[QUOTE=PineappleOranges;188280]Kind of an odd question for these forums, but do any of you carry your own business card?
I’m currently in the process of designing one mainly for the purpose of ‘advertising’ a possible blog, but it will have professional details on it as well. Nevertheless, I’m curious as to what professional mariners might put on such a card aside from the basics.
Thoughts on possible items:
- Current Rating/License
- Perhaps STCW info, shorthand
- Current company
- Location(state)
- Other credentials
- Mariner Reference Number?
I’m not sure how confidential the reference number is suppose to be. Currently have it on my resume as a hyperlink to the USCG’s Homeport webpage for verification. Not that anyone would bother using it. Hell, I even have my email setup as a mailto: link.
Aside from tradeshows, or the like, where do you all give them out? To fellow crew-members, when taking courses, just at interviews?[/QUOTE]
Name, phone number, email, and current licenses held. Don’t give them too much information. They need to know who you are, what you do, and how to get a hold of you. You can fill in the details if they contact you. I don’t see any reason to list your current company. If the company you work for wants you to have a card with their info, let them pay for it. And if you are ever handing out cards to someone you may want to work for, they don’t need to know where you are and what youre doing right away.
As for who gets them, I hand them out to people id like to work for, should I happen to be talking to them. Resumes go in stacks of papers, and everyone has stacks of papers everywhere, but business cards generally end up in someones “business card spot”, and they usually only have one card spot. I include them on resumes, paper clipped on, not stapled, so it can easily be removed and placed where it will be remembered, the same way you remember " oh I got a card from that guy that does that thing, and its over here in my spot where I keep all my cards". I also hand them out to vendors during shipyard work, since it has all my contact info, or say to the coast guard or ABS or whoever else ill be in contact with for whatever reason.
Now personally, I wouldn’t mix business with pleasure. Your blog is your opinion and depending what type of blog it is, I feel it will be much more likely to negatively impact your professional life. If youre a mariner and youre going to talk about your maritime experiences on your blog, I wouldn’t want potential employers digging through it looking for something they don’t agree with ( same goes with politics, religion etc ). I feel the same way about social networking. If we work together, or I work for you or I want to, theres a pretty good chance I don’t want you seeing anything that myself or my friends post on there. Youre not hanging out with these people when youre not working so they don’t deserve to know. If your goal is to hand out cards for your blog and want to use your job title to generate some credibility, Keep it simple. “Bob Bobson Chief engineer” is enough. They don’t need to get on NMC and verify you have all 4 licenses you also listed on there. Don’t list them, and don’t give them the number. Cards are pretty cheap, you could always have 2…