
I’m interested in getting my AB, STCW, and 500 Ton Mates License. I have the sea days for each and want as much training and education as I can get.

With that said, I have attended a couple of schools and feel like the instructors know the subject matter inside and out, but that does not mean they can teach. In some cases they look at you like you like your stupid because you don’t get it.

I’m not sure if others have felt the same way or not.

Bottom line which schools on the east coast have you attended that have good instructors.

Thank you for any and all insight/suggestions.

MPT in Fort Lauderdale is one of the best, most efficient, and ultimately more cost effective options.


I’ve been to several schools around the country, including some union ones and if your company does not provide training or have a union school to attend, I would highly recommend Maritime Professional Training in Lauderdale, FL.

They have an AB to Mate program I believe. Also to note: if you can get the OICNW assessments done aboard your current vessel that would save you a lot of cash and time.

Thank you for your insights.