The world is headed to hell in a handbasket - hold on

Ok… ive got 3 things that are making me wonder if the end is near…

Boston bombing + Attack / murder of afghan war veteran in England…
When are people going to finally realize we are at war, a religious war that they are prepared to die for. Those poor people in Boston, children, innocent people killed, because our country wont admit whats really going on, and do something about it.

Our great president, between the “Bengazi attack”, the IRS scandel, and now targeting the media when he doesnt aprove of what they report, if this was anyone else, the impeachment process would have been started already. But we all know why this wont happen…

Allowing gays into the scouts…
This is a private organization, whos arm has been twisted by the liberal left, so “everyone” can feel excepted. No, bullshit. I am an eagle scout, active member of the OA, and im ready to pull my son out, and burn my uniform. Who in their right mind, would allow gay’s to openly serve, in an organization that is mostly young men from 12-17 years old…??? You want to hide in the closet, dont ask, dont tell, maybe, slim chance of maybe. My opinion is still the predominant one in this country, im sick of the news making it sound like all americans are limp wristed, prius driving, rainbow flag flying yuppies, give me an ar-15, a pickup and a gas well in my backyard.
Anyway, i thought the site could use a new rant, im on my way to chick-filet to get a sandwich.

Nice rant, though you can keep your ar-15.
Real battle rifles are chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 WIN)



Don’t forget to add a real sidearm; in .45 ACP (not that euro-trash 9mm stuff) with walnut grips and parkerized steel!

Well, maybe non-slip and brushed stainless would be ok.

[QUOTE=BargeMonkey;110241]Ok… ive got 3 things that are making me wonder if the end is near…

Boston bombing + Attack / murder of afghan war veteran in England…
When are people going to finally realize we are at war, a religious war that they are prepared to die for. Those poor people in Boston, children, innocent people killed, because our country wont admit whats really going on, and do something about it.

Our great president, between the “Bengazi attack”, the IRS scandel, and now targeting the media when he doesnt aprove of what they report, if this was anyone else, the impeachment process would have been started already. But we all know why this wont happen…

Allowing gays into the scouts…
This is a private organization, whos arm has been twisted by the liberal left, so “everyone” can feel excepted. No, bullshit. I am an eagle scout, active member of the OA, and im ready to pull my son out, and burn my uniform. Who in their right mind, would allow gay’s to openly serve, in an organization that is mostly young men from 12-17 years old…??? You want to hide in the closet, dont ask, dont tell, maybe, slim chance of maybe. My opinion is still the predominant one in this country, im sick of the news making it sound like all americans are limp wristed, prius driving, rainbow flag flying yuppies, give me an ar-15, a pickup and a gas well in my backyard.
Anyway, i thought the site could use a new rant, im on my way to chick-filet to get a sandwich.[/QUOTE]

As a fellow Eagle Scout I agree with you 100%. The Scout’s Oath has the words Physically Strong, Mentally Awake and Morally Straight in it. If gays want to be in a camping, outdoorsy, youth program why cant they start their own? Why do they have to corrupt one with 100+ years of honored traditions? They should start their own program and they can let in anyone they choose to, LGBT, boys, girls, etc.

And flyer a REAL battle rifle is chambered in 30-06!!


[QUOTE=Flyer69;110245]Nice rant, though you can keep your ar-15.
Real battle rifles are chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 WIN)


or 50 BMG…

[QUOTE=BargeMonkey;110241] Boston bombing + Attack / murder of afghan war veteran in England…
When are people going to finally realize we are at war, a religious war that they are prepared to die for. Those poor people in Boston, children, innocent people killed, because our country wont admit whats really going on, and do something about it.

Trying to keep this non-political but here goes:

BS. This is not a religious war. The bombings, 911 and all other “Muslim” attacks are about changing US/UK policy. They want us OUT of the Middle East snd they want us to stop supporting Israel. While they think it would be great for us to convert, it’s not the driving force. And Boston was about a young man incensed that he could not compete in the national golden gloves boxing match and move on to Olympic competition.

Our great president, between the “Bengazi attack”, the IRS scandel, and now targeting the media when he doesnt aprove of what they report, if this was anyone else, the impeachment process would have been started already. But we all know why this wont happen…

Way too political - can’t touch that on this forum.

[QUOTE=BargeMonkey;110241] Allowing gays into the scouts…
This is a private organization, whos arm has been twisted by the liberal left, so “everyone” can feel excepted. No, bullshit. I am an eagle scout, active member of the OA, and im ready to pull my son out, and burn my uniform. Who in their right mind, would allow gay’s to openly serve, in an organization that is mostly young men from 12-17 years old…??? You want to hide in the closet, dont ask, dont tell, maybe, slim chance of maybe. My opinion is still the predominant one in this country, im sick of the news making it sound like all americans are limp wristed, prius driving, rainbow flag flying yuppies, .[/QUOTE]

This I’m a little iffy on. At age 12, I doubt sexual identy has been establisted. I can’t imagine a capming trip would ever turn into an Amsterdam steam bath. Sex in any form under the age of consent is illegal everywhere.

