Veterans Benefits

Just thought I would throw this out there. If you are a vet and were honorably discharged you may be eligible for some benefits that might save you a little cash. No one tells you this sort of thing when you get out. I recently renewed my drivers license in Ga and with form DS-516 which you get filled out at any local VA office. It allows you to get your drivers license free of charge if you served during wartime and either way you can get it printed on your license. It also allows you to get a tag for your vehicle free of charge with the seal of your branch of service, certain medals, commendations, ribbons and what not with Veteran printed on it in the place where the County of your state normally goes. Most states also have merchant marine plates for those of you who may have served during WWII. Its not a lot but I saved $55 bucks between the two and I like the plate on my truck. There are also certain businesses that have discounts for Vets as well and with it on your license you can prove your service. I don’t advocate trying to use your MMC as a way to get discounts as some have done. I believe there was a thread on here about that a while back. That’s my opinion, I think military service if much different that civilian mariner services having done both. I guess there is a grey area when you are carrying cargo into war zones but if you are hauling drill pipe in the Gulf or oil in the NE I think its dishonest… Anyway I thought some of you guys might like to know that since I know I have worked with many vets since getting out and getting on the tugs. The requirements may differ state to state but I’d look it up. $55 bucks is $55 bucks in my book and I’ll save a dime when I can.