Been on the mechant freighters 20k~50k DWT range from 2008 ~2010 along the east coast of Somalia, never been detected by pirates, always kept the distance at least 24 miles from the dot that appeared on the radar screen, no matter where the ship’s heading, simply kept the distance…
Once, one dot followed my ship for a day, I do not know what that was, fishng boat ? following ocean frighter with 13~14kots of speed for 20 hours?
We were going backward, circle, in order to keep the distance of 24 miles, beyond the horizon, with no electronic signatures going out from the ship, no AIS, LRIT bullshit…
No lights, all blacked out…
usually calling Mombasa, Dae Es Salaam as discharging ports…found out that the Somal pirates are gobbling up the resort real estates,
from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique…big business men…
Very greedy criminals, sometimes very cruel…
Armed response is the only way to deter the bad guys…
Checked up the possibility of forming the armed guards on the merchant freighter…
There are so many B.S… blah, blah, blah,
Any idea doing that legally?