Ok… ive got 3 things that are making me wonder if the end is near…
Boston bombing + Attack / murder of afghan war veteran in England…
When are people going to finally realize we are at war, a religious war that they are prepared to die for. Those poor people in Boston, children, innocent people killed, because our country wont admit whats really going on, and do something about it.
Our great president, between the “Bengazi attack”, the IRS scandel, and now targeting the media when he doesnt aprove of what they report, if this was anyone else, the impeachment process would have been started already. But we all know why this wont happen…
Allowing gays into the scouts…
This is a private organization, whos arm has been twisted by the liberal left, so “everyone” can feel excepted. No, bullshit. I am an eagle scout, active member of the OA, and im ready to pull my son out, and burn my uniform. Who in their right mind, would allow gay’s to openly serve, in an organization that is mostly young men from 12-17 years old…??? You want to hide in the closet, dont ask, dont tell, maybe, slim chance of maybe. My opinion is still the predominant one in this country, im sick of the news making it sound like all americans are limp wristed, prius driving, rainbow flag flying yuppies, give me an ar-15, a pickup and a gas well in my backyard.
Anyway, i thought the site could use a new rant, im on my way to chick-filet to get a sandwich.