[QUOTE=Jetryder223;110252]Trying to keep this non-political but here goes:

BS. This is not a religious war. The bombings, 911 and all other “Muslim” attacks are about changing US/UK policy. They want us OUT of the Middle East snd they want us to stop supporting Israel. While they think it would be great for us to convert, it’s not the driving force. And Boston was about a young man incensed that he could not compete in the national golden gloves boxing match and move on to Olympic competition.

Way too political - can’t touch that on this forum.

This I’m a little iffy on. At age 12, I doubt sexual identy has been establisted. I can’t imagine a capming trip would ever turn into an Amsterdam steam bath. Sex in any form under the age of consent is illegal everywhere.[/QUOTE]

I wish that this was true but back when I was a Scout in the 70’s there was a lot of “Stuff” happening in the tents at night. One of the Scout Masters was run out of town real quick. Some of the kids that were involved were the last ones that you would have thought would be involved in something like this.

Now, I might get blasted but most of the kids that will now be allowed to join will be fine and will not cause any problems. The ones that we all need to worry about are the Future Predators as they are very good about hiding in plain sight.

[QUOTE=Jetryder223;110252]Trying to keep this non-political but here goes:

BS. This is not a religious war. The bombings, 911 and all other “Muslim” attacks are about changing US/UK policy. They want us OUT of the Middle East snd they want us to stop supporting Israel. While they think it would be great for us to convert, it’s not the driving force. And Boston was about a young man incensed that he could not compete in the national golden gloves boxing match and move on to Olympic competition.

Way too political - can’t touch that on this forum.

This I’m a little iffy on. At age 12, I doubt sexual identy has been establisted. I can’t imagine a capming trip would ever turn into an Amsterdam steam bath. Sex in any form under the age of consent is illegal everywhere.[/QUOTE]
Sexual identity is established at Birth. To say otherwise would indicate your feelings, not what is scientifically accepted as truth. While I don’t really care about the Scout Issue on the whole, the BSA IS a private organization. This Political Correctness run amok is simply blinding the public’s awareness of the truth. Read down in the ‘general tab’ about 6 lines down.

I hate to disappoint you but this IS a religious war. It is not about ‘they want us ‘out’ of the mideast’ It is about they want total conversion to Islam. You should read some of the pamphlets they put out. Listen to some of the sermons by even their moderate imams. It would absolutely shock you. Unfortunately most of America is blindly listening to mainstream media, and has ‘isolationist’ tendencies. This is the same myopia that got us Mired in WW1 an 2. Nothing was done until it was too late for a regional war, and we had ‘world wars’ over this topic. The same thing will happen all over the world. You have seen the ‘Arab Spring’ overthrow 5 sitting governments already. More African countries are to follow.

Islam is a Religion at war for its continued promotion, conversion and protection. To think otherwise is folly. This is not about ‘what we are doing in their country (s)’ it is about what they want to do in EVERYONE Else’s country. P.S. They are getting away with it!!!

All of this is carefully crafted nonsense to direct your attention in as many different directions as possible so you can’t see the big picture.

[QUOTE=cappy208;110258]I hate to disappoint you but this IS a religious war. It is not about ‘they want us ‘out’ of the mideast’ It is about they want total conversion to Islam. You should read some of the pamphlets they put out. Listen to some of the sermons by even their moderate imams. It would absolutely shock you. Unfortunately most of America is blindly listening to mainstream media, and has ‘isolationist’ tendencies. This is the same myopia that got us Mired in WW1 an 2. Nothing was done until it was too late for a regional war, and we had ‘world wars’ over this topic. The same thing will happen all over the world. You have seen the ‘Arab Spring’ overthrow 5 sitting governments already. More African countries are to follow.

Islam is a Religion at war for its continued promotion, conversion and protection. To think otherwise is folly. This is not about ‘what we are doing in their country (s)’ it is about what they want to do in EVERYONE Else’s country. P.S. They are getting away with it!!![/QUOTE]

Disappoint me? How would I be “disappointed” about what type of war it is. War sux no matter the cause.

So let’s say it IS a religious war. What can we do differently? Close the borders? Bar entry to Muslims? Have all Muslims wear a Star & Crecent? Round them up and put them in special “housing compounds”? I recall something similar was tried about 70 years ago. Did not turn out very well.

Let’s say I am right and they only want us out of the Middle East and to abandon support of Israel. Well, that ain’t going to happen either. I don’t see any hope for this to ever end well.

