Got a job with Tidewater

Hey mariners,
I got a job with Tidewater as an AB.As I said yesterday,I did some research and made few phone calls to my friends.Pay is $240 per day,schedule -28 on and 14 off,but they can hold me for more then 28 days if it is necessary…I don’t care;).About me.I am at sea since 1992,basically have been on all types of the boats,have AB(UNL),STCW 95,Life boatman,TWIC and a lot of experience.They really didn’t check English language as someone had mention ,as I said as long as you have experience,and if you are not old fart(who is pretend as he knowing some sea stories),not redneck or farm boy-you good to go.Any way this is emotions,I just happy.Thank you for your comments and support.

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I happy to for you! :slight_smile:

WRT employment, it’s illegal to discriminate against properly documented old farts, rednecks and farm boys. I wonder why you wrote the opposite on 2 different threads? Oh! Maybe you think you’re funny? Hahaha! (I guess you never considered how many of the above visit this forum.)

signed, Old Redneck Son of a Farm Boy

I’m signing- Redneck Old Fart !!

Congrats Seamonster! But…

You better be carefull what you say!!! The best mariners are those that have put in the time, and have the experience and perspective from years spent working on the water. I’ll listen to their advice and “sea stories” any day.

Be safe…

Speaking of Old Farts, Rednecks and Farm Boys!!

irony: the kid just hired by Tidewater above was kicking sand in the face of “Old Farts, Rednecks and Farm Boys” because in the previous post these same “Old Farts, Rednecks and Farm Boys” had made fun of his (in)ability to write proper english.
does anyone else see the irony & humor in this??

Best bet on any new sea-going job is to keep your head down, don’t slack on your first hitch, and don’t offer opinions. :eek:

BTW if somebody in the GOM makes a comment about your accent, where you’re from, etc, just say “USA #1” and you’re be OK!:slight_smile:

I have worked with high school dropouts who could barely read and write. My reading “The Economist” brought some stares…:cool:

Worked with a lawyer that bacame a deckhand.:confused:

I had a Bible thumping captain that would cuss you out and use God’s name in vain 20 times. 5 mins later he was asking if you wanted to have a “Bible Study”:rolleyes:

I worked with the most racist, hate filled, foul mouthed %$& of a captain in the GOM… He turned to me once on watch and said outta the blue “You a Republican or a Democrat?”. I swallowed hard and told him: “I’m a Democrat…” After about 10 seconds of silence he spat and said: “Damn good, wez got sumthin in common, cause I hate Bush and I hate all Republicans!”:stuck_out_tongue:

Another AB was from Romania and made the best damn Goulash (and many other tasty dishes). He was the only one that could really cook…

Good luck!

i agree with everyone on this particular thread: work with everyone & get along with them the best you can. I have of course worked with a lot of guys who would proudly call themselves “Old Farts, Rednecks and Farm Boys” and I’m cool with that, in fact quite a number turned out to be friends after some long hitches.

that is one of the things I always liked about shipping: getting the chance to work with people who I might not otherwise encounter in my daily life.

[QUOTE=Seamonster;34972]Hey mariners,
I got a job with Tidewater as an AB.As I said yesterday,I did some research and made few phone calls to my friends.Pay is $240 per day,schedule -28 on and 14 off,but they can hold me for more then 28 days if it is necessary…I don’t care;).About me.I am at sea since 1992,basically have been on all types of the boats,have AB(UNL),STCW 95,Life boatman,TWIC and a lot of experience.They really didn’t check English language as someone had mention ,as I said as long as you have experience,and if you are not old fart(who is pretend as he knowing some sea stories),not redneck or farm boy-you good to go.Any way this is emotions,I just happy.Thank you for your comments and support.[/QUOTE]

Say hi to Captain Billy Bob…you will last as long as dry-ice on the cap rail.

[QUOTE=Jeffrox;35139]Speaking of Old Farts, Rednecks and Farm Boys!![/QUOTE]

I like that. you won the war with them.

So you can get this job without speaking good English? Could someone plan to immigrate to US on work visa to get a job in US ships?

Can someone with no experience get into Tidewater?

Where are you from, originally? What country? Be honest! You are asking questions that indicate you are NOT from the US (at least originally) Are you a US citizen? Are you here on a student Visa? You mentioned that you want to quit school. If you are here on a student Visa you will have to go home, and reapply for a visa, and come here legally, and then get a green card, then apply for seaman’s papers (MMC.) You cannot change from being here on a student visa, to going to work on it. The US Coast Guard will NOT give you a MMC without a proper green card (work visa.) And they DO check, thoroughly! Your visa status may hinge upon whether or not you are enrolled as a student. Does it? If you apply the government WILL find out. They do a full military style background, fingerprint, security, drivers record, check. In the case of mental instability, they will look at your records, and determine if you should get seamans papers too.

If you would be totally forthcoming (open) about where you are coming from, your status, and what you are looking for you would get better answers, and info.

I earlier mentioned you must look up the words and phrases to understand what is being discussed. Obviously you have NOT done that! I will give you a brief rundown of the time needed to get promoted. You get hired as an ordinary seaman (O.S.) after 12 months seatime you can take a test and get a limited Able Bodied Seaman certificate (A.B.) After three years seatime you can take the 5 day exam for a third mate (3M) So your question whether you can get hired for ‘this position’ at Tidewater is moot, since you are trying to compare yourself to the guy who wrote this who has 18 years experience, and an A.B. certificate, and about $4,000 dollars worth of training.

In all honesty, you need to figure out first if you are a US citizen, or have a green card (to be legal to work in the US) and then figure out if you WANT to be gone to sea on a boat for weeks, months at a time. Then you have to find out (through your own discovery) which industry you may have an interest in. Never mind that this is a bad time to get a job in the industry, and even harder for someone who has -0- experience. You seem so fixated on how much money you can make versus what you “want” to do for a career.

One issue you may want to figure out how to do is to be more forthcoming when you are looking for help. Asking ‘half a question,’ Then following it up with more half questions, and being evasive only make people not tell you whole answers. You may have learned this as ‘protection’ while in therapy, but this only prolongs finding out the truth in the long run.

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I’m originally from South Korea, and have permanent residency, but was wondering if I could recommend fellow Koreans coming over to the US to get the job but I’m guessing not because if it’s hard for Americans to get the job then it must be probably impossible for foreigners to get work visa to get a job that would go to the Americans first.

But is it still possible to get the job without being a permanent resident, or do they only accept those with either permanent residency or citizenship? Thank you for your explanatoins. I wanted to figure out if this is better deal than trucking.