USCG Getting Rid of All Able Seamen

Hot bunking with a he she! so glad i retired

The newsbot is triggered.


So is everyone else. No one needs a triggered bigot onboard.


I started to say something last night but decided against it. I’m glad I’m not the only one.

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Nah it’s like calling you an AB female instead of AB seaman. Political correctness has nothing to do with it.Political correctness is a made up term. which is BS. Seafarer works. No one on a ship cares about your sex or sexual orientation as long as you can do the job. By the way, you never knew what your ‘hot bunk’ mate once they left the ship, did you?


Not a bigot just tired of this ridiculous dog and pony show

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It’s ludicrous

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Imagine getting this worked up. Do you need a safe space, snowflake?


Come on man!!..That’s drag and unicorn show!! :rofl:

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I’ve worked with a number of bigots so I can say that statement is false, as much as we wish it were true.


Pretty much on a need to know basis
and I don’t need to know :disguised_face:

Firemen have been referred to as firefighters more so for quite sometime, as policemen have been referred to as police officers.

Wasn’t a flight attendant called stewardess in a time not too long ago when that was a more female dominated line of work?

There’s that old saying, call me whatever you want, just not late to dinner.


That’s thats true. We are all there to just work and get home safe. If you can do your job well no one cares what your race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is.

I’ve never had to deal with this and I’m no expert but this growing transgender population and corresponding mental health crisis is concerning. Obviously a judgement call needs to be made by the Captain as with everyone that comes aboard as crew in terms of their medical and mental aptitude. If the person is handling their gender dysphoria in a responsible manner that doesn’t affect the crew as in the person is not coming onboard to use their gender issue to create drama and a lawsuit, I believe there will be no issues and expect they will be treated like everyone else.

However, depending on the route I would check with the office about how to proceed. If someone’s gender doesn’t align correctly on all their paperwork or with what they are identifying as- this may create problems in countries that are not as acceptable to the person’s life style as the United States is. I am sure a bribe can help in certain situations but I’m not sure in a situation like this. Most likely I would have to sit down with the person and say hey for these ports you’re restricted to the ship, it’s for your safety.

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All indications are that there aren’t any more than previously, it’s just that there are more OUT than previously.


It wasn’t until about a thousand years ago that the word “man” started to refer to a male and it wasn’t until the late 20th century that it was almost exclusively used to refer to males.

Yea but there was also “Police Women” and “Fire Woman”. You could also have Waiters and Waitresses, Stewards and Stewardess, Actors/Actresses. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with gendered words, most Latin languages use gendered words.

I don’t either. Just saying, i think the ball has been in motion for quite sometime.

The Navy tried doing away with it several years ago for ranks/rates under that asswipe SecNav Ray Mabus but they ultimately reversed the decision. Even female sailors said they were not bothered by “Man” in the titles.

I heard some years back they wanted to get rid of Wiper and QMED and go to “Able Seafarer - Deck” and “Able Seafarer - Engine,” which I also thought were stupid and risked confusion on paper or in speech over radios.

What their obsession is with changing titles is beyond me. I just think they’re some bored assholes at the top of the pyramid.


If I as CE were looking for a wiper [do they even have them anymore] or oiler I have no problem with AB seafarer engine though I think it is silly, not worth a thought. I ignore the seafarer part because if you’re working on a ship what else could you be? At the end of the day no one lives or is judged by some silly title, only by the work they do. When times were hard I worked as 3AE even though I held a CE license. Didn’t bother me as I got a paycheck. You coulda called me a sea bitch and could not have care less, I got paid and supported my family.

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Able seafarer-engine is in use, it is the international term