We are ALL in a ‘global’ economy. This is all seen by things such as: Manilla Amendments’ SIRE audits, and all that crap. What is happening ANYWHERE in the world is affecting ALL of us. My point in intertwining all this together is to make it apparent that this is not an ‘Us Versus Them’ argument. It is what is acceptable to the world, I see you excise the sexuality part out the equation. I am sorry. it is all related.

You ask: “What can we do differently”. That is the best question. How about remove tax exemptions from religious institutions?

Who in their right mind, would allow gay’s to openly serve, in an organization that is mostly young men from 12-17 years old…???

Seriously?? Comes across like you don’t even know any gay people and have formed an opinion based on what every right wing radio host and ultra conservative preacher has told you.

Let me ask you this. As a grown man do you find little undeveloped immature teenage girls sexually attractive? I’m sure you don’t. So why would some one who is gay find a boy of the same age attractive? If someone is attracted to little boys and girls they are not gay or straight they are called a PEDOPHILE!!!

What about gay teachers? What about gay parents? I know a few of both, and believe me they are not influencing their students or children’s sexual views at all. Hell one has told me this awesome story about how his 8 year old son told him he wants to figure out how to get women to pay him money to go out with him because he looks so good. There goes the ‘gay people raise more gay people’ theory right out of the water if you ask me.

Just for the record I was a scout from Tiger Cubs till I was about 15 or 16 star scout and then got involved with theater because that’s where the girls were. Warning about theater, Gay people LOVE theater. Meet several that I consider good friends 15 years later. Never once was I hit on or asked to do something inappropriate. I know, boggles the mind.

I on the other hand find it disgusting how ingrained the Mormon church has gotten with the BSA. They have done it for the express purposes of furthering their conservative agenda. I just want the BSA to go back to being about boys learning how to enjoy the great outdoors and learning to help their fellow man regardless of race, gender, or sexuality.

And just for the record the below picture pretty much sums up my political beliefs.

What we are seeing is the result of the progressive liberals feeling emboldened due to the current administration. They don’t care about your rights only their view of what your rights should be and how the world should be in their demented views. The pendulum swings both ways.

What people chose to do behind closed doors, i could care less about. I have quite a few customers @ home who are “same sex couples”, and they stay to themselves and no one cares. My point was, young men at the ages of 12-17 are very impressionable, and really i dont care if someones queer, its just that it has no place, being made public in that organization. Im waiting for the first lawsuit, when a scout kills himself, “because mommy and daddy supported his coming out” and the rest of the group broke his balls with no mercy. Not saying people shouldnt have a choice, but what happened to keeping it to yourself, no people wont do that anymore, because the liberal left constantly crams this shit down our throats, and it doesnt fly in my household, or community.

Our great president, between the “Bengazi attack”, the IRS scandel, and now targeting the media when he doesnt aprove of what they report, if this was anyone else, the impeachment process would have been started already. But we all know why this wont happen… So if W. or Ronald Reagen had done something like this they would have been impeached?

Unfortunately, I guess the world must be full of pedophiles then. As the father of teenage daughters and I consider under 18 undeveloped I am constantly seeing men of all ages give them lustful stares so obviously they attracted to my little girls. It scares me as a father to think this is so commonplace. Have even worked with a few scumbags that talked their lust for teenage girls about it openly. I have to worry that when my daughters are over at their friends house are they safe? So they are not allowed to sleepover as a rule and when away from home must check in consistently. None of our children have sleepovers because the level of depravity that exists in this society. To a certain extent yes we are influenced by others especially at that impressionable age and to deny that would be false. Most males learn to objectify women from their fathers at this pivotal time and learn a lot about how think and feel and will treat women in the future. I would not feel comfortable with my staying overnight with alone with a gay or straight male personally. I’m not afraid being gay is contagious and my son will catch the gay but imagine the gay scout leaders values would confuse my child and make my child curious about this particular lifestyle. Pedophiles tend to come in all shapes and sizes. Even though our home is devoutly Christian and we do not teach our children to hate gay people. I think people think there child is a lower risk of being possibly molested if the scout is hetero and that is not necessarily true. I would assume if there are just as many gay pedos as straight as there is just a large market for gays to view “teen boys” meaning that gays and heteros are at least equally likely to be a pedo. I love my children and as a father I realize how depraved this world is and my wife and I do what we can to protect them. You can’t blame/judge parents as haters of the gay community for being paranoid or worried about this.

[QUOTE=“capbubba;110604”]Our great president, between the “Bengazi attack”, the IRS scandel, and now targeting the media when he doesnt aprove of what they report, if this was anyone else, the impeachment process would have been started already. But we all know why this wont happen… So if W. or Ronald Reagen had done something like this they would have been impeached?[/QUOTE]

They did. Remember George the dumber and his going after reporters who outed CIA agents that were leaked by his administration?

