[QUOTE=jdcavo;64002]The terms of the approval of the training programs require you to have experience as chief engineer on OSVs less than 3000 GT, and the program must have at least 56 days of training on large OSVs (over 3000 GT).[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the clearification on the training program.
So then how can I get to the 6000 ITC if I need to have time as chief on vessels under 3000 GT? Sounds like the Coast Guard is punishing me because all my sea time is on large 6000 ITC OSVs.
[QUOTE=Tanko;64009]Thanks for the clearification on the training program. So then how can I get to the 6000 ITC if I need to have time as chief on vessels under 3000 GT? Sounds like the Coast Guard is punishing me because all my sea time is on large 6000 ITC OSVs.[/QUOTE]Funny part is, everything Cavo said is on the Master Large OSV checklist and not the Chief Engineer Large OSV checklist… I tried to get it last year and was denied because I never completed a large osv program, nowhere in the CFR’s and no Checklist exsisted at the time. There was no info on what was needed for the large OSV and the NMC couldnt provide any info except I needed to complete a large OSV. Check those CFR listed on the checklist, brings up requirements for the lower level license. Any one holding an unlimited tonnage licensed should be issued the large OSV after having some service on a OSV regardless of a large OSV assessment, Which is simply a RFPEW assessment on a large osv being assessed likely by a DDE engineer. Those checklist just came out recently, and clearly states on the large OSV Chief no additional sea service required.
You have to keep in mind that those licenses and rules were not developed for any purpose other than to pay back the GoM lobbyists. The idea never had anything to do with engineering competence or a rational progression through the ranks. The people who wrote those rules don’t know anything about unlimited licenses, training, or experience and quite frankly, don’t care.
They needed to find a way around using unlimited mariners on vessels that are by all other standards and rules, unlimited vessels that by all other rules require unlimited licenses. The CG handed it to them without regard to the standards and conditions it set for the rest of the marine industry.
Don’t waste your time trying to understand or ask for explanations of things that will never be explained. It has nothing to do with seamanship, training, experience, or any other of the reasons the the CG claims to have an interest in mariners.
Last I recall to get the endorsement you needed to hold a Chief Engineer OSV 3000 itc for at least a year and in that time gotten at least 180 days of sea time as Chief on a vessel over 1000 itc plus the 56 days observer time on the vessel over 3000 itc during your observer time complete your companies large OSV sign off packet these programs seem to be written by Houston Marine and bought by the companys and then the CG comes in and certifies the company as being able to administer the “training” needed for large OSV endorsements
Ya these laws are absurd and the requirements seem pretty arbitrary. I think its insane that a DDE Unlimited which is a 500ton license can get a 6000ton endorcement and run chief on these large OSVs.
Anyone know if a limited chief license can supersede the 6000 OSV endorcement? If so I’d rather have that and not restrict myself to OSVs.
There might be some bizarre little work-around that one of the lobbyists missed but since the limited chief is limited to 1600/3000 ITC and the OSV is 6000 ITC you have to play their game.
Stop looking for a rational view of this issue. The GoM is “special” and the mudboat mafia can afford to buy “special” rules. Your career path and license progression is not now, nor was it ever a consideration - limiiting your options is.
I know I’m late to the conversation with this reply but I just went through this whole mess with the Coast Guard. I am a Texas Maritime graduate (Whoop) working on OSV’s. I came over from OSG before they went under. After riding on 6000 ITC classed OSV’s, I had people telling me that I needed to get my 6000 ITC endorsement. I have found that people without unlimited licenses know more incorrect info than what is helpful when it comes to addressing unlimited license issues. I talked with the NMC and if you have a 3AE, you don’t need any ITC endorsement to run as an Assistant Engineer on OSV’s (3AE does not have a tonnage restriction). After acquiring my 360 sea days needed for 2AE, I put my application in and received my 2AE. Knowing that I needed a “Chief” license to run as Chief or Relief Chief, I looked into what it would take to get the Chief Limited license. Well as it turns out if you hold a 2AE, you have the required sea time to get your Chief Limited Near Coastal with just taking the exam for that license (which I’ve heard is easier than the 3AE exam).
The sea time requirements for Chief Limited Oceans are the same as for what is required for 1AE (1800 sea days). When you get the 1AE, you actually sit for the Chief Engineer (unlimited/Big Chief) exam. So why would you sit for the Ch. Limited Oceans when you are eligible to sit for the Big Chief’s exam? I was told that when you pass the 1AE exam, if you request it and apply for it, they will more or less just give you the Ch. Limited Oceans endorsement because you have already passed a higher level exam. But then you have to mess with the ITC 6000 to add to your Ch. Limited Oceans. I chose not to mess with the Limited tonnage licenses and just keep moving forward in the unlimited tonnage classes (1AE is getting closer every day). I’ve also heard that the Chief OSV license will just pigeon hole you into a spot where you would have to dig your way out through who knows how many upgrades and exams. The only way that I can see someone with a 3AE or 2AE wanting to get any of the Chief Limited licenses would be if you just absolutely had to run as Chief. At my company, Chiefs only get $50 more per day than Assistants do. Not enough for me to be itching to jump into a limited tonnage license. The last thing that I would want to do is unintentionally put a tonnage restriction on my license. Just food for thought. If anyone else has anymore questions, feel free. This stuff is fresh in my mind.
Where do you get 1800 days from? 360 days to 2nd A/E and 360 days to 1st A/E. 360+360=720. Am I missing something here? Do you mean 1,080 days to get to chief?
I currently have my 2nd a/e motors with a 500 ton C/E endorsement for STCW. That’s all the coast guard would give me with the current sea time that I have. I was recently hired by an OSV company and would like to start preparing my license for upgrade. I sent in my application for C/E OSV 3000 ITC. I believe after reading a good bit on the internet that my C/E limited to 500 ton STCW endorsement doesn’t do squat for me as far as getting my OSV C/E license. Please help… I am trying to be proactive.
So its the same amount of sea days required for the Ch. Lim. Oceans as for the 1AE. You can’t get the Chief OSV 3000/6000 unless you already hold a Chief Limited Near Coastal, Ch. Lim. Oceans or a DDE Unlimited. I am actually on my last hitch before I sit for my 1AE exam. Don’t see how a 500t C/E would do much good on anything over 500t. You are good to work harbor tugs, but I bet that’s about it.