Companies Bankrolling Politicians LOL

Because you aren’t a woman and women have been putting up with nonsense for centuries.

No liquor before 5 and no beer before noon is a sound policy when ashore.


True but when the troll gets off its medication every few months it is entertaining. Gives hope to those who haven’t been relieved for months and just think they are going nuts. :smiley:


I am not a troll, actually you are. Trolls criticize and attack individuals as you are doing to me at this moment. Someone that criticizes a company is not a troll. Companies aren’t people.

Gcaptain has always been troll heavy LOL. Trolls

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Time to shut down this thread. Nothing to gain


You just don’t like hearing that your successes are because of the group you come from and not from your own bootstraps. I know It’s hard to imagine that we are part of a big ecosystem. Give some credit where credit is due, say it’s because of your family who afforded you the opportunity, being from the right region of the US but don’t criticize others for calling out the system.

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So no one has heard of them? Is there another group like them or are they the only ones?

Ever hear of Ralph Nader?

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Is that Puerto Rican woman engineer? Seems to be all the OP is concerned with.

Duncan Hunter, a man of taste and discernment- $3,300 on Taco Bell and hamburger joints.


Lol, neutral observer you aren’t very neutral :joy:

Was that the guy from the Green Party?


If you IGNORE the nonsense, the nonsense will cease to keep posting.



When has that ever worked?


What nonsense? Lol it’s proven that Chouest was/is bankrolling politicians and government officials to get that sweet American dollar from the taxpayers but always tries to get out of their end of the deal even with the amount of staffing for shipyard employees. It just leads me to wonder if other companies might also be getting government money and trying to weasel out of their end of the deal? :thinking: Does anyone know?

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insignificant…knock yourself out.

I already know about that site, that’s how I found the list of politicians that Chouest sponsors that I will NEVER vote for in my life.

However I did some more digging and omg :rofl::rofl::rofl: the lobby company “Venably” that Chouest, Crowley AND Patriot use has a person that they are honoring for “diversity hire” :joy::joy::joy:.jpeg)

At least that is not the actual lobbyist that they chose to use that would be too much.

No they use someone from their own demographic

I just can’t imagine that guy as a Puerto Rican

I’d like to agree that it will go away, but I have my doubts.

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Any relation to Justin?

Oh, I see he started the group Public Citizen….who are one of the groups watching these companies… interesting