From what I understand if you dont have time on a vessel over 1600 tons then you only get a limited thrid mate license which is useless. On the AB path I think you need three years as Ab? Does anyone know of a school that would give you seatime credit and classes without starting from the beginning? Iam current 1600 ton and AB UNL
Thank you for your help.
What are you looking to do?
The obvious answer would be to get on a large OSV. You’ll get officer pay (as a 1,600 ton Master) and the tonnage you seek…then move on back to your Plan A.
Thanks Seadog and anchorman
I need time on vessel over 1600 tons to get the thrid mate unl. otherwise it is limited. Have tryed some gulf companies to get hired but no luck? Any suggestions on employment. Would like to make it to Third Mate UNL one day but do not want to serve three years as AB to get there.
Frank - How persistant have you been about getting in the door to the Gulf companies? Like many of the posts in the past have stated, sometimes it helps to show up in person. With a 1600 Master, you should not have that much trouble finding a job. Chouest, HOS & Gulfmark all have vessels that are over 1600 grt. If you don’t have the 3000 ITC endorsement on your license, after some time (unknown by me) on a vessel. You should be able to add that you your license. Good luck!
Capt Brian
Thank you for your kind input. You are right, I think I need to show up in person. My problem has been that I live in Honolulu and trying to get a job from here just has not worked. Iam looking at relocating and starting the Job hunt. Iam thinking of living around the Texas area? This should be close enough I think? I know most of the companies are based out of LA.
Thanks again for your input
" Would like to make it to Third Mate UNL one day <strong>but do not want to serve three years as AB to get there</strong>. "
i dont know about anybody else, but this is where you lost me. id kill to be able to serve my three years or more as an ab to get my third, but i cant find anybody whos hiring ordinaries right now. im willing to spend the next three decades working my rear off to get where i want to be, but i cant get in the door. you want to find a short cut and not earn it and the truly sad part is, you’ll probably beat me to it.
I think you missed his 1st post.
He’s already AB Unlimited/1600 Master. No short cuts there.
I still thank everyone for there input. iam on Issue number 7 of my license so yes serving as A/B for three years would be very hard after serving as Master for so long. Its such a big jump to the Third ULD but once your there your almost home free. I guess this is why I have not made the move by now. I enjoy operating myself, but that also has its limits.
I am not sure, does the requirements for 3rd state that you have to “serve” as an AB or “hold” an AB? This is what I have listed on the requirement sheet that I have:
<strong>B. 3 Years of appropiate sea service, which includes</strong>
<strong>1) A minimum of 6 months of bridge watchkeeping duties under the supervision of the master or other qualified officer; </strong>
<strong>AND </strong>
<strong>2) A minimum of 6 months service as AB, BOSN, or QM while holding AB. </strong>
Frank, I would check the requirements again.
apparently i misunderstood and i apoligize for it.
mea culpa
From the Marine Safety Manual:
<strong>[b]Master Of 1600 Gross Tons To Third Mate.
46 CFR 10.407© provides for a master with a 1600 gross ton license to qualify for third mate any gross tons by showing one year as master of vessels over 200 gross tons. Section 10.402(b) states that an applicant qualifying for third mate under this section shall have a tonnage limitation placed on the license based on the applicant’s qualifying experience.[/b]</strong>
If you have the required Master’s time, go get the Third Mate license using this language, find an OSV job using your 1600 Master, get your Large OSV endorsement, do your time and get the tonnage limitation remvoed.
Thanks Capt______________
I did not realize there was a large OSV Endorsment? I would need time on a vessle over 1600 tons so not sure how to get that part of the time. Do you mean the 300itc part? Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for your help
Anchorman and/or Capt. Lee and others are very familiar with the Large OSV endorsement and how it works. Perhaps they’ll chime in with details, but basically it allows you to sail as OICNW on OSVs up to 6000 ITC Tons. You have to do some time, and complete some assessments on a Large OSV to get it.
You can increase the allowable tonnage for service on OSVs only by completing a large OSV training program. The programs are given by a few companies with OSVs over 3000 ITC, so you need to be working for one of those cmpanies and in their training program. Compleiting the program lets you work on OSVs up to 6000 ITC.
I believe, JD please correct me if I am wrong, you will need to take the OICNW STCW classes. As Luther Greer at NMC said to me last year, “Those $20k worth of classes” to qualify as a 3rd Mate Unl.
As a 1,600 ton master, you are a qualified OICNW at the operational level. There are no classes going from 1,600 ton to 3rd mate if you hold a current STCW. Many people have spent a lot of money because of NMC getting this wrong, only to find out later, they spent $20,000+ for nothing.
There are several companies in the gulf that have a large OSV training program. Tidewater, Hornbeck, Chouest, Harvey Gulf, and Otto Candies, that I know of. I am in the same situation as you, except I have my Large OSV endorsement. I have sent my application in to NMC for my 3rd Mate. Just waiting on word from them.
The problem will be getting on with one of these companies…AND…getting them to put you into their training program. They are coveted spots, usually reserved for long time employees.
I wish you the best of luck.
Capt. Squeaky
Thnaks to all for there input and suggestions. Anchorman this is the first I have heard about not needing all the OICNW STCW courses??? You are saying that with the correct seatime you can go from 1600 ton Master to Limited Thrid mate? with current STCW.
Capt Squeaky What seatime did you send into NMC? would like to know what the response was when you get one. Seems like they get it wrong more often then right.
If I dont need all the STCW mess then getting on with one of the companies and a training program would be a great way to remove the limitation I would have on the third mate, and get all the STCW mess later