The Bat Boat?

I saw this parked in San Francisco today. Anyone know what it is?:

Probably Sea Shepherds, hahaha!

Wally 118 - gas turbines and all!


Wow, Bruce Wayne has out done himself :wink:

[QUOTE=RichMadden;150860]Wally 118 - gas turbines and all![/QUOTE]


If this doesn’t prove that the rich have too much…NOTHING DOES!

The jealousy thing gets really old dude.

[QUOTE=captaint76;150865]The jealousy thing gets really old dude.[/QUOTE]


btw, how many private jets and gas turbine powered speedboats do you own?

why any man who works for his living believes the mega rich deserve their livestyles of opulence goes beyond all comprehension. Do you think you are going to be that rich someday yourself and don’t want someone like me telling you to pay more taxes or pay your workers more? Is that it? Well, you will never be rich like they are and in the meantime, millions go hungry or without homes…is that a fair and equitable society for all? You make big money in the offshore…you are lucky! What about people who work a full year and don’t get in twelve months what you get in one? I am proud to live in the State with the highest minimum wage in the US…we believe in fairness and equitable treatment. What does the South believe in…the lowest wages in the entire nation!

recently I was visiting relatives who at the time I was in their home were watching some HGTV show where a filthy rich ASSHOLE wanted a vacation house in Telluride. His budget was $4MILLION DOLLARS for a house he was planning to use two FUCKING weeks a year! And he was PISSED that his $4M only got him an older 2500 square foot home…he thought he should have more. It turned out that most houses there were over $7M! Because of all the megarich PUKES who flock in and bid up the prices because they are so FUCKING flush with cash to spend. In the end, even he ponied up another $2M like it barely effected his accounts. I was sickened and had to leave the room…IT IS NOT RIGHT FOR SO FEW HAVES AND SO MANY HAVE NOTS!


I’ve struggled and really couldn’t care less what anyone else has. I have everything that I want. I’ve worked hard to make certain of that. What someone else has or likes makes not the first moment of difference in my life.

RE: ''you make big money in offshore""
After you’ve ‘been around’ a while you learn what a person earns they usually pay a price for. This price may be extracted here and now or in the hereafter but they’ll pay…eventually. As for making big money offshore because of LUCK? That’s patented BS! It’s earned and the wages are for the most part established by ‘‘socialist’’ unions.
Eventually the world may become EQUAL and then we can all have equal wages, equal housing, equal cars, equal telephones, clothing, food, hobbies, you know… like how it works in Russia?

You must be a liberal. So worried about everyone else but does nothing but bitch about how the rich shouldn’t be so rich and I would bet your contributions to the poor equals $0. If you don’t like the rich, build your own company and give away all your profits.

Old a$$ crybaby. Lol. I’m fine with the ultra rich having theirs. I get to have mine and not worry about dopes like you trying to reach in my pocket. No I will never be that rich but I like having what I have that I’ve worked for. Damn socialist

[QUOTE=Number360;150873]You must be a liberal. So worried about everyone else but does nothing but bitch about how the rich shouldn’t be so rich and I would bet your contributions to the poor equals $0. If you don’t like the rich, build your own company and give away all your profits.[/QUOTE]

what are you new here? of course I am a liberal Democrat and proud of that even in the midst of a pack of conservative Republican wolves. I have principles and stand by them always and if you call me a socialist I am not insulted by you. I despise the disparity of wealth in this nation which piles mountains of privilege upon the very few at the expense of the many. The level of poverty in the US is criminal and something we all should consider our great shame as was slavery and segregation before. That a nation with so much inherent wealth as ours cannot provide even a basic level of comfort to all is terrible. I believe greatly in the distribution of wealth through a steeply progressive system of taxation which was once something which worked but through decades of control of the Congress and Administrations by corporations and the rich, has been eroded away to where both corporations and the owning class have become immune to paying their share of support to ALL the people. I despise that social programs have further been eroded to provide more and more to huge defense contractors and other parasite interests which now are getting mountains of support in Federal spending priorities. The people of the USA are thrown under the bus by our leaders to reward their handlers. But I waste every word I write on people like you since you only care for yourself as do most others here. I know I hold a minority opinion in this place but know that does not matter one bit to me because I have convictions of my core beliefs and others who decry me will not stop me from speaking to them.

This obscene Wally 118 is nothing but a great striking symbol of how the wealthy have co-opted this land. Something utterly useless to the people but just another fabulous playtoy for some Silicon Valley billionaire to show off to all his other megarich friends and to get all that pussy his tremendous wealth entitles him to!

But you must be one of the megarich yourself I guess which is why you think something so WRONG is so RIGHT! Do you have yours?

[QUOTE=Gofast;150874]Old a$$ crybaby. Lol. I’m fine with the ultra rich having theirs. I get to have mine and not worry about dopes like you trying to reach in my pocket. No I will never be that rich but I like having what I have that I’ve worked for. Damn socialist[/QUOTE]

See the above and EFF EWE TWO!


What happened to the good old days when we used to keel haul communists?

Read between the lines of c.captain’s guff and what it comes down to is he ain’t getting laid.

[QUOTE=Flyer69;150877]Read between the lines of c.captain’s guff and what it comes down to is he ain’t getting laid.[/QUOTE]

I don’t think Quint would approve of the Wally as well nor would he need one either…

So, getting laid is the solution to “us” subsidizing the rich and the corps, is it? How do you justify the tax breaks that the rich and the corps get while you pay taxes through your nose, whereas the rich and the corps don’t? You think that it’s ok for a Walmart or a Boeing or a GE or an Apple to get off from parking their monies offshore, not paying taxes in USA and still claiming a tax rebate, while their CEO’s get obscenely paid for circumventing the taxes and their workers are subsidized by YOUR taxes. Do some research and you’ll find out how the Walmart/McDonalds/etc workers are being subsidized by your taxes, not to mention that more and more members of the US Armed Forces are being subsidized by our taxes, while the Walmarts, Boeing and other corps with their CEOs, including the MICs, are laughing all the way to the banks. So, now who’s getting laid and who’s being paid to get laid?

Another thing, I find quite amusing on this forum is that MOST members on this forum are anti-union, while quaintly forgetting that their employers are members of US Chamber of Commerce as also the industry/region/state specific chamber of commerce. How do you laid, anti-union members of this forum view this membership as? A yearly membership fee is paid as well as a policy specific “donation” for lobbying aka “bribes”, just as union members do. So, what’s the difference between an organization which officially calls itself an Union and works for its membership plus overall, for the good of the larger society versus an organization calling itself a “chamber of commerce” which ONLY works for the good of its member corporates and against the tax payer? Both, at the end of the day, work for their members. Why is it ok for you laid, anti-union members of this forum to deride unions & the seafaring members, but is ok for your employers to have their “Unions”, working against the industry as well as the country overall?

You’re getting laid aka fucking, right? Yet, you’re subsidizing the rich and the corps. WHY?

The way I see it, you, me & us are being fucked.

For Christ’s sake. Here we go again with these personal attacks and petty name calling.

No, I’m not going after popcorn. I’m changing the channel.

C Capt; I admire your tenacity. I always say it takes a lot of something to cling to the democrat platform these days. No doubt there was a day when your Ideal would work, and rightly so, I can agree. but it has been corrupted and it can not be gotten right with the current mindset in charge…witness Detroit who has voted demo for thirty plus years. further, the amount of money the govt. extracts from the people, yes, via corporate tax also, is actually driving money out of the country along with industry. It is futile to argue minutia with you but I think you would agree a person should be entitled to what he earns on his own merit by the sweat of his brow unfortunately this last statement seems increasingly contrary thinking these days. You might consider a alternative propaganda channel?

  1. The liberal of today was the Republican of yesterday. By today’s standards, Ike and the current GOP deity Raygun, would be considered liberals. Reagan, in his lifetime, raised taxes several times over. Instead of changing channels, how about you guys rethink labels and their end effect? Why is it that a person who sees the forest for a tree is a liberal, hence to be derided, while the person who selfishly looks only for the tree aka himself is a “right” thinking person? Pun intended.

  2. Detroit: So, a Dem govt; gets blamed while the car cos. who did not see and/or anticipate the changing consumer tastes and did not retool against the overwhelming Japanese cheap and economical imports as well as designs gets a free pass? Since, when it did become incumbent on the US union and the state govt to force the US co to change its ways? Do the US union get a seat on the board as compared to the unions abroad and get a voice in management decisions? E.g. BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes, etc. Was it the Dem govt and/or the Union responsible for the US car manufacturers to keep producing expensive, gas guzzlers while the buyers preferred more economical, stylish and cheaper cars?

c.captain for all his abusive rhetoric has a lot of truth + facts in most of his posts. If you want to argue minutia, then get down to facts and economics and sadly, facts will overwhelm rhetoric + home taught economics.

  1. A person should be entitled to what he earns by his own merit, but outdated ideology should not get in the way and blind him to the fact that the “job creators” are getting away by lobbying through their unions aka chambers of commerce for tax breaks, etc while he, the tax payer, is taking over more than his share of burden. E.g.: Oil prices are down and hence, you get laid off. Market reaction, right? Who pays for your unemployment and after laying you off, why is it that the so called “job creator” still gets to avail of his tax benefit? He got it because he promised employment and that’s why the tax earner aka you gave him that tax benefit. So, his profits are his own while his losses are to be socialized? Bottom line: If there is business, you get employed and if there is none, you get fired. Tax benefits or no tax benefits. So, why do you want to support that tax loophole for the employer who just fired you while you get none, inspite ratio wise, you are paying more ?

[QUOTE=jimrr;150882]C Capt; I admire your tenacity. I always say it takes a lot of something to cling to the democrat platform these days. No doubt there was a day when your Ideal would work, and rightly so, I can agree. but it has been corrupted and it can not be gotten right with the current mindset in charge…[/QUOTE]

thanks for this…all I wrote was a one line about the rich having too much and suddenly the entire planet started to spin in the opposite direction. People here should know enough that I will defend my beliefs regardless and I care nothing if it makes a few pissed off at me. As far as politics are concerned, this forum is the last place it should become a focus and I will refrain from anything further in that vein. I blame everyone in power be they red or blue.

now if the rest of you want to say how awesome a Wally 118 is then have at it…my point is made and you can have a great mutual masturbation session here.