only Brazilians would try a stunt so utterly STOOPID!
[B]Sketchy Boarding – Will This Truck Make It Onto This Ship?[/B]
May 26, 2015 by Mike Schuler
This video was posted Monday to Youtube and has already racked up close to 1 million views. And for good reason – it’s so sketchy!
So, will the truck be make it on board the ship by driving over two wooden planks? Just watch for the answer:
too bad the driver didn’t end up in the river where we could have witnessed a nice Piranha feeding frenzy…
My GOD! How I LOATHE those Brazilian lizards!
How the hell did they even get that truck turned 90 degrees on that narrow finger pier?
I say it’s all special defects and trick pornography…
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;162970]I say it’s all special defects and trick pornography…[/QUOTE]
Yeah and how did they get the vessel to stand so still and not move just like it had that mysterious new fangled dynamic propositioning!
[QUOTE=c.captain;162972]Yeah and how did they get the vessel to stand so still and not move just like it had that mysterious new fangled dynamic propositioning![/QUOTE]
I assumed some kind of modified Med moor. The bow could be fast to a pier on the stbd or they could have an anchor out.
Perhaps they gripped it by the husk…
That was no dp. The was some fancy throttle jockey boat handling skills of one of the GOM’s finest. He is the greatest gift to offshore regardless if it is a crew boat, OSV, or tug. Don’t know his name but we all know someone like him.
[QUOTE=pogey-poboy;162987]That was no dp. The was some fancy throttle jockey boat handling skills of one of the GOM’s finest. He is the greatest gift to offshore regardless if it is a crew boat, OSV, or tug. Don’t know his name but we all know someone like him.[/QUOTE]
I bet Jeaukx Bawss is planning to hire him to be commodore of his Empire Battlefleet…
This is preposterous I would never employ Mariners of this sort, it doesn’t appear they even did a proper JSA. My people would never have let it get this far without using their stop work authority.