Vane bros. questions

How many of the Kirby boats did vane bros buy a while back? Were they all just bunkering boats? Does Vane stay pretty busy these days? I know they work 14/14, but when do they do crew changes? How do most of the boats handle the grub money? Does the company seem to be doing well? Did the lay off a while back cure anything? Any other good, bad or indifferent info would be greatly appreciated.

[QUOTE=bell47;138245]How many of the Kirby boats did vane bros buy a while back? Were they all just bunkering boats? Does Vane stay pretty busy these days? I know they work 14/14, but when do they do crew changes? How do most of the boats handle the grub money? Does the company seem to be doing well? Did the lay off a while back cure anything? Any other good, bad or indifferent info would be greatly appreciated.[/QUOTE]

The Kirby boats they bought were all harbor stuff, bunkering, that sort of thing. I think I remember hearing at the time that it was about 10 boats but I could be way off on that, I may be remembering wrong.