Trump's Project 2025 wants to repeal the Jones Act

You missed a few buzzwords comrade steamer, the party is disappointed in you.

But for real, you should seek some professional help. There is no reason Trump should work you up into a frothing rage. He should not live in your head rent free.

Try turning off the cable news.


Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interestā€”forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries. It is as though mankind had divided itself between those who believe in human omnipotence (who think that everything is possible if one knows how to organize masses for it) and those for whom powerlessness has become the major experience of their lives.

Hannah Arendt

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There is hardly a better way to avoid discussion than by releasing an argument from the control of the present and by saying that only the future will reveal its merits.

Hannah Arendt,

IMO - much of MAGA arguments fit this- the past would have been better if ā€¦. The future will be a disaster unlessā€¦


You gonna move underground when he wins?

Much of the negative sentiment towards Trump is justified - we are fortunate (or perhaps not) that the actions of autocratic figures in history are well-documented, specifically in how they rose to power.

In case there was any doubt, dictatorships are characterized by the following:


What stopped Trump from gutting out Jones last time?

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Probably the vagina hats

There were still some people around who were relatively sane and also the Supreme Court had not yet ruled he can legally kill anyone that annoys him.


First: he did offer to do so, itā€™s on video where Boris Johnson publicly blurted out their discussion (making the Cato Institute ecstatic no doubt). But he didnā€™t succeed for a couple of reasons, with the UK trade agreement or allowing the Red Ensign (all the Commonwealth flags) US cabotage provisions.

  1. he needed a second termā€”same reason he maintained an ambiguity on getting out of NATO despite telegraphing withdrawal.

  2. he likely had no idea what the hell the Act was, or how it would affect GOP congress folk and how to get them onboard at the time.


Odds on they run Kamala Harris

Biden will just ā€œget sickā€ and have to withdraw.


Donā€™t Be A Sucker - US Army Signal Corp (1947)

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I thought trump was literally hitter last time, is he literary hitler for real this time?


Thereā€™s going to be a lot of dumb things said on the internet.

There are similarities to Jan 6 and the Beer Hall Putsch. Iā€™m not an expert but overall based on what Iā€™ve read, the closer historical analogy would probably be to Turkey under Erdogan.


Literary Hitler sounds terrifying :wink:

But seriously. Do we really want to find out? Can it be risked giving him power again after everything that he has said and done since he lost the 2020 election? One might ask, why is a man who claims the entire system of voting in our our country is crooked, willing to go into the maelstrom again? It defies logic.

I am personally not wanting to find out. The Trump administration 1.0 was objectively a dumpster fire of mismanagement, criminality on a scale never seen before, and willful ignorance. Administration 2.0 will be no different yet very possibly could be the end of our democratic republic as we know it.

I donā€™t believe a word that comes out of that mans mouth, but I listen to what he says. If 2016 taught us anything, we should all be doing the same.


Todayā€™s Republican Party is delusional and chaotic. Hoping moderates in six states figure it out.


Itā€™s very easy to see who mainlines mainstream media. Itā€™s sad too.


I see this fabled Jones Act is a matter of some concern for those commenting here and I canā€™t be bothered to research it but presume it is protectionism for well paid mariners judging by those who support it.

I instinctively reject it on that basis alone. It canā€™t be good for business.

Anyway, just to add my tuppence worth to the Trump Derangement Syndrome on display here which obviously afflicts the totality of US mariners, Iā€™m enthusiastically voting Trump when the polls open.

You may ask how an Australian can vote in US elections but Iā€™ve been watching the clever tactics of the Democratic Party and their bumbling president simply importing and bribing voters from all over the world and removing any integrity from electoral rolls such that we happy citizens of the world can simply fill out a stack of ballots and have them stuffed in a dropbox (I think you call them) where they will be possibly counted, but only if my vote is for the right fellow.

I understand itā€™s not how many votes each candidate gets, itā€™s just as the late, lamented Joe Stalin said, who counts the votes that counts. In a nation that spies by computers on every conversation, transmission and communication in the world itā€™s obvious to me who will win a ballot conducted on computers; he who has the biggest computers.

I hear thereā€™s 51 former intelligence chiefs, of unimpeachable integrity (just that one silly slip-up about Russians slipping Hunterā€™s laptop into the system) lazing about somewhere willing to sign another document certifying this election shows all the hallmarks of being the most secure election ever. Trust at your peril.

Then donā€™t waste bandwidth commenting about it.


Ahhhh! Good! I was right, it seems.

Your post could be a case study.