I haven’t posted on here for a while but thought I may be able to glean some advice from you all.
I’m an academy guy with 5 years of experience doing outside wire towing work as a Mate and a couple years of big ship stuff as 3rd Mate. I have my 1600t masters plus master of towing, tankerman PIC + other random stuff.
My goal is to move inside and transition to harbor tugs including z-drive/voith which I have no experience with. I obviously don’t have the experience to be a “plug and play” type but I’m not inexperienced either.
Would it be reasonable to take a Deckhand position with a harbor company, or would I be better off holding out for some type of “training” position? I’ve been considering the Deckhand route since I’m confident I can learn quickly, I just don’t want to sell myself short. I’d really appreciate some insight from you folks.
First, you might want to work on your nautical terminology. Sailing deepsea as an officer has become “big ship stuff” and the many certifications that mariners must have today have become “random stuff.” Really? Dude, you must be from California.
Now let’s get to the heart of the matter. You share the very common goal to transition to harbor work with many other outside men looking to do the same. No port captain or marine ops managers will find it odd for you to inquire about doing that. I’d suggest finding employment as an outside mate with a company that does both outside work and inside work. Then arrange to ride along as an observer on the inside boats on your time off. Working on deck would be a waste of your time and your “random stuff.” A company that would send you to simulator training , or that has a formal training program would be best. One good inside captain willing to train you informally would be fine.
Crowley, Foss, Dunlap, Western Towboat, and even Harley, might be companies where you might find opportunities.
EN Bisso and Willie Bisso in the river work 7 on 7 off, they are always looking for people. Not a bad option. I know the guy that does hiring at EN Bisso, he called during high river because they needed people for hold ins. I know they had a few people go to pilots recently so they should have some openings.
BTW, you mentioned nothing about a towing endorsement, harbor tugs at least the ones in the Miss River, require a towing endorsement (TOAR). I take that back, you mentioned wire towing so you have a towing endorsement.
Also, a lot of the companies will train you for Z drive. I have heard of guys learning Z drive from conventional in 1 day, others it might take 6 months. All depends upon your skillset, but most companies would be willing to train you on Z drive (a lot of the pilots bitch when they have assist tugs that are under horsepowered or convential tugs so Z drives are becoming more of the norm in harbor assist)
Hey thanks for the response tugsailor. I tried to write my post casually so it would be succinct and to the point. Fortunately I already work for a company that has inside work, but haven’t inquired about observer time. That’s a good idea.
Valid point, at least I brought something meaningful to the conversation. Good luck with that 500 Ton license you’ve been asking about for 3 years along with those STCW requirements.
JESUS really? so before z drive what happened? did the ships fucking dock themselves? no, conventional tugs docked them. The industry is actively teaching z drive because it is the new norm.
You’re kind of an angry guy. At least that’s the impression you are projecting here.
I’m not really sure what the point of harping on about what license someone holds has to do with anything. Maybe go take a nap and you’ll feel better after some rest.
Yeah from my own experience , z drive it more difficult that you’re normal twin screws tuggy boat, and from zero experience to coming along side at 6.5 knots grabbing a line off the bow in one day is pretty good I’d like to meet that guy
I’ve done ship docking with single screw, twin screw, and z drive. Even after being highly experienced with conventional tugs it takes a while to learn to run a tractor. There’s a huge difference between being able to undock, dock, and transit safely, which I did unsupervised my first time ever on one, and doing actual assist work.
BTW, everyone that wants to become a pilot, and when I say pilot, I mean work 7 days on 7 days off and make a minimum of 400k a year…they work their time on harbor tugs in the Mississippi river until they get the call…some never get the call, but I promise you these guys/gals are ready and they are some bad ass boat handlers, like JP