TideWater Employment in GOM

Hello Every ONE,
I just get a phone call from Tidewater.They asked if I am interested working for them.I said “I call them later”.I want fund out if any one had worked for them,what is pay,fleet,schedule,etc.I would appreciate any info on them.I heart mixture of different feelings about Tidewater. :confused::smiley:

Please post what happens if and when you “call them later”.

I worked for them back in the 90’s and I really enjoyed working for them. Lots of good experiences, and always thought they were a good company. As far as pay, it was long ago so it would be irrelevant now but at the time it was pretty close to what everyone else was paying at the time.

Are they hiring anybody that can write and speak proper English. I bet when you call them back they say the job is no longer available.
He who hesitates is lost.

[QUOTE=smetshouse;34809]I worked for them back in the 90’s and I really enjoyed working for them. Lots of good experiences, and always thought they were a good company. As far as pay, it was long ago so it would be irrelevant now but at the time it was pretty close to what everyone else was paying at the time.[/QUOTE]

I worked for Tidewater. Got paid $70 a day then got a raise to $125 a day! That was 12 years ago as an os and ab though :wink: I never had any problems with them.

What position did Tidewater offer you?

[B]Yes ,they do hiring people with proper English,as long as they(anybody) not a redneck,old fart,farm boy,or just ignorant idiot.[/B]

AB.My friend works for sea cor now and he told me ,that tidewater not so good company as fleet,schedule,fleet.

Did you read this before you posted it…It sounds like you may have found your sigh