So what’s the point you’re trying to make.
How many Puerto Ricans are attending Piney Point and how many are attending Kings Point? And how many officers on Jones act ships going to Puerto Rico are Puerto Rican?
What do you smoke before you log on here?
Truth and logic. Are Puerto Rican residents even allowed to attend KP?
Puerto Ricans make up maybe 2% of the entire US population. So in a perfect world, out of 100 KP graduates, 2 should be Puerto Rican. Obviously we do not live in a perfect world and there are many barriers for Puerto Ricans attaining higher education. When we look at Educational Atainment we see that in NYS roughly 40% of people attain some type of post secondary degree, where as Puerto Rico stands around 20%, for further consideration Louisiana is ~23% and the national average is about 30.3%.
Long story short, it should be no surprise that fewer people from those areas are attending a school that you need such high marks to get into. The chance that you’d run into someone on those ships would be exceedingly rare.
As for the unlicensed side of things, no clue. There’s an SIU hall in San Juan though if anyone wants to go get those jobs.
I have never read the fine print but from my understanding each state sends two cadets each year. Puerto Rico isn’t a state so maybe someone that knows about KP can chime in and state weather they take Puerto Rican residents or not. I personally have never heard of a KP graduate that was admitted out of Puerto Rico and I have never met one.
Very convenient that there would be an unlicensed SIU hall in Puerto Rico but no hiring hall for officers.
Without the Jones act there would probably be no more Puerto Ricans on ships going to Puerto Rico.
Companies would probably hire Filipinos and Eastern Europeans etc. instead.
Being a part of the USA benefits Puerto Rico far more than it would by having cheaper shipping from not having the Jones act.
That’s not quite accurate, theres a lot of fine print out there, but each legislator can elect someone(actually up to 10 someone’s) from their state/territory. So for Puerto Rico for example, a HS student would seek nomination from Congresswoman Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon. Here is her page with full instruction on how to do that.
Well I will tell you, I knew about Piney Point from my family, much like other Puerto Ricans, and KPers know about it from people they know and their family who obviously aren’t Puerto Rican. Even if Puerto Ricans are being discriminated against from the beginning economically because entry level SIU earn what 3k -4k a month? And officers minimum 10 but can be as much as 25 k per month.
There should be a path for Puerto Ricans to climb to unlicensed ranks to become officers without having to quit because of all the mistreatment and discrimination.
Between my class at Piney Point and the classes before me and after me there were like maybe 5 Puerto Rican women and yes they were engine department as well and and a handful of Puerto Rican guys, I heard about it from other ships about how badly they were treated, constantly being given entry level work no matter what their rank, and I am the only one I know of from my classmates that became an officer or even stayed in the industry and even now as an officer I still face discrimination and slurs so you tell me? Have you ever heard of a Puerto Rican hawsepieper unlimited officer or one that graduated from KP?
They need to abolish the Jones Act in Puerto Rico because it clearly only benefits certain types of people.
—-> picture of officers from El Faro on JAX to Puerto Rico run <—-
-Offshore offices are regional.
-Inland Group has an office in San Juan
-Pilots Assn is MMP
-it’s all online now anyway.
Edit: I don’t think the forum is going to continue to let you insult our dead, by reducing them to privileged New England white people. That’s pretty low.
It’s safe to say the el faro victims wouldn’t give consent either.
How many residents of Puerto Rico have graduated from Kings Point since it was established approximately 80 years ago? Have they even had one?
Oh I forgot Puerto Ricans are only good for infantry to send in to a battle to die first before they send their other people in or to be wipers or the stewards dept ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Like I said a million times the Jones Act for Puerto Rico is not a fair system and needs to be abolished. It’s fine for the rest of the country where the residents can capitalize on their own people.
Lady…seek help.
Don’t use the dead or photos of the dead for your argument. It’s in poor taste. Be respectful. Some of them have family who still sail. Utterly tasteless comment.
I can’t post pictures of live people without their consent. It was the easiest snapshot I could find of the average makeup of the officer portion of the crew on a Puerto Rican run.
Shall I post pictures from the AMO and MEBA newspapers?
Well then perhaps it’s a good thing Puerto Rico faces so much discrimination after all because otherwise it would be pictures of my family. I totally see your point.
I’ve worked with a number of Puerto Ricans on tugs in Alaska, and the Caribbean. They were good people and good workers. There are now plenty of jobs open to anyone that wants to work.