1600 ton master or Ab to third mate?

I looked at my STCW cert and it does not have OICNW listed on it. Only Master, RFPNW, and PSC (II/4, VI/2, II/2, IV/2). Would the OICNW be added with the 3rd mate? I have held the 1600 Master since October 2007 and worked 309-12 hours days on this license. This would be great if I did not have to shell out the money for the classes. Hopefully, the fine co-workers of JD Cavo have enough sense to read the CFR’s when I send my application in. (JD excluded).
Thank you - Brian

OICNW is defined as “Mate”; they are one-in-the-same.

“Master” does it for you, I believe.

I sent in seatime for running Master for last 3 years on vessels over 200 GT, Flashing light cert., Medical care provider, STCW 95 along with sea time as Master of Large OSV. I am now on a vessel that is 4070 ITC which should give me the time on vessels over 1600 GT. I did not get on This vessel til after I sent in my Application, But hopefully they will work on it with me???
As I was told by the REC N.O. “take your flashing light, Medical care provider, and send in your Application” So that is what I did. I will let you know the results, as soon as I know…We may both be old and grey by then! LOL
Capt. Squeaky