I just need to get my STWC from Sea School then I will have all the basic cards Twic Card, Z Card and Safegulf card. Do I need experience to go knock on Louisiana I will have all my basic cards. or do I need to go to seafarers International Union Unlicensed Apprentice Program. Which way do I need to go am so ready to work offshore.
Do you want to work in the gulf on supply boats or on larger ships? If you want to work in the gulf, once you have your BST you should be good to start asking around at companies.
I don’t really care I can work on a Supply boat or in the Gulf which ever one that will hire me… The bst is that the STCW or it something else I need to get?
They’re the same thing really. A lot of people just call it “STCW” instead of BST for whatever reason. What interested you in trying to get a job at sea instead of something easier.
Because I see people that work offshore don’t struggle at all and be more successful in life. I won’t me a good paying Career job with great 401k and Benfits and u get paid by the day vs a land job that pay by the hours over work you u have to wait 90 days to get a .25 cent raise. Am stuggleing now so I think that offshore will be a great door opener for me.