It is always the lies that is worse than the crime. When will they ever learn?
Man, you guys are going to piss off the Gubmint voicing opinions like those.
You are just supposed to shutup, go to the medical marijuana store for your “medicine”, go home and watch sports like a zombie.
Seriously folks, we are fucked.
Records of all phone calls and internet activity "for our own safety"
Letting ambassadors be executed so the election is not bothered.
Letting 12 year old girls go into CVS and buy a pill off the shelf that will murder her unborn child all unbeknownst to her parents.
Destroying the institution of marriage. Gone.
Letting millions of illegal aliens become citizens, oh yeah, not illegal anymore merely undocumented. LOL
Forced obamacare already raising premiums.
Homeland security purchasing 2 billion rounds of ammo. Enough to fight in Iraq for 35 years.
IRS selectively targeting conservatives.
Gun control.
Forced acceptance of homosexuality.
And now going to war in Syria and aiding Al Qaeda rebels.
Boy Scouts huh? Im with you but me thinks there are deeper problems.
And they wonder why people are doomsday prepping.
Afraid Knots, the world for you must be a dark and tangled, Alex Jones kind of place… Lighten up, put a Rainbow flag on the bumper of your Solar powered Tesla S and be Happy! Oh, wait, I’m sensing a Dodge Ram with a Brazilian diesel and a bad injector pump…
Y’all keep joking… Or toking… Or whatever but he’s right we are all screwed we have been slowly giving our liberties away for years and they keep changing the ones we have left without anyone noticing or caring
O.k., here we go…
Speech is protected, with whom you communicate is not.
There is no logic in “Executing” an Ambassador before an election. Downplaying the incident, maybe…
Plan “B” merely prevents fertilization of the egg and/or preventing the egg from adhering to the uterus wall. There is nothing anywhere like a baby involved.
The institution of marriage is, uh, like a union. The more people in it the stronger it becomes. They might not be your people, but they are people, and they have rights.
Obamacare, you may have a point. I’ll get back to you in a couple of years…
2 Billion rounds is B.S. Govt ammo purchases have fallen in the last 3 years.
IRS targeting Tea Partiers? Obama trying to clamp down on the TP/GOP Clownshow is ridiculous. Michelle Bachman Obama probably donated to that clusterfuck.
“Forced” acceptance of homosexuality? You don’t have to accept them, you just have to afford them the same rights as you have.
Were it not for Oil, there would be no Al Queda.
So, here I am, not Joking or Toking, sitting on my Sailboat, anchored off a job site, getting paid to drink beer and keep the pirates away and shuffle a few barges around.
I have 750 Gallons FOB, 400 gals water, 2,500 watts of solar power and food for a year, life is good if you’re “Prepped” for it…
You misspelled it let me help you
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Agreed, Uhh, am I missing something? Google Marvin Bush for starters.
[QUOTE=DredgeBoyThrottleJocky;112551]O.k., here we go…
Speech is protected, with whom you communicate is not.
There is no logic in “Executing” an Ambassador before an election. Downplaying the incident, maybe…
Plan “B” merely prevents fertilization of the egg and/or preventing the egg from adhering to the uterus wall. There is nothing anywhere like a baby involved.
The institution of marriage is, uh, like a union. The more people in it the stronger it becomes. They might not be your people, but they are people, and they have rights.
Obamacare, you may have a point. I’ll get back to you in a couple of years…
2 Billion rounds is B.S. Govt ammo purchases have fallen in the last 3 years.
IRS targeting Tea Partiers? Obama trying to clamp down on the TP/GOP Clownshow is ridiculous. Michelle Bachman Obama probably donated to that clusterfuck.
“Forced” acceptance of homosexuality? You don’t have to accept them, you just have to afford them the same rights as you have.
[B]Were it not for Oil, there would be no Al Queda. [/B]
So, here I am, not Joking or Toking, sitting on my Sailboat, anchored off a job site, getting paid to drink beer and keep the pirates away and shuffle a few barges around.
I have 750 Gallons FOB, 400 gals water, 2,500 watts of solar power and food for a year, life is good if you’re “Prepped” for it…[/QUOTE]
not quite…that goes back to helping the wrong side fight the Russians who were just a tad smarter and could see the muslim problem coming in that region and actually asked for your help.
You’ve been paying dearly for that mistake ever since.
[QUOTE=powerabout;112620]not quite…that goes back to helping the wrong side fight the Russians who were just a tad smarter and could see the muslim problem coming in that region and actually asked for your help.
You’ve been paying dearly for that mistake ever since.[/QUOTE]
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Oh you are missing quite a lot, but the list is too long and varied to expound on in depth here.
[QUOTE=Jetryder223;112625]The enemy of my enemy is my friend.[/QUOTE]
A short, fleeting friendship, perhaps.
[B]“Reasonable, intelligent men work in the engine room. Morons, romantics and megalomaniacs end up on deck.”[/B]
Seriously? I resemble that remark.
Yep, it turns out it is hard to have your cake and eat it too.
Well, more like “Frenemy”…
Oh, don’t worry. When the present lier and chief is out of office there will be tons of google stories to read for generations to come.
[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);112660]Oh, don’t worry. When the present lier and chief is out of office there will be tons of google stories to read for generations to come.[/QUOTE]
Hopefully we will finally get to hear about his College Days.
Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean that they aren’t put to get you pal.
If you think protecting your children is pointless then why not let them live in the wild?
So it is all in vain because if you child is going to be defiled by some sicko it was gonna happen any way and there is no point in doing what you can to prevent it? Then I should just start leaving boxes of matches out where my son who is fascinated with fire can play with them. And if the house burns down there wasn’t anything I could have done to prevent it, right? I guess it must be nice to live in “I don’t give a shit” land where you are from but as a dedicated Father who cares I feel it is my duty to “protect” my children or at the very least do what I can.
I’m sure he was a wild and crazy guy but think W’s time spent in College will be hard to beat, with all the skull & bones in his past…
Skull and bones is one thing and something I personally don’t care about, at this point I’d take W back in a heart beat.