I am about to begin filling out my application for 500 GRT Masters upgrade, coming from a 200 GRT Master. I will be finishing my last requirement during my upcoming time off, and will be submitting it right after.
I have read and heard of several peoples recommendations to request the 3000 ITC OSV endorsement when submitting that application. Are there any other requirements beyond those for the 500 GRT Master that I would need in order to get the 3000 ITC ? I have the current checklist given to me by the NMC about 4 months ago, and I meet all of the requirements listed…but am not sure if I am also qualified for the OSV endorsement. I currently hold AB, PSC, BST, Radar, BRM, MCP, FL, RFPNW in addition to my 200/500 ITC. I am about to complete AFF as my last step in 2 weeks. I have the seatime for a 1600 Mates, but want to avoid the OICNW modules so am sticking w/ a 500 Masters.
I currently work in the GOM, and will likely stay here working after the upgrade so I think having the endorsement is a good idea. When I eventually upgrade from 500 GRT to 1600 GRT, will having the OSV restrictions change anything or affect that process?
Thanks in advance for those who share their knowledge or experiences with this. From what I can read and find, I believe I should be able to get the 3000 ITC OSV…anyone else out there been through this?
Congratulations Conspearasea,Your timing is right on the mark.
I would apply for it with your original application and see what happens. I am unaware of any special requirements for the 300ITC OSV,but when I received my 500 Master in 2006 I was told to work 90 days on it and then apply for the 3000 ITC endorsement,which is what I did. I am not sure if that was really required or like so many things was just the current operating procedure at the Houston REC where I applied. I actually had to get a supervisor involved at the counter,since the woman working there seemed clueless when I returned with the Sea-time letter and application. But as soon as the supervisor understood what I needed it was less than an hour and I left with the endorsenment. It is important that you do get the endorsement,as you will find a very limited number of Vessels to work on over 100 and less than 500 tons. Good luck with your efforts…
Thanks Capt. Leigh for the insight. I suppose I will go ahead and ask for it with this application, I haven’t found much information anywhere about obtaining the endorsement and requirements for it…
You are right the 500GRT has some limited applications, so if I can get the 3000 OSV, I hope to open some more doors for myself. As for the timing, I hope to slide right under some of the changes coming and am kicking myself for not completing this a year or two sooner.
The recency requirement is absolute nonsense. It’s no surprise that REC Houston would say that though. They tried to tell me I needed a new physical and drug screen and pay another evaluation fee. BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT!!! THe CFR specifically says “any mariner who holds a 500 ton master near coastal SHALL HAVE 3000 tons ITC OSV upon domestic voyages”… I went round and round with REC Houston about this and even had the specific “SHALL HAVE” CFR printed out, hilighted, and was literally waving it in their faces and they still tried to tell me no. You dont need any additional seatime, or training, or courses, or assesments, or a current physical or drug screen. The ONLY person in the whole office who knows about the ITC endorsements is the guy that administers the tests. If you have any issues with an ITC endorsement at REC Houston just skip the BS and ask to speak to him. (Sorry, I cant recall his name, but he’s a great guy. Laid back and knows his stuff, gives respect when he gets respect and is willing to admit when he is wrong.)
Short version of all the above… You dont need anything additional for a 3000 OSV if you have a 500 NC.
I have always used the Miami REC, and they can be a nightmare at times…I’m about to go print out my app and start filling it out right now. After the answers you guys have given me, I will be sure to request the 3000 ITC OSV.
I was just looking at the pay.gov site, and they [I][B]recommend[/B] [/I]paying for each step as you go through the process. My preference would be just to pay the $190 all at once for the eval, tests and issuance. I have never dealt w/ the CG via mail, as the new system allows, and usually just paid everything up front to the REC while there. Any thoughts or input on paying it all up front online?
Thanks TxKingfisher, one of your posts was the reason I started looking at the 3000 ITC OSV endorsements. I can’t wait to put this whole upgrade behind me…of course once this is done I am dealing w/ ARPA, GMDSS and Celestial. Probably tack on DP as well, what the hell…its only money!
Glad I could help! I hear ya on the money part. I did GMDSS, ARPA, DP, and VSO. Still need Celestial, but at this point I’m almost $35,000 into schools and hotels not to mention missed work. I’ve read some posts about people having issues with the payments. I filed my application at REC Houston and gave them a debit card. They ran it through Pay.gov all at once for the whole fee and I didn’t have any problems, but if I remember correctly they split it into 2 or 3 different payments and I had a few reciepts to sign… Good luck with everyhting and if I can be of any help in the future feel free to drop me a PM or an email.
ETA: I looked for the CFR that I had printed out and hilighted regarding the ITC endorsements, but I don’t have it. I think I left it with the fine (note the sarcasm there) civilian contractors at REC Houston for future reference. I don’t mean to be bashing the Coasties all the time either. I love the ones that fix the navaids and come out to save our asses when we push things a little too far.
