I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on becoming a Surface Warfare Officer. And every time I get on a forum about SWO life everyone says that hated it or know someone who did hate it. They speak of long hours, hard quals, and lots of responsibilities. I couldn’t believe it. But then I started to think, maybe that’s because most officers that go SWO, never really had a “nack” for sailing and didn’t really know what they were getting into.
A little about myself, I am a senior at a state maritime academy, recently passed my 3rd mates license exam. I will be graduating in Dec. and have been leaning toward re-enlisting In to the navy as a SWO. I just wonder if life as a SWO could really be that bad, I don’t think I would have to much trouble getting qualed for my navigation watches. Also, how I should go about putting in a package for OCS, or DCO. (Probably should speak to a recruiter)
If anyone has taken either one of these paths to becoming a SWO and could advise me in this process I would really appreciate it.