As a former victim of HMG I must state that it is rather ironic that although I was the biggest piece of shit towboater to ever step on a tow boat I am not the one looking for work.
HMG fired me for bringing to their attention many serious and minor deficiencies.
I heard a guy in Houston the other night…totally lost…
“Ah…yea…this is such and such. Everybody watch out for me because I have absolutely no idea where I’m at.”
I’ve always wondered too, they always have shore-side jobs too. It looks like they go through port capt’s as fast, if not faster than Crowley. Probably what you get when you put some punk academy kid with limited sailing experience in a role like that.
From my thread “Work in GOM” The GOM oil companies recruit, hire, and terminate mariners as if there were an endless supply, then complain that there are not enough mariners to fill positions, would any non-coonass disagree?
Thank you veslog, for also noticing the GOM standard retain the incompetent shirt birds, terminate the competent pro-active sailors
Ever wonder why a GOM captain can terminate 50 mariners, before the office even considers the problem might not be the mariners? Why certain GOM vessels always need to fill a position, while other GOM vessels can keep the same crew for decade or more?
what I would love to know is how many GoM mariners who used to believe that Joe Boss used to only serve them Ambrosia to eat feel now that Joe also serves a mean shit sandwich just as quickly when times go south as they have since last fall? I really would love to hear from all those who have their tales of woe to tell.
I have always said here that Joe serves just what Joe wants to serve and the mariners have no choice in the matter other than to refuse to eat his shit when that’s what he’s dishing out which is the case today. The pity is that most are more then willing to choke it down because they need their jobs and have nowhere else to go to be fed properly. I am sure more than a couple here (like the OP) have said they ain’t dining at the table anymore but more than a couple somehow continue to believe Joe’s shit on a shingle is still pure food of the Gods. Those are the ones who are the real fools here…
[QUOTE=pwrmariner;157782]From my thread “Work in GOM” The GOM oil companies recruit, hire, and terminate mariners as if there were an endless supply, then complain that there are not enough mariners to fill positions, would any non-coonass disagree?
Thank you veslog, for also noticing the GOM standard retain the incompetent shirt birds, terminate the competent pro-active sailors
Ever wonder why a GOM captain can terminate 50 mariners, before the office even considers the problem might not be the mariners? Why certain GOM vessels always need to fill a position, while other GOM vessels can keep the same crew for decade or more?[/QUOTE]
What is your hang-up regarding S. Louisiana mariners? Do you have some smoking gun, skeleton in the closet proving them less capable than everybody else???
[QUOTE=c.captain;157783]what I would love to know is how many GoM mariners who used to believe that Joe Boss used to only serve them Ambrosia to eat feel now that Joe also serves a mean shit sandwich just as quickly when times go south as they have since last fall? I really would love to hear from all those who have their tales of woe to tell.
I have always said here that Joe serves just what Joe wants to serve and the mariners have no choice in the matter other than to refuse to eat his shit when that’s what he’s dishing out which is the case today. The pity is that most are more then willing to wolf it down because they need their jobs and have nowhere else to go to be fed properly. I am sure more than a couple here have said they ain’t dining at the table anymore but also more than a couple also somehow believe the shit on a shingle is still pure food of the God’s as well. They are the real fools here…[/QUOTE]
Do you really just hate us mariners in the GoM ?? I’m being dead serious
Who really gives a shit anymore. If people want to work down south and eat shit sandwiches, let them. Be glad you don’t if its something you don’t want to do. The dead horse can only be beat so long.
[QUOTE=c.captain;157783]what I would love to know is how many GoM mariners who used to believe that Joe Boss used to only serve them Ambrosia to eat feel now that Joe also serves a mean shit sandwich just as quickly when times go south as they have since last fall? I really would love to hear from all those who have their tales of woe to tell.
I have always said here that Joe serves just what Joe wants to serve and the mariners have no choice in the matter other than to refuse to eat his shit when that’s what he’s dishing out which is the case today. The pity is that most are more then willing to wolf it down because they need their jobs and have nowhere else to go to be fed properly. I am sure more than a couple here have said they ain’t dining at the table anymore but also more than a couple also somehow believe the shit on a shingle is still pure food of the God’s as well. They are the real fools here…[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Johnny Canal;157786]What is your hang-up regarding S. Louisiana mariners? Do you have some smoking gun, skeleton in the closet proving them less capable than everybody else???
Give it a rest, or just shut up.[/QUOTE]
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! of all people know that I am dumping on Joe Boss first and foremost as the real criminals in the industry even though it is that group of mariners who eats Joe’s turd sandwiches while they try to tell us it is roast beef that I also think are as much of the problem as the OMSA owners because they aid and abet by going along so happily whistling while they work. There is not a single workforce on the planet that is not better off by telling the owning class when they have gone too far. Why does no one here understand any of this? Are you really all that daft?
the original poster was one who didn’t eat Joe’s shit and I applaud him for that as I applaud each and every mariner who tells any Joe Boss to pound sand when handed a turd between two slices of bread! You ain’t no shit eater yourself…I know that and you should be proud that you aren’t just another one of the pack of morons who gobble Joe’s excrement and come on here telling us how delicious it is.
I could be wrong, but I think what Johnny and Z were getting at is that the Joe boss / shit sandwich thing has been beat to death, even if you are correct.
[QUOTE=z-drive;157795]Who really gives a shit anymore. If people want to work down south and eat shit sandwiches, let them. Be glad you don’t if its something you don’t want to do. The dead horse can only be beat so long.[/QUOTE]
but the bull is far from dead Jim…it is only growing bigger with longer horns and bigger balls all the time. Watched it become a monster over 30 years and I ain’t gonna just let if take over the entire industry if I can help it. Imagine Gary Chouest’s fingers in your part of the industry? Well, him coming to Alaska is exactly the same as that for me. I simply cannot abide the man and his ways. Sorry, but it’s that simple.
Btw, just like the ECO gives their mariners the shaft thread…I did not start this one. Someone else with a beef did so I get to contribute to it because I support him just like I supported the other guy when he started that other thread.
[QUOTE=c.captain;157803]but the bull is far from dead Jim…it is only growing bigger with longer horns and bigger balls all the time. Watched it become a monster over 30 years and I ain’t gonna just let if take over the entire industry if I can help it. Imagine Gary Chouest’s fingers in your part of the industry? Well, him coming to Alaska is exactly the same as that for me. I simply cannot abide the man and his ways. Sorry, but it’s that simple.
Btw, just like the ECO gives their mariners the shaft thread…I did not start this one. Someone else with a beef did so I get to contribute to it because I support him just like I supported the other guy when he started that other thread.[/QUOTE]
Doesn’t Harvey Gulf have more vessels up there right now than ECO? What do you have to say about that? Harvey has the Supporter, Sisuaq and Champion up in Seattle right now, actually Sisuaq will be there soon, its passing S. Cali right now
[QUOTE=bcoogan23;157804]Doesn’t Harvey Gulf have more vessels up there right now than ECO? What do you have to say about that? Harvey has the Supporter, Sisuaq and Champion up in Seattle right now, actually Sisuaq will be there soon, its passing S. Cali right now[/QUOTE]
the OP is speaking about Harley not Harvey…I made the same mistake myself but Joe Boss is Joe Boss in the GoM regardless of the company…they all suck!
I agree. But they will continue to fail in that environment unless they learn from their mistakes, OR hire experts with local knowledge in the process. If you put some expert exhaulted chosen one “anchor captain” on my boat doing what I do he’d destroy the thing in a watch or two, same idea.
As you say, whatever it is by using your feet, and if you don’t like it, work elsewhere. Something you and I both do.
Fine if you want to worry about Alaska, but if guys want to work with bullshit situations in the gulf, BY OUR STANDARDS, let them.