Project 2025

If Pete Buttigieg proposed any of this, there would have already been 30 editorials on this site attacking him.


No I can’t write that fast

Wish I could because I have more than 30 editorials in my mind detailing all Pete’s failures

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I wouldn’t call them failures since he never had the capacity to begin with.

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How is he any different from any of the other ones?
Did we have a robust deep sea fleet that suddenly ended up in the scrapyard three years ago?

I don’t have time to list the ways but top of the list is the last few times US flagged ships were in a combat zone they got marad medals. This guy refuses to even mention the merchant marine

Second I’ve been visiting DC a lot lately working with both sides of the aisle and even the Democrats at the DOD and Congress are frustrated with his lack of care for shipping

Third the last DOT secretaries were not given $1.2 Trillion to fix infrastructure problems.

Fourth the last DOT secretaries were not charismatic people who have the love and support of a large percentage of Americans. Pete does

I could keep going but the bottom line is Pete has a LOT more influence, power snd money than the previous secretaries but is doing even less to help us. Which is incredibly considering how low the bar is


That’s the top of the list? Getting a medal? The crews are upset they’re not getting medals?

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Sounds like they’d be called “snowflakes” by certain types.

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So basically Pete COULD be doing more and better than the others but isn’t.
Sad but not surprising.
I would still take benign neglect over active animus. Trump and his minions are the friends of mariners like Col. Sanders is friends with chickens.


The reason I’m not worried about Project 2025, from Trump at least, are too numerous to mention. But here are the most obvious to me.

During Trump’s first 4 years in office he wasn’t playing a long game or holding anything back. If he wanted anything mentioned in Project 2025 he would have said it then. Trump said he wanted to buy Greenland & joked about nuking hurricanes to keep them away from the US shores. Only a moron would think Trump was holding back on a sinister plan like Project 2025 for some reason. He doesn’t shut up about anything.

If Trump wanted anything in Project 2025 he would declare it & almost all of his followers would back him 100% without doubt. He doesn’t need to sneak around. The Trump campaign would sell them Project 2025 hats, T-Shirts & bumper stickers & he’d make 60 million dollars from the name itself.

SUNY got a new training ship because of Trump. 4 other maritime academies should get new ships because of Trump. There’s a whole new military branch because of Trump. Trumps former MARAD appointee called out the Ready Reserve, the first time in decades to shine a light on it’s horrible state, something badly needed IMO. Can anyone name any other POTUS ever doling out training ships for maritime academies, calling out failures at MARAD or who created new military branches? Links below.

One of the big forces behind Project 2025 is parody of a conservative Trump supporter. Paul Dans comes from a long line of liberals, went to liberal schools, started out as a liberal, then turned into an extremist conservative, to a never-Trumper & then into a polarizing Trump fanatic? He’s the Stephen Colbert of conservatism. The same never-Trumpers, diehard McCain/Romney/Jeb B supporters at the Hertiage Foundation that wanted to get rid of the Jones Act when McCain/Romney/Jeb were running want to sink the Jones Act again & now we’re supposed to believe Trump controls the McCain/Romney/Jeb B, never-Trumpers at the Heritage Foundation? Get Real. Link below.

The most radical aspect of Project 2025 doesn’t even involve the Jones Act or MARAD and I only seen this type of extremism in liberal, 3rd world socialist countries. My mother & father-in-law lives in Mexico. Because my father-in-law politics for a certain party, his wife, my mother-in-law gets a cushy, nearly no-show job babysitting a city park when his party wins. She gets paid to sit in a park all day. He gets the contract to maintain the local health department too. When his party loses, they get laid off because the new mayor puts his people there & my father-in-law starts politicking for the next election cycle to get those appointed jobs back. Same way in socialist Brazil, Venezuela, etc. Trump & conservatives get the sign of being for cooperations hanged on their necks but the most dangerous policy in Project 2025 is a page from the old socialist Soviet Union? Doesn’t make any sense to me.

New Training Ship On Horizon For Maritime Academy | Bourne News |

First and Fifth New U.S. Training Ships Mark Milestones (

The man behind Project 2025’s most radical plans • Daily Montanan


Really John? The last Sec of Trans came from a family that literally owned a shipping company AND she was married to the Senate Majority Leader, but “Mayor Pete’s unrealized potential” is what gets you so upset?

I’m not arguing he did a great or even good job on maritime matters but your stance is just silly.


(and he FINALLY got a new lock started at the Soo…which has been talked about for years and HE got it done)


The medal iteslf isn’t important but recognition is.

And not just for a pat on the back but recognition sends a signal to other cabinet member and white house officials that the merchant marine is doing important work and needs protection and help

What we suffer from most is the simple fact noboby knows anything about us. I realize that many of you like the fact we work under the radar but the truth is it’s hurting the industry.

Where did I say that she did a good job? In fact I just said the exact oppposite:

An “increadibly low bar” means she did an increadibly poor job.

But Pete is somehow managing to do worse.

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Maybe lead with the $1.2 trillion for infrastructure part and put the “last time they got marad medals” at the end of the list. Or at least reword it. This makes it seem like the crews are upset they’re not getting a medal they’ll never wear or, frankly, care about.

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No they just want the hazard pay that goes with being around there that nobody is getting.


Yeah, I’ve been on ships where we’ve requested and been denied. I could give a fuck about a medal or recognition, I just wanted my money.


That is fair and pragmatic. A post on the state of MSC and the USMM involving a scheme to make containerized q-ship mssiles for fun and profit popped up on Instapundit, and someone in the know suggested the boomers look up John for an industry take on the matter, which was promptly ignored.
One loudmouth MSC survivor said something along the lines of ‘F you, pay me’ regarding sailing armed into conflict, and oh lawd, the boomers clutched their pearls and called for their fainting couches, expecting the noble mariners they didn’t know about 30 seconds beforehand to fight for God and a country and pats on the back. Deeply, deeply upsetting, put them right off their grape nuts.

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What if I told you I was helping to write a bill that gives additional pay and benefits to merchant mariners who have been in combat zones?

What if said you can’t just start handing our checks to people who claim they’ve been in combat zones?

What if I told you the USCG’s filing system is broken so they have no idea who has been in combat zones?

What if I said the best way for congress to verify this is see who has been issued medals by MSC or MARAD?

What if I said that many in the younger generation do want more than a bonus check?

What if I said that many working for Military Sealift Command are already hitting the federal pay cap so just throwing more cash at them isn’t a feasible solution?

What if I said people like you going around posting about medals and basic recognition being stupid isn’t helping anyone get paid.


I’d say it’s up to the companies to man up and pay their people and quit being bitches about “serving your country” and “doing your civic duty” like Sam Norton did.


Maybe people are just turned off by narcissistic, negative attitude, whining government employees (who are at the federal pay cap) demanding “Give ME More Money.”

Maybe when most people hear that the only thing that comes to mind is “Fuck Them.”

The only way to fix MSC is to completely shut it down.