Trump's Project 2025 wants to repeal the Jones Act

One of the reasons those on the left, moderates on the right & the ones in the center fear & despise Trump so much is because he has no handlers. He won’t totally back Project 2025 to appease the Heritage Foundation just like he won’t back a total abortion ban to appease the evangelical christians which are a major foundation of his voting & financial base. Until he’s in a straight jacket with a muzzle he can’t be handled. He said he supports the military & a strong defense force but he was in N Korea shaking hands, smiling with Kim Jong trying to end the longest war/police action in us history. He’s unhinged, can’t be predicted.

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Very true and welcome back Mr Sand Pebble, missed having you around


The pro-choice coalition used to think overturning 50 years of settled law re: abortion would never occur.

And then it did. Overnight. Regardless of the majority of public sentiment. And that was over an issue firmly in the public eye. The jones act is virtually invisible to the public.


He might come out & say to scrap the Jones Act completely or 25% of all imports has to be on us flagged Jones Act vessels by 2035. Who knows? If the media, our allies or ememies had an algorithm on Trump they wouldn’t all be against him. He has no shame & can’t be blackmailed. Its a conundrum. Thanks.

He’s a showman, a PT Barnum. He definitely is afraid of blackmail or he wouldn’t have paid off the porn gal. But for sure he has no shame. I’ll give him this he’s as entertaining as any WWE wrestler.


Most certainly he has no shame, he’s a sociopath among his other mental conditions. He doesn’t need to be blackmailed, he is easily bought with idolation and cash.


Well said and extremely accurate commentary.


Can you tell “caracter” by the way someone hold umbrellas?:


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If describing individual’s political views I’d agree with you but my response was regarding the overall ideological landscape. Using broader, general terms in that context is unavoidable.

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Use this information as you will.


On a lighter side. When Trump contracted Covid, Biden’s team urged him to send him a get well card. He sent a card with a simple message …. “Donald … stay positive”. :blush:

Trump does not understand that public service is a privilege. (Not that others do). He would be happiest if he was the richest billionaire … and because he is not, he bullies. Days or the age of ‘Statemen’ in politics are long gone.

Painful to watch the debate. Biden should enjoy his years …. not being stressed out. Dems need to find someone who (does not cackle) and can stand a chance.

I don’t think JA is going away anytime soon irrespective who holds the office.

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Agree and understand but breaking out of the current ideological landscape has to be done for any progress. This my way or the highway from both sides needs to stop.

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Not enough ship yard workers or mariners to swing an election for an entire state.

or even a local schoolboard :smile:

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That’s a poor analogy.

Abortion access was controlled by case law, Roe v Wade, which the Supreme Court reinterpreted on constitutional grounds to effect a drastic change.

The Jones Act is a statute enacted by Congress. Its difficult to envision a constitutional challenge to the authority of Congress to enact the Jones Act, or how it might violate someone’s constitutional rights. If such a claim were viable, it would have already been made. The courts might be called upon in the future to interpret some “ambiguous” provision of the Jones Act, or an agency interpretation (now that the Supreme Court has eliminated “Chevron Deference”), but I don’t see that changing the basic purposes of the Jones Act.

The end of Chevron Deference (courts must defer to agency interpretations of the statutes they administer) I see as a good thing. Better to let the courts do their own statutory analysis.


I understand what you are saying. However, the Jones Act is a law, and laws are repealed all the time. Line-up the requisite majorities in Congress, and a president who wants to sign such a bill, and the Jones Act disappears in the stroke of a pen.

The easiest way to gut the Jones Act is for a group of legislators to say they are actually improving it. They would rescind it just to make a surgical excision. Say, tinkering with a pesky cabotage clause that all real Americans are against anyway (such would be the claim). Nothing else would be touched. So, yes, cancel the Jones Act, but at the same time reinstate it, with just one teensy-weensy “improvement”…

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It’s not about the yard workers, it’s about the headlines, media attention, and the broader rank and file union vote.

Neither party is going to mess with the jones act, much less run on changing it.

The US voting public are not exactly spoilt for choice in this current election process.
One candidate belongs in aged care and the other requires a frontal lobotomy. Shades of “One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest”………


American politics has dealt a critical blow to the republican movement in this country.

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Too good! :joy: