[QUOTE=captaint76;150931]Be our guest to move over there at any time you see fit. We won’t try to stop you.[/QUOTE]
wouldn’t matter if I did because I would still be here to give people like you fits…
[QUOTE=captaint76;150931]Be our guest to move over there at any time you see fit. We won’t try to stop you.[/QUOTE]
wouldn’t matter if I did because I would still be here to give people like you fits…
[QUOTE=c.captain;150932]wouldn’t matter if I did because I would still be here to give people like you fits…[/QUOTE]
Now that’s too true and too funny -
[QUOTE=Jetryder223;150933]Now that’s too true and too funny -[/QUOTE]
I’ve used this one before but I pride myself for if nothing else, being of great entertainment value to all you unwashed soldiers here
and like any good comedy…if it is too soft and gentle, it ain’t very entertaining!
[QUOTE=c.captain;150875]what are you new here? of course I am a liberal Democrat and proud of that even in the midst of a pack of conservative Republican wolves. I have principles and stand by them always and if you call me a socialist I am not insulted by you. I despise the disparity of wealth in this nation which piles mountains of privilege upon the very few at the expense of the many. The level of poverty in the US is criminal and something we all should consider our great shame as was slavery and segregation before. That a nation with so much inherent wealth as ours cannot provide even a basic level of comfort to all is terrible. I believe greatly in the distribution of wealth through a steeply progressive system of taxation which was once something which worked but through decades of control of the Congress and Administrations by corporations and the rich, has been eroded away to where both corporations and the owning class have become immune to paying their share of support to ALL the people. I despise that social programs have further been eroded to provide more and more to huge defense contractors and other parasite interests which now are getting mountains of support in Federal spending priorities. The people of the USA are thrown under the bus by our leaders to reward their handlers. But I waste every word I write on people like you since you only care for yourself as do most others here. I know I hold a minority opinion in this place but know that does not matter one bit to me because I have convictions of my core beliefs and others who decry me will not stop me from speaking to them.
This obscene Wally 118 is nothing but a great striking symbol of how the wealthy have co-opted this land. Something utterly useless to the people but just another fabulous playtoy for some Silicon Valley billionaire to show off to all his other megarich friends and to get all that pussy his tremendous wealth entitles him to!
But you must be one of the megarich yourself I guess which is why you think something so WRONG is so RIGHT! Do you have yours?
See the above and EFF EWE TWO!
The US government has tried to do exactly wha you wish would take place. It was called WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS and GOVERNMENT HOUSING. And that worked out just grand didn’t it?
[QUOTE=Saltine;150944]The US government has tried to do exactly wha you wish would take place. It was called WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS and GOVERNMENT HOUSING. And that worked out just grand didn’t it?[/QUOTE]
So let me guess that because these programs are flawed, the entire social welfare safety net for those in poverty needs to be scrapped and the poor thrown under a huge bus so some 30 something hedge fund billionaire can have his grandiose gas turbine powered penis?
What most socialist/socialist like thinkers don’t realize is if you tax the working man enough to give it all to those who don’t work. Eventually the working man becomes one who doesn’t work also. This has been proven time and time again.
If someone has no desire to go earn their living like I and many others then no they don’t deserve the same things as me. Nor should I be over taxed on those things to appease the broke and lazy. Everyone in this country has the same opportunities as each other.
I come from generations of hard working people who only have what they’ve worked for. Not handouts. I love offshore race boats. The only reason I can even afford one is because I know how to work on them. So I buy older and cheaper and work on it myself. I’m fine with this. I’m not mad at the guys who can spend 300k to a million or more on them. Without those people there are no older used ones for me to purchase.
Point being, go out, get a job and work for what you want. I do this and am completely satisfied with my life. Far from rich but have enough to do the things I enjoy because I go out and work for it not wait for it to be handed to me.
Actually there is a point in our history where people were ashamed to be on welfare and food stamps. It was for “temporary” loss of income. Now it’s just a source of income. Huge difference.
[QUOTE=c.captain;150945]So let me guess that because these programs are flawed, the entire social welfare safety net for those in poverty needs to be scrapped and the poor thrown under a huge bus so some 30 something hedge fund billionaire can have his grandiose gas turbine powered penis?[/QUOTE]
No, not at all. But what has been done to curve or fix this problem? Nothing, because too many liberal votes depend on keeping these people with entitlements.
I’m not a republican vs liberal type of guy but the fix that us common citizens want will never happen in my opinion.
[QUOTE=Gofast;150946]What most socialist/socialist like thinkers don’t realize is if you tax the working man enough to give it all to those who don’t work. Eventually the working man becomes one who doesn’t work also. This has been proven time and time again. [/QUOTE]
Can’t you get it through you dense skull that I am not talking about taxing the WORKING man but taxing the RICH FUCKS WHO DO NOT WORK! I am talking about people who’s life is all about acquiring and building WEALTH! THE FUCKING ONE PERCENT!
