Wow I found this article from 2016, I had no idea chouest was part of corporate welfare. How many of these companies are “corporate welfare” companies? Is that why they are called the “Cajun Navy?” Does the navy FUND chouest??? So they can harrass women?? Because if a woman in the navy gets sexually harassed she is entitled to PTSD compensation and gets veterans benefits for life.
So they get millions of dollars from the gov and that’s why they can pretend to be involved with affirmative action for women and minorities but they can sexually harrass and discriminate against Puerto Rican women all day and just get away with it?
All the while when PR has a distaster the people get no help and are still forced to be involved with the Jones Act? I have not met too many Puerto Rican officers at all, maybe 1 in my 17 years of sailing. The Puerto Ricans I met in my early days of sailing left the industry due to the mistreatment.
I don’t see why companies should get government money while pretending to employ women and minorities but they never do, why Puerto Rico should be forced to comply with the Jones Act when there aren’t even Puerto Rican officers on Jones Act ships? Puerto Ricans attending Kings Point? Furthermore, is the government using these companies so people never know who they should really be filing lawsuits against and to get circle jerked with the unions all to find it’s a dead end?
Maybe the gov uses the merchant marine to protect them from civil rights and labor lawsuits because if a ship is a Government Vessel you have to sue the government, and the company is not liable because of the Public Vessels Act, but the unions will NEVER tell you that.
The government should stop giving companies corporate welfare and just run their own ships if they really care about Civil Rights and rights for the average worker. Unless I am missing something??? And also perhaps it should be required by law the people are made aware of the proper legal channels to take (not the pretend union route) if they have a labor issue!
Are there any corporate welfare/Jones Act companies based in Puerto Rico?? Owned by women??? Owned by a minority woman of any type?? Owned by someone from any background that didn’t grow up privileged???
Who is benefiting here?? It SEEMS like just a few people or just a few TYPES of people. All funded by tax payers! OMG!