Project 2025

I’d say great, I hope it’s not as convoluted or as debatable as union contracts and it’s more clear cut as to how you qualify.

I’d say yeah, of course. I don’t think most people are trying that tactic. We didn’t call the company and say “hey we just left the port of Afghanistan we’d like some extra money”.

I’d say that’s no surprise and everyone’s known about their shit filing system if you’ve ever tried to upgrade, renew, or get records of any sort from them.

I’d say fine, great, dandy.

I’d say I’m part of “the younger generation” and I’d like to know how many/who you’ve spoken to in said generation that’s looking for recognition? Because I know none of my friends/colleagues I’ve worked with are looking for it, from any generation.

I’d say that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. I didn’t say it was stupid. I made one post in response to yours asking if that was really the number one reason and gave you a personal anecdote/opinion about it. I said putting that at the top of your list was, in my opinion, the wrong choice.


I don’t know about that, I think that the science says after people have sufficient income/wealth they seek status.

For example a mulit-millionaire movie star might prefer a Oscar to more money, same with athletes etc.

Someone once told me about a tug crew that had rescued a yacht in bad weather. The owner of the yacht gave each of the crew a Rolex.

If the owner had given them cash they would have just pissed it away. Someone sees the Rolex and they get to tell the sea story.


That’s funny but true of human nature, especially mariners

Thanks- and as a veteran and a merchant mariner- that is the difference

John seems to long for the opportunity to put on a set of whites full of medals and a sword -

I am proud I wore one - but I couldn’t get out of uniform fast enough- and get paid


To me that seems more personal. A more of a genuine thank you. Circumstances all play a part and if it was a Good Samaritan rescue vs a hired salvage/rescue I think that plays into the story as well.


Hey ChatGPT, draw a picture of the most evil guy in shipping.

What makes him evil? There’s an increadible long list of sins starting with:

He is a conservative
He disrespects McKinsey’s most famous alumni
He apparently wants to larp around with navy officer swords and a chest full of medals
He thinks Project 2025 isn’t terrible
He runs a maritime news website
He advocates for merchant mariners
He holds a master unlimited licesne and sometimes dares to call himself captain
Insta memes about him get thousands of likes

I’m telling you, this guy John is EVIL with a Capital E!!!

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How every McKinsey consultant sees himself :joy:

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A reason to not worry about Project 2025 as far as Trump, is he disavowed it and didn’t have anything to do with writing it.

He doesn’t have anything to do with writing ANYTHING.

Reason #118 to not to worry about Trump concerning Project 2025 & know its just his opponents trying to control the narrative for their non critical thinking base.

When Trump thinks something, he says it. When he wants something, he grabs it. Hence him telling a media personality when he wants to grab a woman by her vagina he does it. Only the most simplest minded of Harris supporters believe that narcissists is capable of keeping hid desires or plots in his head. The Project 2025 drama is pure nonsense.

Perhaps. I’d suggest however that Trump is historically influenced by those in proximity to him at any given time, and has a history as well of those in proximity occasionally being of the fringe.

I suspect any President is heavily reliant on their cabinet and political staff for the bulk of a wide variety of policy, especially at a lower (but still potentially impactful) level.

The reason for concern over Project 2025 isn’t that it’s his ideas, I suspect it likely is not his ideas. It’s that it was written or influenced by a long list of people, many of whom were part of his administration, and is championed by those who wish to be. Therefore, it is hardly out of the realm of possibility or likelihood to presume that those policies may later be embraced by him should they be presented to him by any other name.

He says repeatedly that he hires the best and brightest, even if he subsequently fires them. Some of these project crafters were some of his best and brightest.

BAWHAHAHAHAHA! He wrote a book!

George H Bush publicly voted for Hillary. George W said he wrote in Condaliza Rice for president. Romney ain’t voting for Trump, McCain didn’t either. I bet if you look hard enough you can find some videos of Dick Cheney & his daughter campaigning for Harris. I don’t believe for a minute the same board, grey hairs & string pullers at the Heritage Foundation that supported all those legacy Republicans for all those decades flipped on dime & are no longer never-Trumpers. And that Paul Dans that Politico called the force behind Project 2025, he had a small role in Trumps old cabinet in the dept of HUD of all places. I would bet Trump trusts the Heritage Foundation & Paul Dans as much as you & I do. If Trump has the audacity to publicly call Haiti & countries in Africa shitholes, I don’t think he would care about peoples feelings enough to beat around the bush about his true thoughts on crap the Heritage Foundation comes up with.


The man famously didn’t even read his presidential daily intelligence briefings because they were too long, and he’s not a big reader…I sincerely doubt he read a 900 page policy document and has true thoughts on it.

Who did?

Useful idiot comes to mind