State on State

Now that it is official, direct ballistic launch from Iran to Israel, how will this affect seafarers?
Other than petrol prices increasing, as usual.

This time it was only 180 missiles but the April 14th Iranian attack was over 300 missiles & drones. I’m thinking the Israelis are waiting for enough Iranians to buy new cellphones, bluetooth ear pieces & airpods before they retaliate. No really, I don’t think Israeli will move on Iran until the results would be so meaningful & devastating, the people of Iran will overthrow their own government. Israel will not get into a direct, drawn out war with Iran yet. Just my opinion, could be wrong.

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You are missing my point; no more shadow players, no more indirect action, direct from Point A to Point B.
Really annoying, only half way through the book ‘2034’ and then I was going to read ‘World War 3’ again.
Tick Tock.

Yeah, just like in April when Iran launched more than twice as many. I’m doubtful there will be any effect on mariners this time either.