Trump's Project 2025 wants to repeal the Jones Act

Trump and lying, name a more iconic duo.

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The article you linked is from 2018. Trump has worked with Heritage Foundation in the past, I think thatā€™s well known.

Perhaps he is not working with them on ā€œproject 2025ā€.

And the key word IIIISā€¦ (drum roll)

Why would anyone trust anything Trump says? Heā€™s a known and proven serial liar and this is no different.

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You are absolutely right you know, how could we trust trump heā€™s nothing like Biden. Biden has never lied about anything in his 50+ years of gallant public service.

Truth be told Iā€™m no fan of trump either, but to me the alternative is worse


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You are free to vote for the senile old puppet

No, Iā€™m not voting for senile Trump. Iā€™ll vote for the guy that actually cares about the country and gets things done.


Yes, Trump is the obvious senile one. We all saw that during the debate. If MSNBC says it true then it must be right?

And yes, Biden cares so much he is impoverishing the working class with his open borders and sending billions upon billions to foreign countries.

How could I be so blind? I guess I need to watch Maddow so she can tell me what to think.

Youā€™ve convinced me, Iā€™m voting for Biden now.


Yes he is, he has been for years. His speeches are incoherent rambling and itā€™s markedly worse now than ever.

With the lowest inflation in the world, the best job market for workers and the highest pay? Yeah, uh huh.

I have no idea.



Everyone seems to be panicking about this Project 2025 Boogeyman but as I have not yet been placed in the FEMA Walmart prison camps Biden was assuredly setting up to intern us I think you can safely untwist your panties.


See. You just described Biden except insert Ukraine!


While we donā€™t have much to pick from this time around, I will give credit where it is due:

Trump shoved and cajoled the Corps and Congress to get a new lock built at the Soo. It had been ā€œauthorizedā€ for decades and lots of promises were made, but now it is funded and under construction.

sending billions upon billions to foreign countries

Foreign aid is approved via a bipartisan congress.

We all saw that during the debate.

Iā€™ll gladly take old and had a cold over spewing lies for personal gain, that divide us while the majority of Americans are actually in agreement.


In the last election the voters had two choices : Trump or Democracy. Most people voted for Democracy, regardless of the candidate that choice represented.

You could run any decent human being under that name Democracy and people are still going to vote for it. You could change the candidate tomorrow and they would still vote for Democracy, because they are voting for a concept.

All this maniac bullshit about a stolen election stems from the shock of cult followers being unable to believe that the majority of the voters would vote for a concept rather than a cult leader.

They think Biden must be a leader of a rival cult, when in reality he is, for the majority of the people who voted for him, just a compromise guy they hired to keep Democracy alive for another four years. Cult45 just canā€™t get their heads around that.

Not trying to change anyoneā€™s mind here. Vote the way you want. Just explaining why people like me vote the way we do.


This was Hitlerā€™s superpower in the 1930s and Trumpā€™s now. People somehow ignore WHAT THEY SAID THEY WOULD DO and project some fantasy of a reasonable logical person onto them. ā€œThere is no way he will actually DO any of that, that is just nutsā€ didnā€™t work out then and it wonā€™t work out now.


Which may be why someone said theyā€™d vote for Bidenā€™s head in a jar before theyā€™d vote for Trump. At any rate itā€™s is a statement on the lack of civic responsibility. and knowledge that the average citizen has that these two are the best this country can come up with to lead it. Younger people afraid to step up? Lack the courage of the Boomers? or maybe just lazy and wanna sit and bitch while things go down the tubes

Bidenā€™s head in a jar would at least have a mostly-competent administration behind it, unlike Trumpā€™s clueless band of criminals screwing things up left and right.
Anyway I feel sorry for kids just getting old enough to vote, they are expected to get all enthusiastic over voting for Sleepy Grandpa to keep everything from getting wrecked by Crazy Grandpa.
Specific to mariners - you would have to be beyond crazy to think a Republican administration wouldnā€™t LOVE to gut the Jones Act and many of you are in unions which are somewhere between Public Enemy Number One and maybe Three for almost any Republican, even the normal ones that remain.


ā€œnormal onesā€? There is no such species. Any relatively emotionally and mentally stable adult would shudder at the thought of the damage to society posed by the cult leader and his ignorant followers. Their ignorance is so profound that they are incapable of recognizing that they will be the first victims of a Trump pseudo theocratic autocracy. The only winners will be a handful of industrialists and, until the inevitable collapse (ala the Third Reich), a few sycophantic enablers.


ā€œ In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ā€¦ Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.ā€

Hannah Arendt