STCW new USCG rules

It looks like engineers will soon have the same type burdens regarding endless training courses that deck officers now have. You can see the discussion here:

The rules for engineers have significant changes regarding the license structure. It is a huge document, but is summarized in the chart on page 253.

[QUOTE=bluejay;21163]It looks like engineers will soon have the same type burdens regarding endless training courses that deck officers now have. You can see the discussion here:

The rules for engineers have significant changes regarding the license structure. It is a huge document, but is summarized in the chart on page 253.[/QUOTE]
I am just getting into the maritime business. I spent the first 18 years of my life on charter boats and headboats and would like to get back on the water in the GOM working on a supply/crew boat. I have a 50 ton master cpt,FA_CPR,TOWING CERT,RADIO CERT, Towing CERT, Twic, MM-OS. Can anyone help out an older guy in great shape --what other certificates I need to acquire or which i need to get on the water and start getting some seatime.!! Do I need an AB or QMED and if I had The Safety Cert Would that help? I am willing to start as a deckhand if anyone has any contacts. Help!! Thanks Tomo

Ill be the first to adviseā€¦

start reading here. All your questions are here in detail.
Have fun