
Now you’re getting somewhere ! Getting under the skin of the people that have been screwing over mariners and other working people is admirable. Start a go fund me or whatever and I’ll contribute! Figure out a way to make contributions anonymous and you may get more contributions.
The thing I have decided after much contemplation, talking to historians and even a few current and former US representatives is the system is broken badly. It is so corrupt that the only chance of survival for the ruling class is to turn people against each other. As one former US State Department official told me, “It will have to be broken before everyone realizes they are all being screwed over by the same small group of people running the USA. BUT, the breaking will be painful.”
That is where I got my idea which many may consider delusional of reelecting all incumbents and the current president. Might as well break things now and rebuild because there is no hope in the current system.
Hang in there, courage is costly in many ways.

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