STCW Codes

I can’t seem to find the thread discussing stcw codes. I know there was a discussion a month or so ago.
I have II/2 and IV/2 on mine. What does this mean? Where can I work. I don’t want to apply to jobs I am not qualified for.
I have 1600 / 3000 Ton Master Oceans and Unlimited Master of Tow.
Any helpful advice appreciated. Any smartass comments keep to yourself.

these might be of interest…

**the “code” II/2 denotes master/CM/management and the IV/2 GMDSS training/certification.

thank you seadawg. very helpfull

If you go to the CG Homeport page just as if you were trying to track the progress of your documents, but go to the credential verification and do a single mariner search of your self. Your codes come up with the explanation along side of it. Hint, the reference number is your Merchant number

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VI/2: Proficient in the use of survival craft, rescue boats and fast rescue
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thank you skycowboy. I will have to check mine. i don’t have the basic safety code or the lifeboat/survival craft code printed on mine. but i should have it. is that included in the master/chief mate code?


suggest you “click on” and read through the following thread…might be beneficial??

Yes, some what beneficial; some what more confused.
I think the reason my MMC is only listing II/2 and IV/2 is that you can not get a 1600 / 300 ITC Ton Master in the US without having advanced firefighting, and already having served in the capacity of RFPNW.

But they did not print the BST or lifeboatman/survival craft on mine.

I dont have med or vso yet.

You would think that no matter where you sail that II/2 would be inclusive of II/1 and II/4.

I may plan on working overseas sometime so I may have to get VI/2, VI/1, VI/3 added to my MMC. They were current as of my STCW change over to the MMC. I saved my old STCW 1995 sheet just in case they some how “lose” or "forget’ that I took those classes and am current.

I still have to take VSO and Med Care Provider or MedPic classes to get those added. I know those are required of officers of 3rd mate and above.

I am just now realizing the new system I think. It took me long enough to figure out what I had to make sure they printed right on my old stcw let alone this new code system.

I guess I have to apply to the NMC to have these codes added? Do I send in MMC or do they just print a new one?

I havn’t seen Lifeboatman on my MMD or my stcw in quite awhile. I had it at one time when I was AB Unlimited. It used to say it on one of my old MMD’s. I am assuming this will grandfather as VI/2?

I am not sure if I should have II/1 and II/4 added. Seems kind of repetitive. Is this what overseas employers want to see in addition to II/2?
thanks again


hope this doesn’t add to the confusion??

[quote=Mike Bolinger;23522]Yes, some what beneficial; some what more confused…not to worry the NMC appears to be more confused about the STCW than most mariners.
I think the reason my MMC is only listing II/2 and IV/2 is that you can not get a 1600 / 300 ITC Ton Master in the US without having advanced firefighting, and already having served in the capacity of RFPNW…NMC likes to the term “inherent to your document”

But they did not print the BST or lifeboatman/survival craft on mine…as of 9/09 they began printing all applicable endorsements on the new “credential”.

I dont have med or vso yet…believe if you work on a vessel with a IMO# you may need them.

You would think that no matter where you sail that II/2 would be inclusive of II/1 and II/4…while those endorsements are “inherent” you might want them noted as well.

I may plan on working overseas sometime so I may have to get VI/2, VI/1, VI/3 added to my MMC. They were current as of my STCW change over to the MMC. I saved my old STCW 1995 sheet just in case they some how “lose” or "forget’ that I took those classes and am current.

I still have to take VSO and Med Care Provider or MedPic classes to get those added. I know those are required of officers of 3rd mate and above.

I am just now realizing the new system I think. It took me long enough to figure out what I had to make sure they printed right on my old stcw let alone this new code system.

I guess I have to apply to the NMC to have these codes added? Do I send in MMC or do they just print a new one?..sent copy of MMC and they issued an “insert” for the additional endorsements.

I havn’t seen Lifeboatman on my MMD or my stcw in quite awhile. I had it at one time when I was AB Unlimited. It used to say it on one of my old MMD’s. I am assuming this will grandfather as VI/2?..might want that noted as well.

I am not sure if I should have II/1 and II/4 added. Seems kind of repetitive. Is this what overseas employers want to see in addition to II/2?..if you work in one of those capacities those endorsements maybe required.
thanks again

Mike B.

[I]“I still have to take VSO and Med Care Provider or MedPic classes to get those added. I know those are required of officers of 3rd mate and above.”
While great to have, VSO and MedPIC aren’t required per se…

Has anyone here had [I][B]Crisis Management & Human Behavior[/B][/I] or [B][I]Crowd Management [/I][/B]added to their MMC. I submitted my course certificates with my last renewal/upgrade but neither was added to my MMC. When I queried my evaluator about it she told me: " if I was on that type of vessel just carry the certificates with me".

Wasn’t one of the selling points of the MMC to consolidate all our stuff into one handy passport sized book?

if you believe all of what the NMC claims have I got a real estate deal for you…from my perspective, the more I try and work with this “new system” the more I feel isolated and the more alienated I become…with their system of “gate keepers” if you have a real question/issue you had better be in good standing with your congressional representatives!!

Dude, i think i have spent more time studing cfr’s and stcw code. Then I have anything related to my career goal/advancement goals.
If this sounds familar; Please respond a simple “Yep sounds familar” or “Yeah I am in that boat too”…Is all that needs to be said.

As Capt_Anonymous likes to say, “the informed mariner is the successful mariner”. Too bad it takes more time to stay informed that it does to work the hours collecting a paycheck.

or study the material required to upgrade