I Don't Remember Saying

I do not remember saying “war on Christmas” or “I’m being oppressed” (Maybe I did but I’m old and forgetful) I said “assassination” because a man was stalked and shot in the back. As for “drug dealers” that get shot, that is more like “war”, turf war, stealing their “product”. I do not post to offend. You are free to believe what you believe, but you should not criticize me for exercising my beliefs. I pray I have not posted anything that could be consider an “attack”. I know some of my posts could be found “offensive” to some because of a disagreement over what we believe. Ya’ll have a goodern and I hope that doesn’t offend anyone. :grin:


Honestly I’m not sure who you’re replying to, but…


You are free to be a Christian, to say Merry Christmas, you are free to pray, free to go to the church of your choice, free to have your own beliefs.

Everyone else is free to say happy holidays, or Chag Sameach, or anything else they wish.

The term happy holidays is often used between Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) through new years, and in some cases through orthodox Christmas (7JAN)

All that being said, every year there is a plethora of people crying about how Xians are persecuted in the U.S. because not everyone shares their specific beliefs.

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It was a general post to anyone interested. I read just this morning that in Oregon, in one school district had this to say about Christmas trees. "“Let’s start with no tree,” Carol Hatfield wrote to staffers. “Is this really about a Christmas tree, or is it about unconscious bias and privilege?”

Larson said she then ordered them to decorate with more focus on “other cultural celebrations like Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Posadas Navideñas, and Bodhi Day.” A lot of people celebrate Christmas that are not necessarily “Christian”. And since when did Hannukkah become a non-religious holiday. I do not believe in a “war on Christmas” such as it is, but there are people who would be happy if there was no Christmas. I also wonder how many of them refuse holiday pay or a Christmas bonus check when they receive it.


Festivus for the rest of us.


I celebrate Festivus all year long-- especially the Airing of Grievances.


“I do not believe in a “war on Christmas” such as it is, but there are people who would be happy if there was no Christmas.” There are people that would be happy if cats wore coats. I’m so tired of Christians trying to play the victim constantly over every single perceived affront.


Airing grievances and chasing them with a tall cold one? :smile:

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I do not believe there is a war on Christmas either. But some people do seem to take a great deal of pleasure trying to spoil someone else’s good time. And when you consider several of our “better” holidays and time away from work are based around “religious occasions” I doubt if many "unbelievers would want to give up days off with pay or “Christmas” bonuses. Ya’ll have a goodern.

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I think it’s equivalent to “have a good one”. I’ve heard the oldsters say it before, but more like “goodun”. All the cool kids are saying it now, along with “ermagerd”.


Have a GOOD ONE, a good day. Just old country speechin Anglish. :smile:

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I ain’t worrying about no war on Christ, Christianity or Christmas. They already kill’em once & he came back. But I’m in trouble if war breaks out on bad English.


I speaks Anglish like a second language. Raised in the country and can speak “country” but have also studied and acted in Shakespeare. I’m confused.

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Quite obviously

Feats of Strength is the best… it’s always the same guy crying every year… (the cadet.)


Interesting read. I feel certain some may not agree with this but for goodness sake, what does “celebrating Christmas” hurt? My friend Shabir wished me a Merry Christmas and I told him to have a Good Ramadan. I didn’t know any Jewish people at the time, but I would have wished them a Happy Hannukah. Remember, a school system in Oregon said it was not okay to celebrate a “religious holiday” but Hannukah was okay to celebrate. Hannukah is NOT a religious holiday? Must not be any Jews in Oregon to enlighten them. Nuff said.

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sailors are probably the most agnostic bunch there are but I suspect any thinking person has to acknowledge the 2,000+ year war on Jesus is alive and well.


I would prefer that the commercial celebration of Christmas (i.e. the advertising and shopping) hold off until a week after Thanksgiving, instead of slowly moving towards a few days after Halloween.


My favorite is, “Happy Chaka Khan!” - Dennis Wolfberg


It would suit this sailor to remove religion from any discussion or decision. It’s a personal matter.