Thanks Mr. Cavo! My buddy is going to e-mail them and verify what is meant by the certificate.
<P>So it’s been 2 weeks since my status on the NMC website change from “under evaluation” to<br>“Waiting for additional information” but I’ve received nothing in the mail, no phone call, no e-mail.<br><br>Any insight on this? Any experience?! </P>
Don’t sweat it XO. A letter should be on the way, and if all is well it should request that you submit a list of required course completion certificates, and hopefully no surprises. When I went through this it always took an excessive amount of time for the letter to get into my eager little hands (aproximately 2 weeks). Unfortunately you can’t really start scheduling courses until you know you have definitive to-do-list.<br>
Aloha! i wanted to get in on this thread. I’m in the CG as a Chief Boatswain’s Mate with 12 years sea time and Deck Watch Officer. I got my package submitted as well and was hoping to get a 3rd mates license but reading above doesnt look like the CG will accept all the training I’ve been thru. I’m currently taking the 200Ton class and basically the instructor said I would have to apply for AB and take all the courses for that, basically start from the bottom again. Doesnt all my time from Seaman apprentice to Chief Boatswain’s Mate qualify for at least AB? I also wanted to know about the MMP union, like the subguy was asking about in the begining, and any experience anyboby has with that. Thanks!