What about c&e boat rentals

Anyone know of C & E boat rentals? Any opinions?

to any other os’s out knocking on doors:
ECO, HOS, Odyssea,Adriatic had no openings as of 09 Sept. 2014
REC “…soon looking for experienced deckhands.”

ECO said they rarely see qmeds and “snatch them up” when they come in.

[QUOTE=kernal f;143874]

ECO said they rarely see qmeds and “snatch them up” when they come in.[/QUOTE]

Very interesting…[video=youtube_share;krD4hdGvGHM]http://youtu.be/krD4hdGvGHM[/video]

[QUOTE=kernal f;143874]Anyone know of C & E boat rentals? Any opinions?

to any other os’s out knocking on doors:
ECO, HOS, Odyssea,Adriatic had no openings as of 09 Sept. 2014
REC “…soon looking for experienced deckhands.”

ECO said they rarely see qmeds and “snatch them up” when they come in.[/QUOTE]

I also was at ECO today. Does anyone know; does the industry slow down through the winter and pick up again later or is there a fluctuation with no pattern or?

Also, Hornbeck told a qmed “…not looking for qmeds…” While I was there. The guy didn’t look very squared away though–that might have had something to do with it.

More of an update:
Gulfmark-- no walk-ins

[QUOTE=snacktray;143879]I also was at ECO today. Does anyone know; does the industry slow down through the winter and pick up again later or is there a fluctuation with no pattern or?[/QUOTE]

From what the guys have been saying in the other threads, that appears to be the case.

At this point the companies in the middle of newbuild deliveries hire as needed. Remember as new boats drop existing crew move on to those. They hire to back fill spots on the existing fleet. As stated numerous times in other threads they need you when they need you and that need changes by the hour.

[QUOTE=kernal f;143874]Anyone know of C & E boat rentals? Any opinions?

Adriatic Marine bought C & E’s DP 2 boats. They also manage personnel on the Mathew and Alex McRae last I heard.

There are many OS’s coming down, lately, that are wanting employment at ECO, HOS, Harvey Gulf, and some of the other larger companies.
Unfortunately, they are misinformed on what is needed, before coming down.
To be CONSIDERED for employment onboard their vessels, one must posses a valid Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC or ZCard) and a valid TWIC card.
If you have STCW95(BST), it MAY INCREASE your changes to be considered for hire.
If you have VPDSD(V1/6), it MAY INCREASE your chances to be considered for hire.
For more information on how to obtain these documents, please contact the USCG 888-427-5662 for schools that offer STCW95(BST) and VPDSD (V1/6) classes.

And, just recently someone called me to come down and did not have his MMC, only his TWIC.
Although, I advised him to get this before coming, he listened to his friend, and came down anyway.
He learned that there are only a FEW companies that would take someone on with just that.
The few companies were some that I had never heard of.
He is struggling this week to make it happen.

I hate to see anyone come down and waste money b/c they are so anxious to get here.
Do as much homework as you can before coming down.
Don’t just listen to everything someone tells you.
Knowledge is power.

Remember, just because a company did not hire a particular position one day does not mean they won’t be hiring it the next day.
You have to be able to sell yourself.
That HR person has to like you and want you to be a part of that company.
There is a lot of competition.
Hiring takes place, everyday, at these companies.

Wishing you all the best.

Claudette L. Pitre
A Chateau on the Bayou B&B