival Podcast by Jack Spirko. I’ve been a long time listener, and now that I have an iPhone I download the shows I miss from iTunes and listen to them at work.[/QUOTE]
I also suggest two books. The first, Emergency by Neil Strauss, was written by a freind of mine… shows you the best ways to prepare without buying weapons.
But of course it’s wise to also know how to defend yourself. For those wishing to be “well-equipped” The book Survivors by James Wesley Rawles, is a great first read:
To be honest I never put much thought into this stuff until I met Neil and, subsequently read his book… we became friends the next time we met after I made it clear that his plan (which consists of riding east on his Rokon Trail-Breaker motorbike to a secret bunker) to escape Los Angeles has one [U][I]major[/I][/U] flaw… remaining on land. I’d rather escape to sea than sit inside even the best prepared bunker.
Rawles also has a “secret bunker” but claims (correctly) that secrecy is a terrible defense… so he backs up secrecy with plenty of ammo. I agree with Rawles but, your still stuck in a fixed bunker and history littered with stories stories of even the best defended castles falling to siege (there are also plenty of stories of successful escapes via sea). Rawles second book, Patriots, is not as good as his first but it does acknowledge the advantages of a floating arsenal over a fixed bunker… albeit with the shrewd note that land-lubbers and recreational boaters (99.9% of the population) would be safer in firefight than in an storm at sea
Rawles also insists on fleeing via a sailboat which have the range to get far away from danger… but a better idea (and one Rawles didn’t consider) might be taking a powerboat to the nearest deepwater port and hitch a ride on a real ship. Should be fairly easy (at least for us mariners) provided you get there before the last ship leaves… if not you could then steal a blowboat (owners would be quick to abandon their boats since few have ever sailed past the seabouy).
Of course you have to convince a ship to pick you up but I can’t imagine ignoring the mayday call a fellow mariner… especially if that mariner has plenty of extra supplies (i.e. ammo!) he’s willing to share.
Of course you have to convince a ship to pick you up but I can’t imagine ignoring the mayday call a fellow mariner… especially if that mariner has plenty of extra supplies (i.e. ammo!) he’s willing to share.
Or am I off base?[/QUOTE]
Better figure out how to make sure your extra supplies you thought you would “share” don’t get involuntarily “donated”
[QUOTE=Rebel_Rider1969;96613]According to the “list” I saw the mini-14 is included. Oh and $450 or so for 1000 rds of .30 carb.[/QUOTE]
The mini-14 was legal in the 94 AWB but the tactical version banned in 2013. That’s why I recommend the M1 Carbine w/o folding stock as it is specifically listed as 2013 legal.
Where did you find 30 Carbine for 45 cents/round? That’s pretty good.
[QUOTE=john;96656]Ok I wasn’t going to reply to this thread because is way off topic and should be deleted. ost96654[/QUOTE]
John, why on Earth would something like this be considered deletable? This is the Scuttlebutt section where us crusty mariners (and mariners in training) chat about what ever is on our mind.
Next to being on the water, shooting is my favorite pastime. The 223 suffix in my screen name does not refer to my area code.
[QUOTE=Jetryder223;96433]For those still interested in centerfire semi-auto rifles,I found a loophole in both the NY gun laws AND the proposed Federal laws. Seems the ban is overly focused on scarey black guns, ignoring the fact that cosmetics have nothing to do with lethality.
So if you want an unbanned semi, sell your AR-15 for 2-3 times what you paid for it and use that money to purchase a M1 Carbine (30 cal) AND an M1 Garand (30-06 cal). These were the work horses of WWII and there are a zillion of them in circulation. Because they are over 50 years old they are exempt in NY. With regard to the Federal ban, they are specifically listed as “Exempt”. NY still has the 7 round max mag capacity so if you live there you’ll need to modify your large cap mags or buy a few.5 rounders.
I have fired the AR-15 and the M1 Carbine, both with iron sights side by side, To be honest, I actually prefer the M1 - a bit more accurate to 100 yards and feels better.
M1 Carbine - Not scary looking and just as effective - AND NOT BANNED[/QUOTE]
Jetryder I understand your point but understand that one of the biggest pushers of this bill is Dianne Fineswine (as I like to call her) If it was up to her you would be very lucky to keep a single shot shotgun. This witch has stood up on the Johnny Carson show and demanded that Mr. and Mrs. America turn in all your weapons. She wants to disarm the entire population. As far as I am concerned this woman is one step short of being communist. That is the problem I have with her. If you give fineswine one inch, she is going to try to take ten miles. Once she gets one piece of leglislation passed to ban one class of weapon, the next time some one uses a shotgun, or a revolver, she will want to ban them as well. It is about making a stand and not giving up even the inch. I personally despise the witch. That is why john will always be my hero from now on. He actually gets to vote against her. Something I will probably never get to do.
Don’t worry as soon as she realizes that she missed one, the M1 will be on the list as well. Heck even a Ruger 10/22 is on her new list. Give me a break???