Yes I did work in both the Shipping and Offshore Industries (that is not one industry) for over 55 years. As for being “the most corrupt”, both of them have some stiff competition.
Yes I worked on ships, rigs, in management and as Marine Surveyor and Consultant all over the world.
Did I notice? Yes I did notice a lot, both bad and good. I could tell “horror stories” that you wouldn’t believe (not only about Singapore, Asia, or Asians)
Did I live in a dreamland? No, far from it; sometime in a nightmare of ignorance, intolerance, incompetence and sometimes downright stupidity. (You will be pleased to know that this was not limited to one race, nationality, or religion)
I’ve worked with enough Norwegian mariners and fishermen to know that they are a lot, a whole lot, more racist than Americans. Most of them don’t have a very good opinion of White Americans either.
I’m a realist and don’t don’t have any elution that all Americans are racists, or that there are no Norwegian racists.
What I said is that; " no one race, nationality, or religion has a monopoly on ignorance, intolerance, incompetence and sometimes downright stupidity".
Of course you may see that as Anti-American if you like. I don’t see how that could be, unless you think…
No you couldn’t or wouldn’t, could you??
The two sister ships “Esso Tokyo” (406.258 dwt) and “Esso Japan” (406.640 dwt), both built 1976. Seen on this picture laid up in Ålesund, Norway, July, 1985.
Photo: Anders Rydberg, Copyright
(Separate from the 4 shown earlier)
Esso Japan became the FSO Safer:
“Esso Japan”, seen here as “Safer” laid up near Aalesund on 16/8/1986.
Photo by Mike Ridgard
Poor quality pictures taken from the wall.
I’m courius to see if you recognize the second ship. I have been in command of this one for a couple of years. She was a Norwegian ( international register) product carrier.