[LEFT]NMC Policy Letter 07-00 Nov. 14, 2000[/LEFT]
[LEFT]a. Master and mate licenses
(1) A mariner licensed as master or mate 1,600 GRT on ocean or near coastal routes may
have the license endorsed as valid for service on vessels of not more than 3,000 GT. This
endorsement is not limited to service on OSVs. It is included here as a convenient reference
about endorsements that will allow such mariners to serve on OSVs measuring between 1,600
and 3,000 gross tons. B A mariner licensed as master 500 GRT on ocean or near coastal routes may have the[/B] license endorsed as valid for service on OSVs of not more than 3,000 GT on near coastal, domestic voyages.
(3) A mariner licensed as mate 500 GRT on ocean or near coastal routes may have the
license endorsed as valid for service on OSVs of not more than 3,000 GT on near coastal,[/LEFT]
domestic voyages.
The guy at Houston REC that administers the tests is Mr. Migas,very nice guy.When I sent my in my eval. paper work I also asked for 3000 ITC. Nothing about it on my letter to test, just MMC-Raise In Grade-Master 500GRT-NC.
Conspearasea - There was a thread some months ago about problems the poster had because he did not pay on line. Can’t remember the details, but I’ll be submitting my 500 T app in less than a month, and will be paying on line.
If it’s the thread I was looking at yesterday the problem was he paid all the combined fees with one check. They wanted the issuance fee separate so they could refund it if he failed the tests.
OK, that makes sense on why they would recommend paying for each step separately…guess I will follow the recommended way, hopefully avoiding any problems. Thanks again guys and good luck to you also Water. I can’t wait to put some of this process behind me!
Hello all. After going through the application, approval and testing I was issued my Master 500 GRT NC on April 13th. There was no mention of the 3000 GT OSV endorsement on my new MMC. I was told by my crew coordinator that I must have the 3000 GT OSV endorsement to work. A call to the National Maritime Center this morning revealed that the endorsement is mine for the asking, there are no additional requirements. Since my MMC had been issued my application was closed. So this morning I completed Form 719-B requesting an endorsement, paid online at Pay.Gov and emailed the application to my REC. The bottom line is that you must ask for the endorsement. Incidentally, I searched the USCG website and did not find anything helpful regarding this endorsement. NMC Policy Ltr. 00-07 is pretty clear that you are entitled to the endorsement if you ask. IF you ask… My advice to you is to call your evaluator at the NMC and request that the 3000 GT OSV endorsement be added to your application. Your evaluator will have you fax or email a written request. Then you will get the endorsement with your new MMC. Best of luck!
DPWinter, Thanks for the insight on your experiences. I will be asking for the 3000 on my application I am submitting once I get off the boat, hopefully it will be included w/o any questions. Should there be questions, I will be sure to site the policy letter.
MDT24- US tonnage of greater than 1600 GRT is considered unlimited tonnage. Greater than 3000 ITC is considered unlimited tonnage as well, except in the case of the OSV licenses (3000 and 6000 ITC OSV restricted service).
To be clear,the “endorsement” I will be asking for (and the thread is about ) limits service on vessels less than 3000 ITC when classified as OSV by the COI. I have heard that there are some vessels that during some service run as an OSV, but during other jobs are running under some other service like Industrial vessel. At this point I believe the guys w/ OSV restrictions cannot operate under the authority of their licenses.
Maybe someone else has more and better information, but that is my take on it…
I went to uscg maryland last march 03,2010 and dropped off my application for license, I issued personal check upront to pay the processing…I knew that it will be pending coz Im missing radar,sea letter,drug letter and osv assessment for mate…about a week later uscg already debited my check…I mailed the remaining requirements last april 2, 2010 and got my approval to test on the mail april 15th. its kinda fast! thanks to the nmc and uscg!
Conspearasea, You are very welcome. I did not want to see anyone else get caught like I did, and many others before me. If only someone at the office had suggested that his endorsement were required or if the USCG made it known that this is available things would have been easier. Even so, I must give credit to the NMC for their quick service. I finished testing at 1030 Apr. 12th and my new MMC was issued Apr. 13th and arrived in the mail Apr. 15th. Also, I was able to talk to a live person at NMC and get clear instruction on how to obtain the endorsement. Hopefully this will go as quickly and easily as everything else. Also, Many Thanks to the people on this site who posted excerpts from NMC Policy Ltr. 00-07.
Conspearasea, I got ROR,T Nav,Ploting and Nav Gen out of the way.I did’nt study any DG or DS, needless to say I failed both.I do’nt know why but DG is tearing my ass up.Also I asked for 3000 ITC, but did’nt mention OSV, could this be a problem?