
She spent several hours dicking around over in Port Madison but is finally under weigh again crossing the separation zone just South of SF. I wish I wrote down who the primary tugs were, now everybody (tugs, cops, USCG) but the rig has their AIS off. From what I can tell they have set up a tandem tow.

Everybody is broadcasting again. The primary pair of tugs are Crowley’s Ocean Wave and Ocean Wind with Garth Foss escorting them.

Ocean wave and ocean wind are towing her north.

Any idea on the work division between Foss, Crowley and Chouest vessels? So is the Aiviq just clearing the ice this time?

Almost sneaky how Chouest has stayed off media attention through the last few months while Foss and Shell have been in the limelight.

Aiviq left Everett earlier today and seems to be the next one going north. And one of the Harvey vessels was not very far behind her, I saw.

[QUOTE=Drill Bill;163977]Aiviq left Everett earlier today and seems to be the next one going north. And one of the Harvey vessels was not very far [B]behind her[/B], I saw.[/QUOTE]
Just in case??

It makes sense for AIVIQ to run north in company with Ocean Wind and Ocean Wave that are towing the rig.

I wonder who is onboard Ocean Wind and Wave? It seems like Crowley would put their best old Alaska hands in charge of this tow.

Tor Viking is the escort for the rig from what I saw. Think the aiviq and other supply boats are just headed north to head north. Foss has a couple 1x4’s and tugs stand by barges. Crowley has a old oil barge and tug on stand-by as well they left early in the season and headed north

[QUOTE=rshrew;164004]Tor Viking is the escort for the rig from what I saw. Think the aiviq and other supply boats are just headed north to head north. Foss has a couple 1x4’s and tugs stand by barges. Crowley has a old oil barge and tug on stand-by as well they left early in the season and headed north[/QUOTE]

Actually, TOR VIKING makes a lot more sense as an escort. TOR VIKING has a proven track record as a heavy weather rescue towing vessel in Alaska. She also has top notch gear and a top notch crew with enough Alaska experience. She by far out classes any U.S. towing vessel.

The Ocean Class boats are formidable tugs. If they get into trouble, there would not be much that AIVIQ could do. A vessel like TOR VIKING would be essential. I hope that Shell also has a Smit salvage crew and salvage gear pre-positioned on the rig.

I wish them all fair weather and an uneventful voyage to the Chukchi.

The Ocean Class boats are formidable tugs. If they get into trouble, there would not be much that AIVIQ could do. A vessel like TOR VIKING would be essential.[/QUOTE]
Here’s an outline of Crowley’s Ocean Class tugs. I bet that they even have a fuel tank venting system that can manage a bit of green water on deck.

I see a certain someone got some photo credit on that link.

some folks can’t help themselves

[QUOTE=Fraqrat;164072]I see a certain someone got some photo credit on that link.[/QUOTE]

Fraq, help me out here. Bollinger or Ben?

What’s funny is I had actually just corrected the mistake on photo credit for that last photo, and then I saw this!

They keep the Crowley tugs up there for the whole drilling season? Or the head back from Dutch Harbor and the Foss ones take over?

have not heard on that would be a big bill at the end of the season but they may not have a choice.

I do so love the smell of COLD hard cash in the Alaskan air…

No kayaktivists?

Sisuaq is headed back to Everett from Tacoma sporting a helicopter platform on her bow that I haven’t seen before. Got some nice photos of her tonight right at sunset, too bad I haven’t had success attaching photos to forum posts lately.

They did the helo platform a year, maybe almost two years ago now at bollingers in Fourchon. I think I have a photo or two of them putting it all together.

She’ll be fueled up now and ready to go to Dutch Harbor. Less than 10 days to go before their drilling window starts.