[QUOTE=looking4work;112445]Unfortunately, I guess the world must be full of pedophiles then. As the father of teenage daughters and I consider under 18 undeveloped I am constantly seeing men of all ages give them lustful stares so obviously they attracted to my little girls. It scares me as a father to think this is so commonplace. Have even worked with a few scumbags that talked their lust for teenage girls about it openly. I have to worry that when my daughters are over at their friends house are they safe? So they are not allowed to sleepover as a rule and when away from home must check in consistently. None of our children have sleepovers because the level of depravity that exists in this society. To a certain extent yes we are influenced by others especially at that impressionable age and to deny that would be false. Most males learn to objectify women from their fathers at this pivotal time and learn a lot about how think and feel and will treat women in the future. I would not feel comfortable with my staying overnight with alone with a gay or straight male personally. I’m not afraid being gay is contagious and my son will catch the gay but imagine the gay scout leaders values would confuse my child and make my child curious about this particular lifestyle. Pedophiles tend to come in all shapes and sizes. Even though our home is devoutly Christian and we do not teach our children to hate gay people. I think people think there child is a lower risk of being possibly molested if the scout is hetero and that is not necessarily true. I would assume if there are just as many gay pedos as straight as there is just a large market for gays to view “teen boys” meaning that gays and heteros are at least equally likely to be a pedo. I love my children and as a father I realize how depraved this world is and my wife and I do what we can to protect them. You can’t blame/judge parents as haters of the gay community for being paranoid or worried about this.[/QUOTE]

I find your post very disturbing. Perhaps a bit paranoid?

Yes, there are risks in life and some people are bad. But to cloister your children, in a vain attempt to “protect” them from all the evil in the world is just misplaced.

The right to impeach public officials is secured by the U.S. Constitution in Article I, Sections 2 and 3, which discuss the procedure, and in Article II, Section 4, which indicates the grounds for impeachment: “the President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Removing an official from office requires two steps: (1) a formal accusation, or impeachment, by the House of Representatives, and (2) a trial and conviction by the Senate. Impeachment requires a majority vote of the House; conviction is more difficult, requiring a two-thirds vote by the Senate. The vice president presides over the Senate proceedings in the case of all officials except the president, whose trial is presided over by the chief justice of the Supreme Court. This is because the vice president can hardly be considered a disinterested party—if his or her boss is forced out of office he or she is next in line for the top job!
What Are “High Crimes and Misdemeanors?”
Bribery, perjury, and treason are among the least ambiguous reasons meriting impeachment, but the ocean of wrongdoing encompassed by the Constitution’s stipulation of “high crimes and misdemeanors” is vast. Abuse of power and serious misconduct in office fit this category, but one act that is definitely not grounds for impeachment is partisan discord. Several impeachment cases have confused political animosity with genuine crimes. Since Congress, the vortex of partisanship, is responsible for indicting, trying, and convicting public officials, it is necessary for the legislative branch to temporarily cast aside its factional nature and adopt a judicial role.
Yes but W and Ronald Reagan did not get impeached, the last guy that almost got impeached was Billy and that was over a BLOW JOB!!! God I miss those days.

[QUOTE=capbubba;112459]The right to impeach public officials is secured by the U.S. Constitution in Article I, Sections 2 and 3, which discuss the procedure, and in Article II, Section 4, which indicates the grounds for impeachment: "the President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
Removing an official from office requires two steps: (1) a formal accusation, or impeachment, by the House of Representatives, and (2) a trial and conviction by the Senate. Impeachment requires a majority vote of the House; conviction is more difficult, requiring a two-thirds vote by the Senate. The vice president presides over the Senate proceedings in the case of all officials except the president, whose trial is presided over by the chief justice of the Supreme Court. This is because the vice president can hardly be considered a disinterested party—if his or her boss is forced out of office he or she is next in line for the top job!
What Are "High Crimes and Misdemeanors?"
Bribery, perjury, and treason are among the least ambiguous reasons meriting impeachment, but the ocean of wrongdoing encompassed by the Constitution’s stipulation of “high crimes and misdemeanors” is vast. Abuse of power and serious misconduct in office fit this category, but one act that is definitely not grounds for impeachment is partisan discord. Several impeachment cases have confused political animosity with genuine crimes. Since Congress, the vortex of partisanship, is responsible for indicting, trying, and convicting public officials, it is necessary for the legislative branch to temporarily cast aside its factional nature and adopt a judicial role.
Yes but W and Ronald Reagan did not get impeached, the last guy that almost got impeached was Billy and that was over a BLOW JOB!!! God I miss those days.[/QUOTE]

Well, it was less about Billy’s blow job and more about his lying about it. . . .