Sense Of Entitlement

A good Friend works for Honda at their Lincoln, AL Plant. he is one of the top Tool and Die Makers. A couple years ago when Japan had that little problem with a certain power plant, the supply line was just about cut and they had to all but shut down the plant.

Honda offered anyone that wanted to work to come in and do maintenance. This meant Cleaning and Painting the Plant. There were some that felt it was Beneath them to Clean and Paint so they burned any and all of their PTO (Paid Time Off) while hoping that the plant would soon be back up and running. The others, my Friend included, decided to turn to for work and do whatever was needed. Now, this is a guy that is very high paid and respected but he had no problem doing whatever asked and said that if they wanted to pay him his Normal Pay to paint and clean he was their man.

Here is another scenario, Back in the early 90’s two buddies of mine were out of work. One holds a Wide Open Chief’s License, the other a UL Masters License. The Engineer found a Job as a 2nd AE and was happy to be able to take care of his Family. The guy with the Master’s Ticket also took a job as a 2nd Mate, he was on the ship for about a month before he quit! He said that he did not like having to work in a position that he considered “Under” what he Deserved. One guess which one is still sailing.

As a CE, I was never afraid to give a hand cleaning or painting. But these is a line Not to be crossed, Just Because I was willing to “Get Dirty” and work side by side with the AE’s at then end of the day I was still the Boss. Some got it and some did not. The ones that got it were great to work with, the others did not stay around long.

There is a Major Problem in this Country because those Kids that never had to live to learn what it is like to lose, as it is not fair and everyone is a winner, are now all grown up and think that as long as they show up they are Entitled to be paid!

WTF is a “wide open” chief?

[QUOTE=Steamer;160344]WTF is a “wide open” chief?[/QUOTE]

Well one time at a bar in Jacksonville after a few sidecars, maybe one too many, and emeging from the head, my first pointed at my fly and said “wide open chief”. Maybe you know the place? Green door, dirty floor?

Sense of Entitlement? Anyone watch The Deadliest Catch? Josh Harris comes to mind.

[QUOTE=Steamer;160344]WTF is a “wide open” chief?[/QUOTE]

That is what they used to call a UL Chief Engineer Steam and Motor. I first heard this used way back in the 70’s. Does that explain it???

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[QUOTE=cmakin;160347]Sense of Entitlement? Anyone watch The Deadliest Catch? Josh Harris comes to mind.[/QUOTE]

After watching that show, I thought the same thing! He seems like he wants to play Boat Owner and TV Star when he should be spending every minute of the day making sure that the Boat is ready and SAFE!

[QUOTE=Bayrunner;160287]I hear that a symptom of this feeling of entitlement is a large ring on one’s [/QUOTE]

It’s true that some less experienced school guys sometime fail to fully appreciate mariners who advanced using a non-academy path. However some hawespipers have a chip on their shoulder as well and can be as bad or even worse as they consider them selves better for being self-taught.

After many years on the water, I feel entitled to being treated with respect, good pay, good equipment, and minimal silly nonsense.

I hope everyone has taken notice that I am NOT mentioning GoM mariners and KP graduates in this thread?

in fact, I want to stay a thousand miles away from it…

We all know you’re always within striking distance. You mentioned those two groups by saying you hadn’t mentioned them. That statement can be considered your first volley. The most interesting part is you being in one or possibly both groups. I’m going with the latter.

NYAH! Whatta you know? Although symbolically I claim to be from everywhere it is already widely discussed in these circles that I am failed tuba player in the band at KP which is an ugly stigma which haunts me to this day and which has given me a wild bloodlust desire to bring Captain Kenneth R. Force, USMS to his ultimate destruction! Old rage never dies but smoulders deep within waiting for that waft of pure oxygen to burst into consuming flame!

that may or may not be me in the photo…I sure as hell can’t tell!

[QUOTE=Tugs;160348]That is what they used to call a UL Chief Engineer Steam and Motor. I first heard this used way back in the 70’s. Does that explain it???[/QUOTE]

Been one of them for a long time and never heard it before.

How come you call the master unlimited but the chief “wide open”?

Anyone else here familiar with the term?

When I was a wiper on the cruise ship the chief was known as Disco Jimmy. As the name implies he was very wide open.

As a hawsepiper i can say that whenever i work with a younger academy guy i try to make it clear i have nothing against the academy route. It bothers me when hawsepipers have the chip on there shoulder towards the academies. It doesn’t make any sense. If someone is a piece of shit academy or not then treat them accordingly but i hate being associated with hawsepipers who purposely treat academy people like shit for no reason. Its petty and a wreaks of insecurity.

[QUOTE=Fraqrat;160367]We all know you’re always within striking distance. You mentioned those two groups by saying you hadn’t mentioned them. That statement can be considered your first volley. The most interesting part is you being in one or possibly both groups. I’m going with the latter.[/QUOTE]

A little birdie chirped in my ear the other day. You are getting warm.

At one time in my mariner career, I would start work on a vessel and then the USCG inspect was due. Then following hitch a different vessel and then USCG inspect. After a few times I started to wonder what am I the USCG inspect mariner? Or what about this, you get to a vessel and it is a neglected piece of junk. You turn it around, get things painted and looking good , running good. Then you get sent to a different vessel where the process starts all over again. After a few vessels you start to develope a we’ll I am not painting this one or getting it through USCG inspect. Would that be a sense of entitlement ?

et tu Brunhilda?

[QUOTE=c.captain;160372]NYAH! Whatta you know? Although symbolically I claim to be from everywhere it is already widely discussed in these circles that I am failed tuba player in the band at KP which is an ugly stigma which haunts me to this day and which has given me a wild bloodlust desire to bring Captain Kenneth R. Force, USMS to his ultimate destruction! Old rage never dies but smoulders deep within waiting for that waft of pure oxygen to burst into consuming flame!

that may or may not be me in the photo…I sure as hell can’t tell![/QUOTE]

That is one hell of a tuba. It must take a set of lungs to toot that horn.

Oh I’ve known for quite some time. Did you know that yearbooks have been digitized and can be found online?

You have seen how long his posts tend to be right? :wink:

[QUOTE=RespectMyAuthority;160415]That is one hell of a tuba. It must take a set of lungs to toot that horn.[/QUOTE]

You have seen how long his posts tend to be right? :wink: