Have I just crossed into the twilight zone

O.K. benn working with Tidewater for a month to get a job. Over the last month I have called countless times, but almost never get called back. Last week the gentleman told me to come down next Monday to do the physical and hopefully start work. I tried all this week to contact the office to find out what I needed to bring and again could not get a call back. Finally yesterday I managed to talk to someone, who informed me that per our previous conversation, they wanted me to come in on Tuesday and that they had sent me an e-mail with all the information. Well I had never talked to this person before and no e-mail was sent to me. They apologized and said they would re send me the e-mail, do I have an e-mail address. How could they have sent me anything if they did not know my e-mail address. I gave them the e-mail and they read it back to me. Well no e-mail has arrived telling me what to bring with me. I no longer have the cash to drive down then get told to come back the next week because I forgot some paper they will want. I am going to call back on Monday, but doubt seriously anyone will ever respond. At this point I am ready to just go back to sailing relief on freighters for less money, as I am about tapped out financially because this has taken so long. Is this freakin normal operations in the gulf, or should I be looking for Rod Serling.

You were warned!!! Turdwater are some miserable bastards to deal with. If this were one of the other companies I’d say they were just swamped. Turdwater only has like 10 boats in the GOM. Their HR department isn’t incredibly busy. This is indicative of all of your future dealings with the office in Amelia if you get hired. Good luck fella!

I called em’ they said they were “full right now”. So if they are even calling that’s a “good” sign. Hey it’s a start, use the time and keep working towards another company. I’ll prob end up at one of these “crap” places…so what? At least I’ll have reasent sea time in the GOM and something to show the “better” companys. Hell I worked at a place for $100 a day and thought I was in heaven. Until the 10-99 arrived…crap!

I don’t care what the company is like as I need to get my foot in door in the gulf. I really want away from the Great Lakes, and this is at least a start. I am just concerned because I can’t get any response about what I need to bring in the way of papers. Rebel_Rider I see you are from the Michigan and I remember you asking about work in another thread. Have you tried calling Rachael at Key Lakes / Great Lakes Fleet. All of the unlicensed people on their boats except the Presque Isle and the Great Republic are local 5, and the company hires direct, not through the union. They carry ordinary seamen on deck, and wiper/handyman in the engine room. Of course you wont get any vacation for a year except when your between boats and during winter layup.

Best of luck to both of us.

Yep, I did. R. Roman-something or another. They are “not hiring” right now. Was told I had a job at American Steamship/Liberty on the Amercian Century two days later they recinded. Sucks ASS. Was only a temp job but still a job. This was thru Ameri-farce, then I asked about an OS/Wiper job… no go, you had to have converor exp? I’m getting to the point of not even caring about the offtime.

As far as paperwork BRING EVERYTHING, Iam. Every scrap,doc,dd-214,med, birth certificate,ssn,shellback certificate, fancy diplomas from training and anything else I can find.

Just like he said, bring EVERYTHING. Bring bags packed and briefcase stuffed. Any paperwork they have ever sent you plus anything you have ever accomplished

Oh I am used to shipping out, been sailing for over twenty years. I have my bag packed and my briefcase as well. Just didn’t want to show up and not have something they wanted to see. Of course I will have my license, MMD, Stcw and passport as I always carry them on a job. Just hoping I can get ahold of them Monday so that I can verify what they want, as I have not gotten anything from them as of yet. Hopefully I can get them tomorrow and double check before I drive down Tuesday. I will say that I am not packing very heavy as I don’t know what to expect or how much room I will have once I get on a boat. I am looking forward to starting with them as I want to get as far from the unions as I can, but they are my fall back to plan if this goes south. I feel like the unions have shafted us all and as such I am out of a permanent job. This job will give me the chance to start over, I just hope they will give me a chance as this will all be new to me.

rebel_rider, I am not sure why a hiring agency would be trying to get you a job with ASC (additional shit coming) as they are SIU for the unlicensed and SIU would never allow that to happen. Most likely they were going to get you the job when ASC threw all the local 5 guys off the boats. SIU and the downturn in the economy put an end to that. ASC is also responsible for changing the contracts on the lakes that the union embraced resulting in my now being out of a job.

Again best of luck on your job search.

I’m on a crew boat and packed too heavy. Jeans and t shirts is probly all you need besides the essentials

Hey PaulBaudry, what do they provide in the way of soap towels and linen, if anything at all.


[QUOTE=Scruffy;73821]Oh I am used to shipping out, been sailing for over twenty years. I have my bag packed and my briefcase as well. Just didn’t want to show up and not have something they wanted to see. Of course I will have my license, MMD, Stcw and passport as I always carry them on a job. Just hoping I can get ahold of them Monday so that I can verify what they want, as I have not gotten anything from them as of yet. Hopefully I can get them tomorrow and double check before I drive down Tuesday. I will say that I am not packing very heavy as I don’t know what to expect or how much room I will have once I get on a boat. I am looking forward to starting with them as I want to get as far from the unions as I can, but they are my fall back to plan if this goes south. I feel like the unions have shafted us all and as such I am out of a permanent job. This job will give me the chance to start over, I just hope they will give me a chance as this will all be new to me.

rebel_rider, I am not sure why a hiring agency would be trying to get you a job with ASC (additional shit coming) as they are SIU for the unlicensed and SIU would never allow that to happen. Most likely they were going to get you the job when ASC threw all the local 5 guys off the boats. SIU and the downturn in the economy put an end to that. ASC is also responsible for changing the contracts on the lakes that the union embraced resulting in my now being out of a job.

Again best of luck on your job search.[/QUOTE]

If you read the “wording” on their website, they left off the Am. Century in the list of (SIU) ships… makes ya wonder. I also had to sign some kind of “line breaker” agreement as well. They may be planning to jam all of em’ Damm confusing mess, hell I just want to goto work.

Yes hand soap, towels, linens and pillows. I bring my own of all that though. The stuff on the boat is ok to an extent, but not what you’re accustomed to.

Same stuff as provided by every company I worked for. I probably wont bring anything except shampoo and shaving cream this trip. usually the pillows are pretty cheap, and even a new one gets pretty flat after just a week of use.

Thanks for the info.

Not all ASC boats are SIU. The century, integrity, courage, victory, valor and fortitude are not. They were Local 5 until the union struck them. Since then ASC has been running them with their own hires and via staffing companies. That said the valor, victory and fortitude are in lay up. I doubt theyy will ever run again unless notched or repowered.