Dammit! I was out to sea when all this "GUN" nonsense started

WTF? I needed more ammo and my wonderful wife called me and said “Text me the ammo -WE- need. I’m going to the gunshow Sat” Too late by then. She went and prices has doubled/trippled. The guy I usually buy ammo from was OUT… I mean out of everything. Now I see .223 going for $600 a case??

I need .223 and 7.62x39! I have almost no .223 so my wifes mini-14 and my AR-15 are now door props… If yall see .223 or 7.62x39 at a FAIR price let me know!

You would be amazed what that AR-15 is worth right now. Minimum $1500 stripped down. You could have bought it for $750 six months ago. Go to www.gunbroker.com and check it out.

Forget 401k, we should be investing in firearms.

Your right I could have bought one “cheepie” AR for $550 every paycheck and rolled it now for $1500…I’m considering selling my pps 43 just to turn around and buy ammo. Damm government price jackers. I swear it’s a ploy to make more of the USG crooks richer, I bet they own stock in ammo and guns.

Funny thing is the AK and the SKS are better built…funny thing is the PSL54c is NOT on the list ;~)

It might be best that you were not around. My wife and I spent @$3500 at the gun store just before Christmas.

I made the mistake of buying my 13 year old niece a .22LR rife. Now these assholes are buying up all the ammo and reselling it for a huge markup. Usually a round is .06 to .10 each. They’re selling it for $.20+ a round down here. Should’ve bought her a .17hmr rifle

I was at our local Walmart and they were completely OUT of all the popular calibers.

No .22, .223, 38, 357, 9mm, 30-30, 303, 308, 30-06, 45.

I’ve been following this fairly close. My crystal ball is saying AR-15’s & such will no longer be available. Buy one now if you have ever wanted one. 10 round mags will be the rule of the land, Eventually, ALL semi autos with a detachable mag will be unavailable for purchase. Existing “banned” guns can be retained but sale or transfers will be prohibited. If you have one you will have it for life. If registration becomes law, consider, registering it in a young family members name so it can be retained for at least 1 more generation.

Regarding ammo, there is panic buying right now. The manufacturers will catch up to demand later this year so don’t get sucked into spending too much on that. If you are a regular shooter - now might be a good time to get into reloading.

Again, the above is only my speculation -

I have 2 AR’s and rarely ever shoot them. Been saving up ammo for the last couple of years and have roughly about 3k rounds, so I’m good. I refuse to pay the markup price.

Romanian ak47 parts kits where 275-300, now 700. Ar-15s are 1500-3000 at home now. Mags and ammo are no where to found. I think this will die out soon, to many people have grabbed stuff at extreme prices. Bought a case of mags and enough ammo to piss the u.p.s guy off last fall, so im sitting pretty. In NY state now, if you buy more than 2-3 boxes of ammo, your filling out the yellow form just like buying a firearm, the new currency at home is guns, and gold.

Good luck finding PSL-54C, or "romanian dragonuv mags, they are going for 150.00 and up right now. The ammo supplie will never run out, but mostly corrosive stuff.

Same thing happened in the mid 90’s with Clinton. I remember having a Glock with the 15 round clip that I sold for almost double what I paid

[QUOTE=Jetryder223;96295]I was at our local Walmart and they were completely OUT of all the popular calibers.

No .22, .223, 38, 357, 9mm, 30-30, 303, 308, 30-06, 45.

I’ve been following this fairly close. My crystal ball is saying AR-15’s & such will no longer be available. Buy one now if you have ever wanted one. 10 round mags will be the rule of the land, Eventually, ALL semi autos with a detachable mag will be unavailable for purchase. Existing “banned” guns can be retained but sale or transfers will be prohibited. If you have one you will have it for life. If registration becomes law, consider, registering it in a young family members name so it can be retained for at least 1 more generation.

Regarding ammo, there is panic buying right now. The manufacturers will catch up to demand later this year so don’t get sucked into spending too much on that. If you are a regular shooter - now might be a good time to get into reloading.

Again, the above is only my speculation -[/QUOTE]

If you read through fineswine’s bill, it says no private sales. Any grand fathered weapon you will still be able to sell. However it will just be treated as a class III weapon basically. The idiot fineswine is only really asking them to stop making or importing what she considers assualt weapons. I agree the mags will be a thing of the past though, and the rest of her bill will be a very heated battle. Let us hope she does not get her way.

I encourage everyone that feels the same way as me to write your senators and congressmen. Donate as much as you possible can to the NRA, That is the only prayer any of us have of telling fineswine to eff off!!!

My favorite part is how the politburo is exempt from all of these regulation. Meanwhile the proletariat has to give it all away. Oh look comrades our chocolate rations have been increased…

[QUOTE=Fraqrat;96366]My favorite part is how the politburo is exempt from all of these regulation. Meanwhile the proletariat has to give it all away. Oh look comrades our chocolate rations have been increased…[/QUOTE]

The day I need an AR 15 or any other military type of weapon to defend myself in my own country is the day I change countries. I had all the M16 experience I needed a long time ago and as soon as they let me I left that country. Been living peacefully ever since with a couple of shotguns and bolt action rifles to hunt with.

“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”

Even though the quote is bogus I still like it

[QUOTE=BargeMonkey;96342]Good luck finding PSL-54C, or "romanian dragonuv mags, they are going for 150.00 and up right now. The ammo supplie will never run out, but mostly corrosive stuff.[/QUOTE]

I got my PSL two years ago. I bought enough mags to carry 80 rds. (8 mags) at least I’m good on that one.

I got some .223 Tulammo only six boxes cause that’s all I could buy at “Dicks” they have a limit now.

Yeah I hear ya comrade if they get their way you won’t even be able to have shotguns and rifles. We are on the proverbial slippery slope at this very moment in time…

Our great govenor, Cuomo wanted to ban everything, including reloading supplies. I live 1.5 hours from newtown, which is a horrible tragidy. What is suprising to me is ban or no ban, its driving law abiding citizens towards acting like “doomsday preppers”. When there is a 12 week wait on 80% recievers, kinda makes you think a little bit.

[QUOTE=BargeMonkey;96418]Our great govenor, Cuomo wanted to ban everything, including reloading supplies. I live 1.5 hours from newtown, which is a horrible tragidy. What is suprising to me is ban or no ban, its driving law abiding citizens towards acting like “doomsday preppers”. When there is a 12 week wait on 80% recievers, kinda makes you think a little bit.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I went to buy a new recoil pad for my shotgun but could not get waited on for all the nuts special ordering things that only a military needs and these nuts weren’t even sure how to use them judging by their questions… [The gun manufacturers must be laughing all the way to the bank] There is a paranoia making otherwise reasonable people act like “preppers”. I didn’t even know what a prepper was until a month ago but now I think they are like doomsday end of the world nuts looking for the second coming or black helicopters I don’t know who they figure they are going to defend themselves against. Each other? The government? One drone shot and they are history. I don’t need a 100 round clip any more than I need an RPG to defend my home. Anybody that says they do needs to spend a little time doing some target practice.But arguing this is like politics and religion which should be personal decisions not aired in public so I now bow out.

This is what preppers fear. It has happened and can happen again here in the USA:


I recommend everyone check out The Survival Podcast by Jack Spirko. I’ve been a long time listener, and now that I have an iPhone I download the shows I miss from iTunes and listen to them at work.