Transferring to Shoreside Job opportunities

I am currently sailing as night captain for a U.S. based OSV company but am looking to make a transition shore side. I need to be closer to home and am looking into to remote/work from home jobs in the industry for mariners. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


I went from harbor/coastwise tugs to a day boat job. 12 hour days, week on/off, and get to go home at night. There are far fewer shoreside jobs for wheelhouse guys than there are for engineers. Maybe see what day boat jobs are near by.

Chief Mate?

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It is alot harder to find that at this point. Hybrid is more prevalent than full remote, so will depend on your home location. What are you passionate about? Applying for a job, only saying work from home/remote is not the best approach. Figure out what shoreside looks for you, how you want to grow, what does your 5 year, 10 year plan look like.

Musk has strong opinion on this.