Stowaways Cross Atlantic on Rudder

Assuming of course that Congress would approve a return to hard labor in prison and that the ACLU would let it slide.

Just couple of many analyses of the issue.

Delivering decades old articles with a straight face. You can’t fix delusional

When history is defined as delusion, who is delusional?

You’re delusional when you support destructive policies and politicians so inept and beffuddled that they chose to live with the result of horrible decisions made decades ago and allow people to waste away and die in the streets.

In developed countries long term homeless people are generally un-homeable due to drink and drug. They can’t be homed because they will ruin the housing when they are off their face on drink and drugs.

The homeless drug problem in the USA is in large part created by Doctors and Dentists who prescribe too many opioids. Other developed countries have much sticker criteria for who gets prescribed opioids, but in America opioids are dished out like candy by medical staff looking to make more money, but in doing so they create drug addicts.

There’s that word again, crony capitalism. Nothing to see here, move along folks…

Thanks for the articles. I have read both and still didn’t find much to blame on Ronny.
He took office in 1967 after legislation was passed and 50% of the hospitalized were already on the street with no way to rehospitalize them. It is a real stretch to blame him for something passed by the elected officials in Sacramento. Maybe we could thank ol Pat for the problem.

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Pointing fingers at past shot callers is a waste of time. It’s like blaming Lyndon Johnson for the current state of the economic plantation. Yeah, he put pen to paper but neither political “party” has lifted a finger to fix the disastrous consequences.

How absolutely awful your circumstances must be hop on the rudder of a ship to escape it. If you showed this to all those homeless folks you all are talking about, they would probably feel sorry for those 2.

In the change your paradigm mode.

Especially when the questions are about the less fortunate, we may be asking the wrong question. The question we always ask is " how do we pay for it " , according to at least one way of looking at it, the right question might be “should we do it, and can we do it”.

Dr. Kelton does a great job of explaining this from an MMT perspective here. If you like to try an see things from a different angle.


Back to stowaways-on-rudder problem:
Simple fix, not requiring time machines or social engineering.
Check the rudder before departure.

(Note: I’m going out on a limb and say this wasn’t the first time somebody tried to stowaway on top of a rudder. It’s just may have been first time they made it…)

Champion Pula 2020

Alithini II 2022.

Both Lagos to Las Palmas.


It’s neither. It’s been a known place to check for many years.

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The term is not used in the OP but it sound like the stowaways were hiding in the rudder trunk.