Gender neutral changes

Find this unnecessary, they should be focusing on the backlogs for medicals and MMC’s.


It seems they squeezed in the DEI agenda. I’m all in favor of minimizing the USCG backlog, and not having people wait for months for their documents or medicals.

I’m in favor of acknowledging the fact that the USCG has failed as a regulatory agency.

The USCG does not want to do it, and won’t allocate adequate resources to do the job properly. It’s not in line with the USCG’s desire to be “the military”/ law enforcement.

The USCG inspection and licensing functions should be contracted out to the ABS.

Write to Elon Musk and suggest it!


That is a great idea to alleviate the workload that USCG has. Don’t know if DOGE will look that deep into USCG, but worth the try.

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DOGE is an honorific title with no ability to make any change, kinda like admiral at the local yacht club.


I think this will add confusion to an already confused industry.


You mean conforming with the STCW naming convention that the entire rest of the seafaring world adopted15 years ago? No couldn’t be that, must be some lib dei agenda /s


It’s going to be a confusing time for mariners or even more specifically mariners new to the industry. Most already have a difficult time understanding the National versus STCW system and credentials. In the case of AB we now have a national credential retitled as “Able Seafarer (Unlimited and so on)” which sounds a lot like the STCW “Able Seafarer - (Deck or Engine). They have vastly different training requirements.

I’m absolutely in favor of bringing our system in line with the rest of the world. I’m absolutely in favor of streamlining processing times at NMC. Hire more evaluators, get printers that work, bring back the days when we could deal directly with our REC/Evaluators and get questions answered.

As for the course modification timeline for course completion certificates: NMC 2 is about to be slammed. Who decided that requiring this change during the holiday season was a good idea? Every training provider across the country will be sending these things to NMC in the next month and a half. If you think getting them to process a med cert or MMC application is difficult, ask anyone in maritime education about course approvals/five year reapprovals.

“The horror, The horror.”

And Homeport?! That system needs some major tech support and upgrades before it’s going to be viable.

DOGE may be honorific, but the admiral of Doge is the worlds richest man, a genius, a visionary, a technologist, and he has Trump’s ear.


How long have you been a seawoman?

No end to this madness ((( I am not a big fan of Trump (even less of Harris, of course), but he is my last hope.

What does a motorman become?

A Motorthem?

What about in drilling, what does a Derrickman become?


I don’t get riled up about culture war stuff but calling a fireman a boiler technician is very funny to me.

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At one stage early in my life I stood in front of an Admiralty 3 drum boiler and pushed burners in and turned them on and did the reverse when signalled to do so. I also operated the soot blowers once a watch. To call myself a fireman gilds the lily, a boiler technician debases the term.

“It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another.” George Orwell’s character Winston Smith

My opinion of these gender neutral changes, the uscg/nmc & the federal government in general. Most of us see it while the minority in charge think all of this nonsense is brilliant.

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Probably Motor Operator, like they’ve been officially known for quite some time.

And Derrickman are not licensed, endorsed, or credentialed by any maritime governing body anywhere in the world, so call them whatever the heck you want. They don’t even hardly go in the derrick anymore anyway, so it’s just a nostalgic way to make someone feel more special than a pump-hand.

When Confucius was asked what he would do if he was a governor, he said he would “rectify the names” to make words correspond to reality.

The Analects states that social disorder often stems from failure to call things by their proper names, that is, to perceive, understand, and deal with reality. Confucius’ solution to this was the “rectification of names”

Wikipedia Rectification of names

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I honestly can’t tell if you are joking or not. In case you are serious you should know Elon Musk is a fraud. He is a pathological liar (just like trump) who has never had an original idea in his life. If you ever want to get out of your bubble, 15 minutes of research will uncover mountains of evidence to support this.


Is everything ok at home, Bro?

You can call or text 988 if life is feeling overwhelming.

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