[QUOTE=Gofast;150947]Actually there is a point in our history where people were ashamed to be on welfare and food stamps. It was for “temporary” loss of income. Now it’s just a source of income. Huge difference.[/QUOTE]
Didn’t Bill Clinton who is a Democrat make sweeping reforms to that system back in the 90’s? Something called “Welfare to Work” if memory serves me?
Yes scrap it all. Make them preform some kind of community service for their handout or make them go to a trade school.
I was at the grocery store earlier today and the woman in front of me was buying sodas, ice cream, and chips. She was wearing brand new timberland boots, a north face jacket, gold jewelry, and walked out to a fairly new Nissan Pathfinder. Yet she paid with an EBT card. The amount of fraud in the system is unbelievable. Its sickening that I have to work hard for what I have and yet these leaches are given it.
I could give a shit less about the uber rich, they earned their money one way or another. (sure cut the corporate welfare too) The real privileged class is the welfare class. Money for nothing, chips for free.
[QUOTE=Saltine;150948]No, not at all. But what has been done to curve or fix this problem? Nothing, because too many liberal votes depend on keeping these people with entitlements.
I’m not a republican vs liberal type of guy but the fix that us common citizens want will never happen in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
Then you are further derailing an already derailed thread…Federal programs are wasteful!..tel us something we do not already know for Christ’s sake!
[QUOTE=Bayrunner;150950]I could give a shit less about the uber rich, they earned their money one way or another. (sure cut the corporate welfare too) The real privileged class is the welfare class.[/QUOTE]
that is the most ICE COLD MEAN HEARTED SON OF A BITCH statement if one was ever made!
what if someone you cared about was poor…you want them living in their car? No, you take them in. Well why does it have to be different for people you don’t know? ANSWER ME THAT!
MY GOD! I cannot believe for the life of me how many RICH LOVERS and POOR HATERS infest this place!
Here’s an answer…let’s just put all the poor Americans into concentration camps where they can make cheap toys to send to China! The pennies they make can pay for the gruel they are fed! The ones with talent can build MEGA YACHTS for the MEGA RICH and also clean their toilets! TRICKLE DOWN Y’ALL!
This is the truth
I’m cold hearted too. Nothing has been handed to me. I have worked for everything. These “poor” losers running around with ebt cards, rent paid, pop out another kid add some more cash, Obama phones is a flipping joke! I still see help wanted signs every single day of my life. Until they no longer exist I have no sympathy for the “poor” living on the tax payers money.
My income is already in escalated brackets so yes it affects me too. I’m all for shortening tax code and flat taxing every single income level the same percentage. At that point the more we make we would pay more but not a higher percentage for working harder, being smarter and warning higher wages. That’s just criminal.
[QUOTE=Gofast;150952]This is the truth[/QUOTE]
and I am DAMNED sure you and your family live comfortably…DID YOU EVER WONDER FOR A SECOND WHAT LIFE IS LIKE FOR THOSE WHO DON’T?
[QUOTE=Gofast;150953]I’m cold hearted too.[/QUOTE]
So you answer the same question for me will you? Someone you care for is living in their car…do you leave them there? Now why is that different for someone you do not know?
My heart bleeds for them, they can get a job like everyone else though. If they have an actual condition that keeps them from working then sure, they need the help, but if they are able to buy new shoes and drive new cars and smoke cigarettes and get tattoos then they arent so bad off they cant work.
[QUOTE=Bayrunner;150955]My heart bleeds for them,[/QUOTE]
that I very seriously doubt
If someone in my family is down on their luck they will receive help from the entire family. If they abuse that help they will get nothing more.
Survival of the fittest. Go Darwin! Nope I wouldn’t leave my family out in the cold. However my family doesn’t have those issues because we all work for a living. Yes I’ve always had a roof over my head and necessities but only because my parents worked for a living and instilled that in me.
Again I say everyday. Help wanted signs. Until they no longer exist then I have no sympathy. I agree a true medical condition that prevents a person from working regularly deserves disability. Not fat people. GET A DAMN JOB!
Oh yeah and don’t even start the minimum wage thing as minimum wage jobs were never intended to support a family. If you can’t afford yourself you have absolutely no business having kids. Minimum wage jobs such as McDonald’s are meant for high school and college kids to have some money in their pockets not raise a family. So that crying ass rhetoric does nothing for me either.
In this country the general population is so damn out of touch with reality it’s unbelievable. I personally won’t have kids because this soft, politically correct, crybaby ass society is becoming such a joke in my lifetime, I certainly wouldn’t purposely subject another human being into it.
Watch the movie idiocracy, I can absolutely see this country heading that direction
let’s take this up a notch now shall we?
it is 2035 and the poor in America who now make up 80% of the population are hungry and angry at the Government and the wealthy. They manage to get weapons and march to overthrow a system by force which is making them to live in hunger and squalor while the wealthy live in walled compounds with armed security.
Now tell me each and every one of you 2nd Amendment goosestepping disciples…should the police and troops gun them down in the street?
YES! YES! YES! This exactly!!!