Word is that Chouest has decided to join the major leagues in the ship building business and is buying Bender out inTampa. Been awhile since I’ve been there but I know they had one graving dock that could take a 900+ foot ship as well as three smaller docks.
Must be for their future 900’ OSVs<img alt="" src=“http://gcaptain.com/maritime/forum/js/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif” />
I just asked the guys on our assist tugs and the pilot here as we’re leaving Tampa and it was the first they heard of it.
It was mentioned in a Workboat side artical a few month ago that they were putting a bid in for the yard as it was in bankruptcy.
Interesting to see what’ there going to do with that one.
Next Mr. Gary will be after the White House, hissef rather than by proxy. Paint it orange.
I think he’ll be helping Bobby get there, or at least make a stab at it in 2012.
It is true and its a done deal. I am a welder currently working at Tampa Bay Shipbuilding/Chouest shipyard. The owners and management of Chouest have been down here for the last few days visiting and also had a company-wide meeting yesterday announcing the news of their new ownership. From what they have said so far sounds like good things are goin to happen down here and everybody seems to be excited about it.
You should be excited, ECO and Co, are rikki-tikk.
whats rickytic?
Good company