Can someone point me to the location that spells out the particulars of the 3000 GT ITC endorsement?
I am applying for the Mate NC 1600/3000 that seems so very popular, and while reading the fine print in the 11.XXX section of the CFR’s I have been unable to locate any mention of the 3000 ITC portion.
Should I just apply for the Mate NC 1600/3000 and let the magic happen?
I’m no expert but aren’t you just trying to get your 1600 ton Mate? I think thats just the official name for it, because 3000 tons ITC is what they use as the equivalent of 1600 ton Domestic. I don’t think there is a separate ITC “portion.” If I’m wrong I’m sure one of the CFR gurus will reply and straighten it out.
[QUOTE=water;54700]Have you looked at Policy Letter 07-00? You can find it on the NMC web site.
That is what I referenced when I applied for my ITC endorsement.[/QUOTE]
Once you get a 1600 ton license, be it Mate or Master the 3000 ITC comes with it. It is not an endorsement. The endorsement is for the 500 ton license and is restricted to OSV’s.
[QUOTE=Diesel;54711]Once you get a 1600 ton license, be it Mate or Master the 3000 ITC comes with it. It is not an endorsement. The endorsement is for the 500 ton license and is restricted to OSV’s.[/QUOTE]
The orriginal question of this thread was about the 1600/3000 ton license which is an unrestricted 3000 ton itc license. That 3000 itc should be automatic when getting the 1600 nc/ocean.
Then purple stayed replying about the 3000 itc osv saying “just ask for it” which there us no point in doing with a 1600 ton license.
With a 500 ton license, yes, ask for and get the 3000 ton itc osv license. But that was not the question of this thread.